Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 physics study tips

Physics 205A, fall semester 2018
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"I think studying with a partner would have helped immensely and I wish I had done that, but I found that going over old homework assignments established confidence in myself when reviewing past material and made me realize what I was struggling with and what I needed to spend more time on."

"Obviously practicing the problems but also really practice writing the explanations because they get you just as much as the problem itself."

"Redoing every problem ever assigned and rereading all of the reading assignments and textbook chapters. Its too bad I don't have the textbook though. :("

"Going to the tutoring lab helps to work out problems."

"Something that will help is understanding how to plug in the given equations. Knowing what each letter represents will go a long way in this class to help understand what you are computing."

"Studying with a friend helps a lot."

"I went back over my notes, as well as browsed the chapters in the book and re-took some notes on the main points from each chapter to help me remember them."

"The set-up of the class to progressively work on problems that are similar to what we will see on tests and quizzes."

"Going through the midterm review questions and solving them."

"For projectile motion, the horizontal velocity component is always constant."

"Going over problems I have already done and have the answer and steps for help me a lot."

"A clear study guides with examples and its answer is very helpful."

"Going through all of the practice problems on 'P-dog's blog' and answers really helped."

"I think the given equations are going to help a lot once I get more practice plugging them in."

"Reading the book."

"YouTube example problems. Khan Academy. Tutoring center. All these help.."

"The midterm review questions are great practice. I went over them many times with a tutor, but the tutors are not always helpful. Sometimes they can confuse me further, but sometimes they do help me better understand.."

"Talking about the different concepts with my class buddies has been very helpful, I don't think reviewing the text itself would help me."

"While studying for this midterm, just going over or reminding yourself of the topics covered in the beginning."

"If the test is similar to the midterm/final/homework questions then it helped me. Going back and looking at in-class assignments was also helpful."

"Having the correct answers to the example midterm."

"Knowing trigonometry will help to identify which angles are congruent so they can be used to find the magnitude of certain forces (soh-cah-toa)."

"The example problems given on the website along with the reading assignments were enough for me to cement the topics discussed in lecture."

"Soh-cah-toa will help."

"To study for this midterm, I studied my notes and studied the review problems that were posted on the web page for last week."

"When there are two objects on top of each other on top of something else that there are not two weight forces acting downward on the middle object. One is the weight of Earth acting on the middle object and the other is a normal force from from the object on top acting downward on the middle object.."

"It will help to look through all the previous presentation slides and take notes on that things I understand/don't understand about the midterm practice problems."

"POF-OST-ITO for using Newton's third law."

"Practicing the problems Something that will not help me study is a distracting golden retriever puppy that I have been watching the last few days. But, I think I'm still prepared!."

"Displacement is the change in positions while distance is the path traveled to get to the next position."

"Working with someone else on previous worksheets and doing the review homework problems helped me better prepare for the test."


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