Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "big bang" generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA ( Compare with similar results from Fall semester 2009.
Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "big bang." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)
[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]
Student responses
Sections 30674, 30676
myspace, facebook
averyloundsound, boom
theory, nonreligious, beginningoftime
notime, blackhole, infinitedensity, point, beginning
God, stars, theory, big, boom
explosion, fun, glitter, hot, curious
evolution, stars, universe, life, creation
bang, star, space, moon, screw
formationofhelium, universebegan, expandingdough, rasinbread, hotgas
atoms, theory, formation, television, God
stars, blackhole, universe, galaxy, bright
paradox, cosmology, expandinguniverse, FredHoyle, sciencefiction, TVshow
boom, universe, GeorgesLemaitre, blackbodycurve, redshift
theory, universe, explosion, expanding, space
scary, hot, end, beginning, future
higgsboson, hadroncollider, theGodparticle, howtheuniversewasformed, photonsmashing, plasmasoup
dirtythings, stars, planets, matter, space
cool, bright, random, weird, unknown
nothing, explosion, pop, dumb, sudden
explosion origin redshift, blueshift
dinosaur, meteor, Earth, extinction, theory
creation, stars, explosion, massive, newbeginning
universe, galaxies, cosmic, darkmatter, darkenergy
Earth, bigbang, space, beginningofEarth, craziness
big, giant, huge, enormous, bang
big, boom, explosion, particles, life
explosion, dust, time, loud, formation
sun, Earth, explode, fun, interesting
14billionyearsago, continualexpansion, globularclusters, darkmatter, bigcrunch
science, universe, planets, stars, space
beginningofexistence, largeexplosion, sciencybusiness, thingidontknowabout, iwanttoknowabout
boom, creation, explosion, life, stars
universe, atom, hot, dense, 14billionyearsago
singularity, hotsoup, silent, expansion, beginning
power, creation, explosion, impact, myth
Earth, God, universe, epic, huge
controversy, origin, universe, movement, directional
explosion, nova, gas, dust, starformation, planetformation
large, huge, awesome, massive, change
explosion, creation, bazinga, expansion, cataclysmicbirthoftheuniverse
beginning, expanding, scientificevidence, theory, cosmological
big, bang, controversial, scientific, astrological
gun, monkey, chance, stella, shoe
orgy, Earthscreation, big, bang, theory
bopom, pow, bam, bang, slam
explosion, goesagainstreligion, start, bigspace, universe
bang, beginningoftime, theory, creation, theendingofadamngooddate
explosion, beginning, elements, collision, creation
explosion, blowup, bomb, bang, light
beginning, universe, explosion, theory, fact
beginning, formation, explosions, gg, coolstorybra
begining, expansion, beforetherewasnothing, matter, infinite
centrifugalforce, strongforce, weakForce, fullofholes, cleverthinking
hot, everything, beginning, dense, crazyphysics
expansion, highdensity, temperature, hubbletime, galaxies
nothingbefore, createduniverse, explosion, supernova
boom, flash, bright, dirty, big
explosion, dust, ignition, power, gravity
expanding, universe, galaxies, began
evolution, cellappearance, evolvingspecies, lifebegins, stardistribution
boom, bang, beginning, universe, space
big, explosion, newgeneration
continuouslyexpanding Hubbleredshift
beginning, burst, startoftime
expansion, explosion, beginning, universe, origin
dangerous, damage, huge, history, meat
physics, birthofuniverse, radiation, planet, world
explosion, boom, life, atmosphere, wow
beginning ,explosion, formation, Earth, everything
bigbang, universe, beginning, pastexistence, beforeandafter
creation, expansion, volume, space, matter
origin, theory, primordial, expanding, cosmologicalmodel
bigassexplosion, God, Creation, Evolution, nonsensical
bang theory nothingexplodes wtf
Genesis1:1, theory, false, excuse, origin
big, weird, crazy, outerspace, interesting
evolution, origins, supernova, 2012, collision
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