Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Waifer X tag cloud for "keep" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205A students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, fall semester 2015.
Waifer X tag cloud for "quit" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205A students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, fall semester 2015.
Waifer X tag cloud for "start" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205A students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, fall semester 2015.
Students were asked to answer a "keep-quit-start" online reflection (hosted by on their studying strategies/pitfalls (Mubayiwa, 2009).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to keep doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to keep doing to study for this class).[Word tags have been edited to consolidate related common subjects; student explanations are verbatim.]
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to quit doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to quit doing to study for this class).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to start doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to start doing to study for this class).
Keep word tags:
askforhelpQuit word tags:
A lot for me is repetition. So the more I try to further my understanding and practice it when I do grasp it the better I will do.
I'm killing this class so Imma just keep doing me
re-read blogs that apply to quizzes. do more practice problems and put more time into the homework
I will keep on reading and doing the problems that are assigned previously to the lecture, and review the material after class is over.
In order for me to keep succeeding in the class I have to keep attending class to make sure I continue to take notes and understand the new material.
I intend to keep coming to class and making sure to follow the notes and problems that are discussed in class. By participating in the class, I can better see how all the concepts tie together.
Come to class and listen to every lecture and understand how problems are worked out and to understand concepts
The success I have had in the class so far is in large part due to my attendance and the attention given to the lectures; I therefore intend to continue to actively participate in the class by routinely showing up.
I intend to keep coming to every class, taking notes, and participating in the flash card and index card activities.
i intend to keep attending class every day and not missing any participation points
I need to attend class and lab to get the points.
Attending class is always invaluable to every class, and the lectures help me understand the topics. Reviewing / rewriting notes helps me make everything more clear. Podcasts are also a helpful supplement that help me get used to the language of the course and understand the concepts.
I think I've missed 2 class period, but I've gone to every other lecture.
Because I regularly attend class, I've been able to take good notes which help me a lot because I'm one of those people that relies on themselves, and so for me, the best notes are my notes. If I don't go to class I have to settle for someone else's notes, in hopes that they are good notes.
Watching the professor work through the problems is the only way to understand how to respond to the essays in exams.
Lecture is insanely important
I feel like when I take the time to actually work out the reading assignment problems, it solidifies the concepts which are sometimes hard to grasp. If I keep working out the problems and remember to complete the online survey homework I feel that I can succeed in this class.
If i'm not prepared before class, there is no reason to go. I need to do the assigned work beforehand so I go in with some knowledge and questions! The homework points are the only thing supporting my grade right now and even though I've been inconsistent with my efforts, I have been keeping up with the homework
I intent to keep doing my homework and making sure that I do every assignment. It makes me at least look at the material and get a sense for what I need to know and what we will be covering in class.
If I can keep up with the labs and assignments than the tests won't impact me as hard
I need to keep completing every reading and homework survey, every index card, every extra point I can get in lab. They are small point values but are easy to get and a shame to miss out on.
One important thing to succeed in this class is the homework because it helps you know if you are having some difficulty on the subject.
I don't really understand why you do things in class sometimes, so I will keep going to your office hours to make sure I do understand what you're talking about.
Every time I get stuck on a concept or assignment, I easily get discouraged. I take some time to re-read the assignments and then I take notes on what the GOAL is for me to understand from the assignment. Then I do practice problems over and over again. Then I practice more!
If I get frustrated with a homework problem then sometimes I'll think about just skipping it, but I never let myself. I force myself to re-read the book and re-work the problem over and over until I get it, which familiarizes me with the concept or problem much better than if I had just given up and skipped it, or even if I had asked someone to show me how to do it.
I intend to keep practicing the things that are given to us to succeed. Such as the past quiz questions, the past final exam questions and the past midterm questions. I think it is very important to keep practicing the questions until you fully understand it and what all the answers actually mean because that will actually make you succeed in this class, especially in the midterms when you need to explain the answers and why the answer is right.
I learn by doing, like most people. The more problems I do, the better I get used to what I'm supposed to be learning. I want to keep doing more practice problems to give me more practice and understanding of what I'm supposed to be doing.
I haven't practiced as many problems as I would have liked. When I do practice I tend to get stumped and don't ask for help. I want to understand the material and I know now that I need to ask for help and study more problems in order to completely understand the material.
Reading the text to fully understand foundations of concepts, then applying them working through practice problems.
I intend to keep reading the assigned reading before the next class.
I need to keep reading about the topics we discuss in class, and continue writing out full physics conceptual and worked out problems.
If you thoroughly go through the reading assignment and then Pdog's presentation, the assigned homework problems will be much more understandable.
The reason that reading all the sections before the lecture helps me is because I get a brief preview of what the lecture is going to involve. After reading all the sections thoroughly I will go back and highlight all the important information. This has led to my success so far in this class.
I need to keep reading the text, in conjunction with the online presentations, and work the online questions, and text problems. I especially need to KEEP asking questions.
Reworking problems will keep my mind and memory on the concepts being learn. Thus will help me solidify and make sense of the physics concepts more clearly.
Check the notes from the class everyday and try to understand, and if I couldn't understand it I would ask from friends from the class.
Reading the assignment before the corresponding assignment is due has obvious benefits, but rereading it before lecture cements the concepts that you understand, and reminds you of what you don't completely understand.
Discussing problems from class, the HW, and tests with classmates outside of class. This helps reaffirm correct problem solving strategies and introduce others which I had not thought of.
I need to keep studying as much as possible
I need to make sure to understand in depth each concept before moving on, I am not having success so far.
I intend to keep studying by doing the study guides and worksheets for each quiz and exam.
Studying is essential in this class, and thus i will study more to make sure i understand material
the only thing that is helping me is spending the time to study, review the blog, and look at the text
Go over examples from textbook and online presentations with friends.
Getting a better understanding of the concepts so I can apply it on the work given.
I take notes for each reading assignment in my notebook so that i can study off of it for the midterms.
I intend to keep taking detailed notes in class so i can understand the concept better.
I have found tutoring really helpful for learning "physics language." Physics is all very new to me so having someone explain and help me apply concepts allows me to know enough to practice and self teach on my own at home.
I need extra one on one help which is helping me have a clearer understanding of the subjects covered.
I intend to keep going to the math lab to receive extra help when it is necessary. I also will keep asking students who have previously taken physics for help.
I have trouble understanding the reading alone I have been using online videos to clarify the reading concepts.
distractionsStart word tags:
I need to stop getting distracted and need to keep my ingest going even when I am tired or am feeling "physiced-out"
I need to be in a quiet place where I can focus and understand what I need to work on. Also the book in the library has a larger font, easier on my eyes.
I tend to focus on one particular problem so I can clearly understand for each problem, but I think it's just better to go over the problems first and then focus on some problems that I really didn't get right.
I tend to focus more on getting the problem correct rather than understanding the concepts fully.
Slacking off on the HW.It's like free points, and makes the everything easier. Duh.
I forget to do some hw before it's due
I get confused with due dates in this class and forget if I turned something in or not. I am going to stop forgetting if I did an adjustment alley or not. Maybe I 'll use my phone calender to check off when I did an assignment, any suggestions on that one?
Every time I struggle with a concept, I tend to give up easily. I need to stop doing this because I become very unmotivated and it takes me longer to concentrate and be successful.
I am lost when I am reading and also when we do flashcard questions in class but I do not ask enough questions.
I haven't done anything in your class that has prevented me from doing poorly.
i put calc 2 before this class
I intend to not spend so much time on the reading, and spend more time on the presentations and really understanding them.
I lost my book and have had trouble trying to do the reading assignments
I will quit forgetting to rewrite my notes within my notebook. I will actually bring my note book to class so I don't get disorganized and forget something that was reviewed in class.
I intend to quit procrastinating on my reading assignments till the last hour they are due. I also want to stop waiting so long to prepare for a test and ask more questions when I am confused.
I need to quit procrastinating and stop waiting until the last minute to do all my assignments, even the lab reports.
I keep forgetting to complete the homework, post-lab, pre-lab surveys. The way they are organized on the schedule is confusing, difficult to follow.
I need to keep up on physics every day, instead of just really putting in the time when there is a quiz or test
I want to quit doing everything at the last minute. I wait until the last minute and crunch everything at the same time. Learning over a period of time will help me retain the concepts for much longe .
I intend to quit doing my work last minute. By leaving my work undone until the last minute, I'm unable to fully grasp the concepts, which will inhibit my ability to do well on the tests, and leave the class having learned more about physics.
stop waiting till 11:30pm to do the reading/hw assessments
I would benefit if i read and did home work problems earlier so I could give myself more time to go over the material before the start of the nest lecture.
This has alway plagued me. I tend to leave homework and studying until the very last minute because I procrastinate. If I quit doing this I feel that I can do better in this course and not have instances where I forget to complete assignments.
Everyone needs to stop procrastinating and focus on their own tasks, including myself.
Waiting until the last minute to do reading assignments and homework assignments has greatly hurt me. Furthermore, if i do not do them the night before lecture I am lost the next day in lecture.
I need to spend more time reviewing and attempting the assigned homework problems. Doing this will make me more confident when working through problems in class.
I have a tendency to put off homework until the last minute which leaves little time for review of concepts before class. I sometimes leave myself so little time to complete the assignments that I cannot in fact get them turned in on time.
I always put off reading and homework till last minute. I need to be more on top of my work
I tend to procrastinate and try to learn complex ideas that take time to sink in and effort to master with problems and reading and hard work
I definitely waited until the last second to start studying for the last midterm (i.e. two days beforehand). And next time I want to make sure that I keep up with the material and start studying earlier and make sure that I don't wait until the last second.
When I get stumped on a word problem or don't understand certain terminology I tell myself I will get back to it. I really want to change that and make it a habit to ask for help as soon as I need it.
I usually turn in my online surveys within an hour of it being due and that's a bad habit I need to snap out of because then I rush on the homework. Even this survey is being turned within that margin.
I believe before the first test it was really hard for me to grasp the concepts so i just procrastinated on practicing them and trying to learn them until the last weekend before the test and i believe that negatively affected me. Before the next test that i am going to try to do all the homework and practice before each class more so i know more of whats going.
Waiting to the last minute has led to me not being able to organize the necessary studying sessions immediately prior to the midterm.
I tend to study for the quizzes last minute rather than throughout the chapters.
I work full time and I tend to wait the last minute to catch up on my studying.
I have this tendency to leave all of stuff on the last minute so i need to quit that so i can succeed in this class.
I practice some problems, but anytime i do them i always have aid from either friends or answers or worked out solutions. I do not do any practice problems individually.
By skimming, you can't get the bigger picture and can lead to failure of understanding the concept.
I haven't been putting too much time into this class because I work 40 hours a week and am taking immunology online. but even though I currently have a B, I would like to improve my quiz and midterm grades
No more fun time throughout the week, it relly hinders my study time
I tend to wait until the test is coming up to study, but I should be keeping up all along. I plan to work on this for the next test.
Keeping a physics mentality on a consistent basis is what will lead to my ultimate success in this class. However, not involving myself in physics material for even just one day will penalize my physics analytical skills.
im going to increase the amount that i study every day so that i can be ahead when the next exam comes
I need to stop not studying enough to be successful.
Before every class I always intend to review my notes, re-read the book, and re-work problems I had trouble with in order to re-familiarize myself with the current material, but I never do because it's too much trouble. I also always mean to schedule appointments with you to discuss things I don't understand, but never do for the same reason. So I intend to quit being lazy and get on those things.
The homework and reading assignments are simple and don't take much time to complete. Doing these assignments will give me cushion points if I do poorly on a test or quiz.
I think it's self explanatory... just sayin'.
I often want to view the blog and read the textbook as close to the lecture as possible so it's fresh in my mind, but doing it during hectic days and so late at night while I'm tired makes it hard for me to really soak up the information.
I was stressing myself out. I felt overwhelmed by this course and all my other course work loads. When I got to stress out it hindered my ability to learn in this class. So I learned to take it one problem or concept etc at a time.
i intend to start asking for more help on concepts that i am not steadfast on.
I plan on asking for more help for the remainder of the semester. I'm intimidated and nervous to ask questions because I know I'm behind in the class. I plan to change that and ask questions when I need to.
I feel that I am not very confident when it comes to this class. The concepts always seem so strange to me and it's really hard for me to wrap my mind around the concepts. However, when I studied for the midterm I was telling myself that I could do it and was more confident. I believe that helped me with my midterm overall, I'm hoping next time that being more confident can push me over the B grade so I can get an A on my next midterm and final exam.
I want to begin to take better class notes. Printable lecture notes would be helpful! I would be able to follow more in class rather than just rush to be able to write everything down!
By applying concepts in real life problems, I will be able to familiarize myself with the problem being solve and how forces act on object. Learning by doing is the way to go for me, so this will help me a lot.
I intend to start "thinking about" the concepts, and stop trying to just memorize the equations.
I need to start earlier on understanding the concepts because doing things last minute definitely won't benefit me in the long run.
I intend to start doing my homework sooner so that I'm not procrastinating and stressing over something that could have been easily avoided.
Unless I have very good questions, I get worried about attending office hours because I don't want to waste the professor's or the students' time. However, if I set aside some time to structure some questions then I will feel more comfortable about attending office hours. also just finally moved into a house, so I will be able to start a more regular schedule. Once my desk is built I will also have a more available place to study. I will also be able to start keeping my papers more organized than I could while living out of my car. Also, I will be able to have a more regular sleep that won't be interrupted by police men.
Use every resource available
I intend to start studying my flashcards right away instead of waiting before the quiz to study them.
I should be getting help on things that I do not understand completely.
Because points, GPA, and learning.
I need to start consistently doing the homework and reading assignments. I forget because I have never had online homework for a physical class before. Since there is no physical homework to turn in, I forget that I still have homework to do.
It goes hand in hand with stopping procrastination.
I want to start setting aside *specific* time blocks in my week to dedicate just to learn, eat, sleep, and breathe physics.
I tend to have questions that I don't get answered because i'm too lazy to go into office hours. I know they would help me immensely.
I have not yet had the chance to engage is physics conversation with Dr. Len as of now. However, that is bound to change very soon due to the more rigorous concepts being introduced. I look forward to visiting him during office hours to achieve addition clarification of physics.
When I was busy procrastinating for the last test, I didn't realize that I needed extra help on some concepts and I really would have benefitted from going to office hours and getting the help that I needed. I want to make sure that I stay on top of the material and keep my work and questions organized and that I actually ask questions and get the help that I need to be successful in the class.
Go to your office hours, get tutored read more.
When we are working on problems in class, talk to others and check answers to verify if you are doing the problem correctly.
I think the more I practice applying concepts to problems the better I understand the concepts. Inevitably this sets me up for further success. Although, I do practice quite a few problems already I think it doesn't hurt to practice more and ones that apply concepts differently.
I intent to work through more problems, this is the key to success.
I NEED to start practicing more problems individually. I feel as though that is the only way i am going to do well in this class. Without practicing the material first hand and getting exposure to all the different types of problems, i am not going to do well.
I will start practicing more problems after class is over and try not to forget to review previous material. I also will start to prep more for the class than before so I don't end up procrastinating
In order for me to succeed in this class I need to further prepare for test and quizzes. I need to study more and try harder to learn the concepts better in class. I also need to prepare for class by doing the assigned hw and reading every night so that I am caught up in class.
come to class prepared with the textbook and printed out online presentations.
Continue to do the readings so I have an idea of what we are going to be talking about in class instead of being completely lost.
I get a bit mixed up with things in this class. I think if I organize and prep better, my grade and understanding will improve.
I need to commit more time to sitting down with the material, taking notes on the reading, and working out the problems.
set up times for me to study physics. turn off the tv or leave my house and roommates to find a quiet place so that I can concentrate.
Don't put calc 2 before this class
I need to sit down and actually read the chapters since I have been skimming them or simply not reading the chapters at all. I can definitely make time in between classes and devote more time out of my daily life to read the chapter and really understand the concepts.
I think reading the textbook everyday can help improve my understanding and memorization.
Go to the library to read the book and work on homework problems more thoroughly
I need to read the chapters and actual understand what they are saying more
I believe that my main problem during the mid term was that i wasn't reading the questions clearly or thoroughly, this made me not answer the questions completely and when i look back at my test now i know that i could have gotten a better score if i would of wrote more of what it asked.
I should start reviewing my class notes every week because they are a lot more helpful for the quizzes and test than the textbook is
After each class, I plan to review what we have covered in class, and be sure that I understand each concept before moving on.
I study but I need to review the material daily to stay up on it and make sure the concepts are clear.
Getting good sleep keeps the mind fresh
I intend to start putting more effort into studying my notes and taking more time to think through the homework. By spending time working through those problems, I can become more familiar with the terms that seem intimidating, and start seeing patterns and similarities.
I need to not only keep up with the blog but put some effort into reading, homework problems, and learning. I also intend to START being honest with the amount of effort i put in this class.
I need to dedicate more time than I have been. I thought that I was getting a handle on things but the midterm showed me otherwise.
I intend to get higher grades to be achieve an A.
By doing this, the knowledge others have will fill in the gaps in my own.
Organizing a strong study group to meet before midterms and finals to discuss all concepts and problems to find any holes in each other's reasonings, and to, moreover, develop the strongest potential responses to anticipated essay questions.
So many times after class I just want to do other things besides school I end up not really putting in as much effort as I need to. If I start the habit of going to the library right after class I believe I can succeed in this course.
i havent been studying enough so im going to select certain times in the day to designate focused study times to increase the amount of studying i get done each day.
Every time we have a quiz or a midterm I tell myself I'm going to do all of the worksheet questions and then ask you to grade them, but I never end up doing them early enough for you to reasonably grade them, so I don't even ask you to. I hope to start doing them, doing them early, and asking you to grade them.
Completing all of the questions and making sure I understand everything thoroughly.
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