Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
The following questions were asked on reading through the course syllabus, and watching two video presentations on the flipped class: "What Is the Flipped Class?" and "How the Flipped Classroom Works."
Selected/edited responses are given below.
Describe something you found interesting from the syllabus, and explain why this was personally interesting for you.
"If we miss three labs, we automatically fail both the lab and lecture."Describe something you found confusing from the syllabus, and explain why this was personally confusing for you.
"I found it interesting that we could miss two labs and still be in the class."
"The fact that three lowest quiz scores are dropped is interesting because usually only the lowest quiz score is dropped in a class. This method is forgiving if you have to miss a quiz and don't do well on one or two."
"I really like how the class is laid out and straightforward. If I have any concerns about exams, grades or anything about my teacher I can turn to by syllabus."
"I've never been quizzed on a syllabus before, so I thought that was an interesting approach in forcing us to read it, because most students will take a glance at their syllabi and then forget about it, and here one is somewhat forced to remember these policies."
"I didn't find anything confusing because the syllabus itself was very straightforward."Explain what is different about homework in a flipped class.
"At first I found the way question endings were condensed into brackets with multiple options confusing. This was at first confusing for me because there are only one set of answers for multiple questions."
"Using brackets in questions to avoid being redundant was different at first, but easy to sort out."
"I did not find any part of the syllabus confusing at this point. I believe I understand the syllabus."
"The flipped classroom allows students to receive the lecture and material ahead of time for homework, and allows time for questions or explanations during lecture instead of lecturing about the material all of lecture time."Describe where/when most student learning occurs in a flipped class.
"The homework [problem-solving] is done in class where the instructor is available to assist."
"At home, or where ever homework is done."Mark the level of your exposure to units and dimensional analysis.
"I would say that the majority of learning still occurs in the classroom since more individual attention is given and specific questions are addressed."
"Flipped format is supposed to make both home and lecture more efficient. More learning occurs at home while watching lectures online. If you are a hands-on person, then you learn more in class."
None at all. | ***** [5] |
Slight. | ********** [10] |
Some. | ***************** [17] |
A fair amount. | ************** [14] |
A lot. | *********** [11] |
Ask the instructor an anonymous question, or make a comment. Selected questions/comments may be discussed in class.
"How do we show you that our reading assignments are completed for credit? And homework problems are assigned but not directly graded--do I turn them in, or should I just do them at home and keep them for my own reference." (For the reading assignments, I go through and skim all of your responses, as long as you have made some response or serious constructive attempt for most of the assignment, you'll receive full credit. For homework, keep your work for reference, I just want feedback on which problems you're having difficulty with, or haven't attempted yet.)
"Partial credit on exams/quizzes? I understand that multiple-choice is either right or wrong, but what if you have work written out for that question?" (You can only received credit (or not) for the answer you circle for a multiple-choice question on a quiz. There will be partial credit possible for essay questions and worked-out problems on exams.)
"No plus or minus grades? I have not had a collegiate class that did not include the plus or minus in grading." (Actually, at Cuesta College plus/minus grades are optional, at the discretion of each instructor.)
"During the class questions, I missed hearing an answer and explanation by a student, so I asked my neighbors and they said they didn't catch it either. Some of the student answers are difficult to hear." (I will be sure to remind students to project their voices when asking or answering questions. At the same time I will be sure to remind the rest of the class to keep their voices down.)
"How do you get your mustache so tightly curled?" (Clubman mustache wax, by Pinaud.)
"I typically don't like to interact in a class, but I will try to put that aside for this class." (I'm the same way. But if I think I'm right while other people are wrong, I'm not going to hold back.)
"(a) Do the online reading materials, blog posts; and other presentations, make this class a flipped one? (b) Do you use the flipped classroom method or are you considering using it? Have you seen the flipped classroom work in person?" ((a) Yes, as long as what would typically be "transmitted" by the instructor to the students in class, and problem-solving homework done at home are instead done at home and in class, respectively. (b) Yes, you and I are going to experience a fully flipped classroom first-hand this semester (although I've used some preliminary flipping in previous semesters.)
"P-dog can you show us your dance moves, please!" (You show me your dance moves. Bring it next time I DJ swing dance music at Madonna Inn on Monday nights.)
"Honest-to-god Hawaii food is awesome. What's your favorite?" (SPAMâ„¢ musubi.)
"What was your dissertation topic?" (Computationally reconstructing holographic images of atoms using x-ray photons emitted by electrons making transitions from higher to lower energy orbitals. Good times. (Not.))
"You are the only instructor I have had that practices a flipped class method. I am already very excited to be in your class (even just the first day was interesting and interactive). So far I really appreciate your teaching style and positive energy." (You're welcome.)
"I went to UC-Davis last year and agree that the students are weird. That's why I am at Cuesta now." (Word.)
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