Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

(A) 1.5 W.
(B) 9.0 W.
(C) 24 W.
(D) 96 W.
Correct answer (highlight to unhide): (B)
The basic equation for the power dissipated by the 4.0 Ω resistor is:
Presistor = Iresistor·ΔVresistor,
where the current through the resistor Iresistor is not equal to the current passing through the 6.0 V emf source (Icircuit = ΔVresistor/Req), due to the junction rule. However, we do not need to find Iresistor, as we can appeal to Ohm's law:
Iresistor = ΔVresistor/Rresistor,
such that we can substitute this into the basic power equation, and result in a "specialized" form of the power equation for this resistor:
Presistor = Iresistor·ΔVresistor,
Presistor = (ΔVresistor/Rresistor)·ΔVresistor,
Presistor = (ΔVresistor)2/Rresistor.
To find the ΔVresistor voltage used by the resistor, we apply the loop rule in the clockwise direction, starting from lower right-hand corner, through the 6.0 V emf source, then through the 4.0 Ω resistor before returning to the starting point in the lower right-hand corner (the loop rule can be applied to any round-trip loop in a circuit, even if there are other parts of this circuit):
"voltage supplied = voltage used,"
∆Vrises = ∆Vdrops,
(6.0 V) = ΔVresistor.
Then we can evaluate the "specialized" form for the power used by the resistor:
Presistor = (ΔVresistor)2/Rresistor,
Presistor = (6.0 V)2/(4.0 Ω) = 9.0 W.
(This "specialized" equation for power should only be used if the voltage used by the circuit element is known already either from the loop rule (as was done here) or from Ohm's law.)
(Response (A) is the numerical value for the current flowing through the resistor; response (C) is ΔVresistor·Rresistor; response (D) is ΔVresistor)2·(Rresistor)2.)
Sections 30882, 30883
Exam code: quiz05z0m6
(A) : 5 students
(B) : 19 students
(C) : 9 students
(D) : 1 student
Success level: 56%
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.83