Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "big bang" (post-instruction) generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "big bang." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)
[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]
Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
boom, hot, fast, confusing, isawithappen
huge, new, theory, interesting, stars
beginning, dust, starclusters, galaxies
bigbang, expansion, birthofuniverse, confusing, epic
redshifts antimatter matter CMB nucleosynthesis
finitespeedoflight Hubbletime bigbang CMB noceilings
rapidexpansion redshifts particleaccelerators GeorgeLemaitre
expansion, antimatter, annihilation, nucleosynthesis, reionization
universe start boom show theory
wowzers poof universe life stardust
space, elements, newelements, populationI, populationII
theory TVshow explosion planets God theory religion
explosion, formation, Earth, space, blast
beginning, hot, quick, expansion, awesome
stars, gravity, planets, hydrogen, lightwall
expansion, galaxies, CMB, Hubbletime, antimatter
nobang, backintime, TVshow
lookbacktime, finite, composition, nothing, purehydrogen
annihilation hydrogen reionization nucleosynthesis atoms
expansion, beginning, hot, dense, 14bya
theory, universe, formation, Olbersquestion, Hubbleslaw
beginning CMB expansion deuterium
hot, dense, rapid, expansion, 14bya, hypothesis
matter, mass, energy, rapid, expansion, antimatter
bigbang, Hubbletime, CMB, antimatter, boom
birth, universe
hypothesis, hardtoargueagainst, formationofeverything, hydrogen
expansion, Hubbleslaw, beginning, CMB, lookbacktime
expansion, universe, galaxies, starformation, hot dense
expansion hot dense CMB matter antimatter
beginning, universe, lookbacktime, reionization, stars
bigbang, crazy, dust, space, sweet!
bigbang stars blastoff
starsform, nucleosynthesis, planets, sun, Earth, moon
expansion, gas, dust, infinite, light
beginning spacetime
beginning universe
matter antimatter space gravity energy
explosion, theory, universe, expansion, years
theory, expansion, time, heat, lookbacktime
finite, redshifts, velocity, CMB, expansion
beginning start infinite energy universe
supernova galaxy solarsystem stars
ThomasErak, explosion, theory, TVshow, truth
huge loud dark manystars
expansion, explosion, redshifts, timecurve, lookbacktime
expansion, CMB, lithium, hydrogen, CalvinandHobbes
big, bang, theory, light, expansion
bigbang freakingawesome
nobang expansion theory 14bya matter
time, space, distant, light, spreading
loud, bright, big, bang, me
beginning, 14bya, CMB, fusionsoup, TVshow
1929thebigcrash explosion physics stringtheory evolution
warm, dense, kaboom, universe, matter
bomb, rocksflyinginspace
start, life, mass, TVshow, space
loud, prettycolors, chemicalsreacting, incomprehensible, space
delicious, ultimate, tasty, bigbang
boom, beginning, expansion, belief, power
Previous posts:
- Online reading assignment question: big bang tags (pre-instruction)
(Fall semester 2009). - Online reading assignment question: big bang tags (pre-instruction)
(Spring semester 2010). - Online reading assignment question: big bang tags (pre-instruction)
(Fall semester 2010).
1 comment:
Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 13, Fall Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Student responses (raw, unedited, unconsolidated)
Sections 70158, 70160
kaboom, hotstuff, kindafast, confusing, isawithappen
huge, new, theory, interesting, stars
Bigbang, Expansion, Birthofuniverse, confusing, epic
redshift antimatter matter cosmicmicrowavebackground nucleosynthesis
finitespeedoflight hubbletime bigbang cosmicmicrowavebackground noceilings
rapidexpansion redshifts particleaccelerators georgelemaitre cosmologicaltheory
CosmicExpansion, Antimatter, Annihilation, Nucleosynthesis, Reionization
universe start kaboom show theory
theory tvshow explosion planets god theory religion
Explosion, formation, earth, space, blast.
beginning, hot, quick, expansion, awesome
expandinguniverse, galaxies, cosmicmicrowavebackground, hubbletime, antimatter
notabang, backintime, tvshow
lookbacktime, finite, composition, nothing, purehydrogen
Expansion, beginning, hot, dense, 14billionyearsago
theory, universe, formation, Olber'sQuestion, HubbleLaw
beginning Cosmicmicrowavebackground expansion deuterium
hot, dense, expandedrappidly, 13.7billionyearsago, hypothesis
matter, mass, energy, hyper-expansion, antimatter
Bigbang, Hubbletime. cosmicmicrowavebackground, antimatter, boom
The Birth of the universe!
yettobeproven hardtoargueagianst formationofeverything lotsofhydrogen
Expansion, Hubble'sLaw, TheBeginning, CosmicMicrowaveBackground, Lookbacktime
Expansion, Universe, Galaxies, Starformation, Hotdense
Expansion hot dense cosmic microwave background matter antimatter
beginning, universe, lookbacktime, reionization, stars
bigbang, crazy, dust, sapce, sweet!
big bang star blast off
Starsform, gasescreated, planetsform, sunforms, earthforms, moonforms
Expansion, gas, dust, infinity, light
beginning ofthe universe
Explosion, theory, universe, expansion, years.
theory, expansion, time, heat, lookback
Finite, Redshifts, Velocity, Cosmic Microwave Background, Expansion
beginning start infinite energy universe
expanding, explosion, redshifts, timecurve, lookbacktime
spaceexpanding, CMB, lithium, hydrogen, CalvinandHobbes
big, bang, theory, light, expanding
nobang expansion theory 14billionyearsago allmatter
time, space, distant, light, spreading
loud, bright, big, bang, me
formationoftheuniverse, 13.7billionyearsago, cosmicmicrowavebackground, fusionsoup, tvshow
1929thebigcrash Explosion physics stringtheory evolution
warm, dense, kaboom, universe, matter
start, life, mass, tvshow, space
reallyloud prettycolors chemicalsreacting noncomprehensible inspace
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