Have you ever participated in a science fair? Posed your own research question, done your own research (this student apparently has done quite a bit of "research"), and displayed your results for all the world to see?

Even though these events are called "poster sessions" in science conferences, it's pretty much the same idea as a science fair.

(This is the thirteenth Astronomy 210L laboratory at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA. This course is a one-semester, optional adjunct laboratory to the Astronomy 210 introductory astronomy lecture, taken primarily by students to satisfy their general education science transfer requirement.)

At a conference poster session, presenters and participants get to interact with each other and exchange constructive criticism...

...most importantly, face-to-face. In order to facilitate this valuable opportunity to mingle and network with colleagues, poster session organizers typically furnish refreshments and beverages.

Which is what we'll be doing next week--so before you leave today, submit an individual research question on some aspect of the concepts explored earlier this semester, get it approved, and complete your research report before you come to the next laboratory.

We'll have a poster session, so you'll be allowed nine letter-size sheets in a 3 x 3 format (or equivalent-sized poster board) to present your findings.
i don't want to do this
Its gonna happen.
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