Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
The following questions were asked on the reading textbook chapters and previewing a flipped class presentation on (constant acceleration) motion.

Selected/edited responses are given below.
Describe what you understand from the assigned textbook reading or presentation preview. Your description (2-3 sentences) should specifically demonstrate your level of understanding.
"When dealing with equations of kinematics you need to know certain elements of the equation in order to solve for the final piece. Given that information you would then choose which equation to use."
"There are five different equations that were mentioned in the reading that can help in solving problems that deal with a combination of initial and ending velocity, displacement, acceleration, and time."
"For specific situations you need to dissect them individually to see which equation you need to use. Some equations have different factors and according to these different factors depends on the equation that is needed."
" I also understand the 'chain of pain' and how we can connect all three key quantities such as position, velocity, and acceleration. I also have a full understanding of what all the symbols presented in the presentation preview mean."
"I feel like I am very comfortable with kinematics and I understand all of the concepts. I haven't had time to practice using the equations yet, but once I do a few practice problems I should have the material down."
Describe what you found confusing from the assigned textbook reading or presentation preview. Your description (2-3 sentences) should specifically identify the concept(s) that you do not understand.
"I am still a little confused in the differences between both tangent and chord slopes as well as instantaneous and average velocity/acceleration. I need the 'chain of pain' explained to me a little better because it almost makes these concepts harder than they actually are."
"I'm not sure how the graphs work."
"The slopes and equations made me a little crazy."
"I found it confusing when to use which equations for constant acceleration."
"I understand but need to practice using equations when given different variables."
"It took me a long time to realize what the variables stood for... I do not know what a chord slope is, and I will need to look over the 'chain of pain' graph longer to understand it. (I know the graph is meant to be self explanatory, but without a decently large amount of time, for me it isn't."
Briefly describe the difference(s) between a chord slope and a tangent slope on a graph.
"Chord slope is the slope of a line segment crossing at least two points of a graph of a function. Tangent slope is derived from the slope of a line that touches the graph of a function at exactly one point."
"On a position versus time graph, tangent slope determines the instantaneous velocity and the chord slope determines the average velocity."
"I'm still pretty confused by this one."
Mark the level of your exposure to (basic calculus) concepts of derivatives/integrals.
None at all. ********* [9] Slight. ************ [12] Some. ************ [12] A fair amount. ******* [7] A lot. ****** [6]
Indicate how each of these quantities are determined from kinematic graphs.
(Only correct responses shown.)
Displacement ∆x: area under a vx(t) graph. [50%]
Position x: (None of these choices.) [26%]
Change in (instantaneous) velocity ∆vx: area under an ax(t) graph. [44%]
(Instantaneous) velocity vx: tangent slope of an x(t) graph. [43%]
Average velocity vx,av: chord slope of an x(t) graph. [37%]
(Instantaneous) acceleration ax: tangent slope of a vx(t) graph. [46%]
Average acceleration ax,av: chord slope of a vx(t) graph. [50%]
Ask the instructor an anonymous question, or make a comment. Selected questions/comments may be discussed in class.
"Can we briefly go over the kinematic graphs to get a better grasp of the 'chain of pain?'"
"Could you go over some examples of when to use the kinematic equations, and that whole 'hell network' thing or whatever you called it."
"I like when you do examples on the board for challenging or difficult concepts. I learn the material best that way." (As long as you let me know that's what you need to see in class, then yes, I'll try to fit in more examples.)
"Can we expect to have two reading assignments and two homework reports every week, due both before each Monday and Wednesday?" (Yes, except for weeks with holidays, or midterms.)
"How do we see what scores we are getting on these reading assignments?" (They'll be posted on the course website after each quiz.)
"Mystic, Instinct, or Valor?" (Actually, I'm with the Enlightened. #donotresist #toresististofighttheinevitable)
"Not really getting these graphs. But I like my lab instructor. He's cooler than you, to be honest." (#smh)
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