Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
The following questions were asked on reading textbook chapters and previewing a presentation on elasticity.

Selected/edited responses are given below.
Describe what you understand from the assigned textbook reading or presentation preview. Your description (2-3 sentences) should specifically demonstrate your level of understanding.
"Tension is when you stretch something as opposed to compression when you squish something. Stress is the applying force to the object and strain is a measure of how the object/material responds."
"The two cases of elasticity, either with a tension force or a compression force. Tensile/compressive stress is the act of applying the force, whereas tensile/compressive strain is how the material behaves under tension/compression."
"When compressing a spring, or when it restores, the displacement of the spring is proportional to the force applied. Also, the tensile force is perpendicular to the area, and the shearing force is parallel with a surface."
"That k is the spring constant and x is the displacement of the spring from its unstrained length. The minus sign indicates that the restoring force always points in an opposite direction to the displacement of the spring from its length."
Describe what you found confusing from the assigned textbook reading or presentation preview. Your description (2-3 sentences) should specifically identify the concept(s) that you do not understand.
"Nothing is too confusing to grasp from the text. Just a few equations that are used in certain circumstances."
"Hooke's law. I don't understand how materials with a material-dependent Young's modulus (in units of pascals) that characterizes the response of the material to these stresses."
"Using Hooke's law, and why exactly strain is unitless."
"From the presentation preview I was first confused about the tensile stress example but upon another glance I was able to understand it. The stress causes the object to stretch to a limit that does not cause it to break."
"Putting the complex theories into practical world applications and making the connection to conceptualizing while using the equations correctly."
"The elastic deformation equation is a little confusing because I'm not sure about all the components and variables."
"I don't understand hardly anything, I don't know what the variables stand for."
What is the SI (Système International) unit for stress?
Explain why strain is a unitless quantity.
"Strain is unitless because it is a proportion of two quantities with the same dimensions."
"It's a unitless quantity because it deals with the fractional change of length or volume."
"I am not sure."
"I don't know."
What is the SI (Système International) unit for Young's modulus?

shorter. ***** [5] longer. **************************** [28] (There is a tie.) *** [3] (Unsure/lost/guessing/help!) ***** [5]

narrower (two 2×4s). ****************** [18] wider (three 2×4s). ******** [8] (There is a tie.) ********** [10] (Unsure/lost/guessing/help!) ***** [5]
Ask the instructor an anonymous question, or make a comment. Selected questions/comments may be discussed in class.
"Need some clearing up, book kind of went off the rails."
"Please go over these in class, I am confuuuuuused ):"
"I understand that Young's modulus is the ability of a material to withstand changes in length when under tension. Will this value always be provided for an individual material? Does it matter what the material is resting on... for example a piece of steel on concrete vs a wood table?" (Yes, the Young's modulus values will always be given for a problem (unless you need to solve for it); and no, it doesn't matter what the material (being tested) is resting on, provided that the supporting object is strong enough to handle whatever is being done to the material being tested.)
"Will we be doing a simple harmonic motion lab?" (Yes, for Lab 12.)
I don't have anything to say."
"Yay physics :)"
"I'm just enjoying the day."
"This irregular weather is killing me."
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