Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "big bang" (pre-instruction) generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "big bang." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)
[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]
Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
huge, theory, nosound, dense, hot, theory
theory, formation, hot, dense, cooling, expansion
universe, theory, explosion, bang, longtimeago
explosion, expansion, matter, energy, darkmatter
explosion, creation, energy, mass, time
expansion, 14bya, highdensity, hightemperature, galaxies
Bible, theory, explosion, matter, Smurfberries
explosion, controversy, formationoflife, fromnothingtoeveryhting
Hubbletime, explosion, expansion, redshift, cosmicintensity
timezero, galaxies, universe, expansion, kaboom
expansion, galaxies, CMB, dense, hotgas
universe, creation, theory, explosion, stars
universe, created, random, howdidithappen, cool
theory, universe, explosion, atoms, go
bang, universe, gigantic, cold, compacted
bigexplosion, lotsofstars, lotsofgalaxies, lotsofplanets, lotsofgas
energy, expansion, gas, extremeheat, birth
14bya, highdensity, hightemperature, historicalevent, occurredeverywhere, GeorgesLemaitre
explosion, theory, hot, atoms, universe, galaxies
Hubbletime, cosmic, microwave, background, radiation
big, bang, theory, science, old
TVshow, universe, primevalatom, galaxyclusters, darkmatter
theory, TVshow, Hubbletime, CMB, expansion
angrycreationists, scienceisgod, Ewoks
atoms, explosionstartinglife, universeborn, creationofmatter, creationoftime
escapevelocity, singularity, eventhorizon
bigexplosion, protostars, dust, gas, stardying
creation, new, abundance, explosion, bright
theory, big, bang, explosion, galaxies
theory, creationoftheuniverse
huge, dumb, opinion, horrible, Godbetter
explosion, chaotic, false, bright, huge
big, boom, bang, bomb, blastoffcreatinguniverse
big, bang, me+hat=superman
confusing, interesting, birthofEarth
false, explosion, fire, nodinos
bang, big, theory, happenedrandomly
beginning, spark, life, center, boom
big, collision, formation, life, truth?
evolution, explosion, birthofEarth, basicelements, suddenexistenceoflife
starttime, beginning, kaboom, large, expansion
hydrogen, stars, formation, huge, theory
expandinguniverse, highdensity, temperature, Hubble, CMB
formation, theory, hydrogen, explosion, light
creation, universe, start, huge, all
bigbang, theory, hardtograsp, wheredidtheycomeupwiththis?, interesting
universe, cosmicinflation, photons, redshift, radiation
galaxies, CMB, antimatter, redshift, hotgas
beginning, cosmologicaltheory, GeorgesLemaitre, redshift, particleaccelerators
kaboom, planetscolliding, explosion, fireworks, TVshow
highdensity, hightemperature, galaxies
bang, bang, bang, bang, bang
universe, shifts, galaxies, temperature, particles
hotanddense, expandedrapidly, 14bya, redshift, spiralnebula
theory, God, explosion, first, beginning
dinosaurs, Earth, meteor, destruction, extinction
beginning, truth, veryveryveryveryhot, universe, awesome
theory, universe, stars, explosion, planets
beginning, universe, formation, cosmologicaltheory, development
universe, start, creation, explosion, TVshow
nice, beautiful, universal, explosion, fireworks
atheism, bang, creation, advanced, explosion
nothing, explosion, expansion, dust, stars
beginning, universe, explosion, existence, theory
14bya, cosmicbackgroundradiation, hotdensegas, appearstobe2.7K, didnotoccuratasingleplace
Previous posts:
- Online reading assignment question: big bang tags
(Fall semester 2009). - Online reading assignment question: big bang tags
(Spring semester 2010).
1 comment:
Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 11, Fall Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Student responses (raw, unedited, unconsolidated)
Sections 70158, 70160
starttime, beginning, KABOOM!, large, expansion
hydrogen,stars,formation , huge, theory
expandinguniverse, highdensity, temperature, Hubble, cosmicmicrowave background
creation theuniverse start huge all
bigbang, theory, hardtograsp, wheredidtheycomeupwiththis?, interesting
universe cosmicinflation photons redshift radiation
galaxies cosmicmicrowavebackground antimatter redshift hotgas
thebeginning cosmologicaltheory georgeslemitre redshifts particleaccelerators
Kaboom!, planetscolliding, explosion, fireworks, televisionshow.
high-density, high-temperature, galaxies
universe, shifts, galaxies, temperature, particles
hotanddense, expandedrapidly, 13.7billionyearsago, redshifts, spiralnebula.
theory god explosion firstday beginning
dinosaurs, earth, meteor, destruction, extinction.
beginning, truth, veryveryveryveryhot, universe, awesome
theroy, universe, stars, exploded, planets
beginning, universe, formation, cosmologicaltheory, developement
universe, start, creation, explosion, tvshow
nice, beautiful, universal, explosion, firework,
atheism bang creation advanced explosive
14billonyearsago, CMB, hotdensegas, appearstobe2.7K, didnotoccuratasingleplace
Theory, formationofuniverse, hotanddense, cooling, expanding
explosion, expansion, matter, energy, dark matter
explosion, creation, energy, mass, time
Expansionoftheuniverse, 14billionyearsago, highdensity, hightemperature, galaxies
hubbletime, explosion, expand, redshift, cosmicintensity
timezero, galaxies, universe, expansion, Ka-Boom
Expanding universe, galaxies, cosmic microwave background, dense hot gas
universe creation theory explosion stars
universe, created, random, howdidithappen, cool
theory, universe, explosion, atoms, GO
bigexplosion, lotsofstars, lotsofgalaxies, lotsofplanets, lotsofgas
Energy, Expansion, gas, extremeheat, birth
14billionyearsago, highdensityandtemperature, historicalevent, occurredeverywhere, GeorgesLemaitre
hubbletime,cosmic, microwave, background, radiation.
big, bang, theory, science, old
The tv show,universe,primeval atom,galaxy clusters,Dark Matter
theory, tvshow, hubbletime, cosmicmicrowavebackground, expansion
angrycreationists, scienceisgod, ewoks
atoms explosionstartinglife universeborn creationofmatter creationoftime
escapevelocity, singularity, eventhorizon
bigexplosion protostars dust&gas stardieing
creation, new, abundance, explosion, and brightness
theory, big, bang, explosion, galaxies
Huge, dumb, opinion, horrible, Godbetter
explosion chaotic false bright huge
big,booming,banging,bomb,blastoff creating universe.
big, bang, me+hat=superman
confusing, interesting, birthoftheearth.....
big, collision, formation, life, truth?
nothing toset itinmotion besides god
evolution, explosion, beginningofearth, basicelements, suddenexistenceoflife
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