Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "keep" resolutions generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "quit" resolutions generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "start" resolutions generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Students were asked to answer a "keep-quit-start" online reflection (hosted by on their studying strategies/pitfalls (Mubayiwa, 2009).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to keep doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to keep doing to study for this class).[Word tags have been edited to consolidate related common subjects; student explanations are verbatim.]
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to quit doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to quit doing to study for this class).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to start doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to start doing to study for this class).
Student responses
Sections 30674, 30676
Keep word tags:
for help from smart science people.
flashcardquestions ("peer instruction," "think-pair-share")
Writing down the questions we go over in class helps me study them better for the quizzes.
i show up to class, even when im beyond tired. i missed a couple classes when i was sick and was lost for awhile.
I need to be showing up to class everyday on time ready to learn.
I go once a week so I might as well stay the whole time and get the most out of it.
I get by in the class just by showing up and paying attention so thats my game plan.
because that way I understand the material
If you pay attention in class, do the flash card question, and the activities... your set.
i clearly have a tough time on the quizzes, so i figure that if i keep coming to class and getting my in class assignment points... that will definitely help.
if i keep coming i can keep learning so i can do good on tests
being in class helps becuase you learn first hand
Going and listening is essential in how I learn
so i can understand what we are learning and get points on the in-class activities
i have missed so much due to health reasons so i plan on not missing anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
coming to class
It is essential to attend class to get a good grade in this class.
Coming to class allows me to read the lectures
No matter how much you study at home on your own, if you don't come to class you don't know what the teacher expects you to know for the tests and quizs.
Well if I stop coming to class, I won't learn what I need to.
By attending class regularly I'm not missing out on important information. Taking good notes at every class discussion will help me succeed.
keep coming to class
If you miss class on a daily basis, you miss out on things that you cannot get from the book or just looking online. Also, the in-class activities are on the tests and quizzes.
show up so that i can understand what is going to be on the test. do the reading assignments and extra credit so that i have some extra points at my disposal in case of a bad quiz grade or something.
Listening to what the teacher says and writing down helps me remember what I learn.
I need to keep learning in order to succeed.
If I quit breathing, I would not do very well in this class because I would not be able to do any of the assignments. I would be thoroughly lost in this class if I did not listen to the lectures. And do not, under most circumstances, leave after you complete the in class activity, before the lecture. I have seen several people do this and I know that if I did that I would be toast.
Keep creating my own mnemonics.
I try to look at each quiz individually and study and push through each problem.
I write down the notes in lecture, recopy them the next day to refresh my memory or go over things I didn't understand. I print out the flashcards and try to find the correct answers in order to study.
Taking notes in class help and understanding the flashcard questions
Taking notes that I write in my own way helps me go back and remember the information better.
Taking notes helps me remember the stuff we talked about in class.
I can lok back and refer to my notes when I study.
participating and thinking about the flashcard questions. The flashcard questions and explanations really help me a lot. Reviewing old quizzes helps too.
i need to study a little bit more and take better notes, i understand most of the concepts introduced to some extent i just dont have a full grsp on hem, becaue i rarely study
If you don't show up how can you expect to pass?
Study old quiz
Study the past quizzes provided, take thorough notes so you can understand them and use them later.
You need to read to understand the material and stay up to date.
Read the book and take notes during lecture.
readingassignments ("online reading quizzes")
Keep doing the assignments; remember that we have reading assignments
The online reading asignments and extra credit opportunites are simple. As long as I put forth the effort, I can keep up with the class.
I do the homework to get as many points as possible
So if I don't do that great on the quizzes, hopefully that will help me in the long run.
easy points are free points
i need to continue to get all my homework assignments in and review my material so i dont forget it!!
Always review your previous notes and important stuff from the book.
When i study the past tests i get an understanding of the material that will be on the quiz so i succeed.
I could've studied more for some of the quizzes
I need to study more for the tests. I study really hard already, but apparently I need to do more because I haven't been doing very well. :/
Study is good for the soul-la
Because if i keep studying then i will get good grades on the quizzes and tests and i will learn the material and understand/own it.
I do not study enough and im starting to study more.
I need to get an A or B+ in your class!!!
I will continue going over my notes, class activities, keep asking questions, and continue reading the book.
I study now and I will keep studying.
I will keep working.
I intend to keep studying because i find it makes this class a lot easier.
Instead of taking Astronomy in big chunks, I will take it in small chunks everyday. This will help me remember the material better.
i would look at the in class activities and flashcard questions
i dont do much in this class but try, so thats about all i can KEEP doing.
give it a 100% all the time and try my hardest to succeed.
Quit word tags:
I always find myself studying for quizzes like an hour before class. That needs to stop.
When i let my mind think about tangents, i stop taking notes and fall behind.
I want to stay focused and not let my mind wander.
I have not been paying super close attention lately and that is never really helpful in school.
I space sometimes during class, no pun intended
Playing bulletstorm or black ops doesnt help
Stop playing in class
Wasting time that I could spend studying.
im not intentionally failing my quizzes, but it sure would be nice if i would QUIT doing that....
sometimes i forget the reading assignments, both in class and in the lab.
Forgetting to do the online assignments
This part isn't easy to quit, but I will try to not worry so much that it gets me in a panic, and then I cannot focus on the questions during a Quiz or Exam.
Can't focus if im hungry the whole time.
lazinessSometimes I make a habit of forgetting to write down homework, therefore I don't do it.
Study more.
im lazy
idealy, i would look at the in class activities and flashcards, but i get lazy. so....i guess not be lazy
I work before class so I'm usually worn out
I feel that I'm succeeding in the class, but the last two or three weeks I've completely spaced on the Online Reading assignments.
Stop forgetting to do the freaking online reading. -.-
because when i miss class im confused
I miss a lot of class and i need to stop if i want to do well
I have been leaving early and not studying very much and it reflects in my grade. By leaving early I miss points for the in class activities and opportunities to better understand the material.
i plan on not missing anymore classes
I need to start coming more to class in order to succeed.
I have not done this yet, but I would be thoroughly lost in this class if I did not listen to the lectures. And do not, under most circumstances, leave after you complete the in class activity, before the lecture. I have seen several people do this and I know that if I did that I would be toast.
in most of myclasses i dont take notes, im better at learning by observing and listening, but this is such a long class that i tend to zone out at times, and as a result it's had a negative affect on my comprehension of the material
Sometimes I don't take notes then I forget what we learned and I can't look back at it.
Sometimes during class, i forget to write down something that is very important and then some things do not make sense.
I need to stop ignoring my notes a few days before the quiz because they really help me keep the knowledge solid.
I feel like I'm doing pretty good with my current process.
I haven't really found anything that I should stop doing in this class. There are things that I should start doing.
I dont intent on doing anything differnet.
I'm doing everything I can to succeed in this class.
I need to read the book so i can get the knowledge from in class lectures and also the text.
Because mostly every question is from the book!
i intend to stop not studying
I will try to be more on task, rather than waiting until the last minute. I also need to work on time management.
Putting things off just adds to my stress levels and makes things harder
I always procrastinate on online reading assignments and then forget to do them.
do my work when its first handed out to me and not wait for the last minute
I intend to do everything in a timely manner and stay on top of my duties
By getting my work on time, and studying more I believe that I will be able to succeed in this class.
Because I tend to wait till the last min to get things done and I think I would do better if I worked on things a little more.
I procrastinate studying and dont give myself enough time to fully understand the material
I'm going to quit leaving study times right before tests.
Waiting until the night before when it is late or even a few hours before class to study for a quiz or exam is not a good idea. I should start studying earlier to help me retain more information.
I wait until the last minute to study and do homework.
It makes me forget to do the online reading assignments because I save them for the night before they are due.
The class feels relaxed... but its not.
Slacken Off-fa is bad for the soul-la
doesnt help
I intend to quit slacking off because i find i do poorly on quizes when im not prepared.
i fall asleep a lot. it is hard not to at night.
need caffeine to pay attention
I will snack in class less.
Stressing out
I intend to not always be late
Coming late means missing important start-of-class announcements and the like.
I am missing out on some notes by coming in 5-10 min lates.
less texting in class because that way you don't pay attention to whats going on in class.
Texting distracts me from the lectures
Start word tags:
Asking for more help
Ask more questions
Going to class on time and going to office hours more I think would help.
Stimulate the mind!
flashcardquestions ("peer instruction," "think-pair-share")
I want to go over my flashcard questions and review and send them into P-Dawg so he can look them over and give me the correct answers.
it seems like the easiest way to get a handle on the material covered in class. and reading the book
focus on each topic at hand and grasp the concepts
I want to feel like I am ahead of the class instead of feeling like i need to catch up
I'm going to do all I can do to get a better grade; read the book more carefully, try and fully understand the in class activity and prepare more for the quizzes.
I need to study during the days prior to the exam.
My grades are looking bad!
Better notes means better review later on.
i dont really study and when i do i dont have much to look back on, so i go into the quizzes and tests with the knowledge i have from class and even then i tend to zone out alot, so for the rest of the semester, im goin to try and do better with this, and be able to come out with a solid grade, because for the most part the class makes sense
I do not need an explanation as to why you should study.
i need to start taking advantage of p dogs office hours. i complete the practice quizzes online from previous semesters and the flascard questions but i will start taking them to office hours to make sure i actually understand and have the right answers.
It will help me to organize the information that i learn from the book and class
Take notes
doing well on the final should cement a solid a grade in the class for me. My quiz grades are decent. i haven't missed any class activities. haven't missed one reading assignment and i've done all the extra credit opportunites.
I always seem to skim through the chapters and look at bold vocabulary.
Reading the text more
i think reading the book will add to the understanding of the material.
I think maybe I need to utilize the text a little more..
I think I should read the text more carefully outside of class along with the questions and my notes, and fill in my notes that way.
help better understand the confusing things
I tend to just sit down and read the chapter just to get it over with and I should just read it in small chunks so I can actually learn and process everything.
I will read the text more.
I intend to start ready the text more carefully so that I will know the material better.
i need to start reading the book like assigned
I haven't unwrapped my book yet.
Reading helps me keep up in class
I will study the analysis of former test questions on the blog to find out why certain answers are correct or incorrect.
I will START keeping up with the reading as it is assigned rather than not leaving enough time to go through them thoroughly.
I haven't read anything in the book except for the part about the astronomers.
i plan on reading my book more studying and listening to mr p
readingassignments ("online reading quizzes")
they are free points
Start researching the stuff I don't understand instead of only using the book.
i should review past notes or flashcard questions before quizzes.
I can start to review notes before class so i can remember last weeks lectures so i can look back on to what i might have already forgotten.
BEcause i didnt on this ;)
I need to study to get good scores on tests and quizzes.
don't think you can just remember everything you did a week ago...
I studied for the first time ever for another class and got a 100%.... it was easier than i thought
i dont do very well on quizes so if i study harder (or at all) i imagine i can do much better
reviewing my notes more than a couple times
I need all the focus I can inorder to better my self in your class
Gotta start studying more
I will start paying better attention in class and spending more time out of class studying and reviewing the class material.
If I study more I will be able to succeed and do well in the class
I will do the same thing as i am doing right now. Maybe spend more time reading that usual.
im going to start reading the chapters that correspond to what we are learning that week
I don't study for quizzes and sometimes it hurts my grade.
The more i study the better I do, and sometimes I do not study as much as i should.
Study hard for quizes and tests!! But thats hard for mee!!!! haha
I need to start studying more for quizzes.
The quizzes are very hard for me.
Studying more than once or twice a week helps memory and helps anyone understand anything bettter.
start studying
I need to spend more time studying instead of assuming I already know the material and only go over it once.
So I can get a C or better in the class.
Try to make better use of time.
Like, Charlie Sheen status.
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