Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "Venus" generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Originally uploaded by Waifer X tag cloud for "Mars" generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (
Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by, where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.
(The following question was asked prior to lectures on the terrestrial planets.)
Write down five words that describe or are associated with "Venus." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "veryhot"). (Graded for completion.)
Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
womenarefrom williams planet terrestrial brightWrite down five words that describe or are associated with "Mars." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "redplanet"). (Graded for completion.)
neighbor hot dry large secondplanet
love beauty hot ishtar
crazy wild faraway cold icy wet
volcanic love hot lifeless golde brown
Earth cloudy hot dense noair
sexy hot steaming sweaty planet
hot rocky bright terrestrial nearsun
blue Earthstwin gases big green
noocean denseatmosphere greenhouse hottesttemperature sulfuricacid
gas Earthstwin veryhot secondplanet storms
hot sister similarsize red langdon
close veryhot razor greekgod red
razors women hot sexy green
bright morningstar Earthstwin CO2 rocky
sister goddess sulfuricacid second deadly
space dark tennis Serena Mars
volatileatmosphere terrestrial large greenplanet bright
veryhot brighteststar secondclosestplanettothesunbetweenusandmercury volcanoes volatile
razors williamssister volcanic CO2 224dayorbit
hot secondplanet veryhot planet razor
razorforwomen romangoddess tennisstar planet cloudy
planet mediumsize warm dead rocky
love god razors women sunev
green earthsize-ish love razors secondrockfromsun
rockband scubadiving intergalactic skivveys michaelbay
women terrestrial lifeless Earthsized plain
hot planet secondplanet terrestrial sisterplanet
secondplanet visible hot venus
veryhot closetosun orbitssun morningstar sisterplanet
venereal goddessoflove Earthsisterplanet sulfuricacidclouds
women hot planet large yellow
love golden hot blue sister
razors badass moo meow POW!
Hell extremelyhot greenhouse deadly smelly
women hot razor boiling planet
secondclosest sisterplanet carbondioxide inferiorplanet solarwind
planet Earth big hot round
veryhot gas planet active
Hades desert carbondioxide unpleasant thickclouds
hotdeserts Hades carbondioxide deadly unpleasant
cloudy dry acid male hot
hot second terrestrial planet sister
hot gas earth methane wrinkly
morningstar hotatmosphere greekgoddess planet
carbondioxide hot smelly thickair deadly
venus fire space planet stars
orange love aphrodite women hot sexy
flytrap veryhot largegas
hottestatmosphere closertothesun hot terrestrialplanet
twin flytrap razors gassy unreachable
terrestrialplanet rock hot nearsun redish
razors chicks planets hot jovian
aphrodite notoftenvisible female hot small
hot beautiful toxic terrestrial planet
second hot bright rocky sisterplanet
goddessoflove verydense
verybig planet terrestrial hot biggerthanthemoon
razors womenarefrom veryhot terrestrial planet
womenarefrom razors cloudy volcanoes solidifiedlavaflows
greenhouse earthsize hot
hot thickatmosphere lotsofclouds volcanoes sulfur
almostsamemassasearth biggercore CO2atmosphere thinatmosphere veryhot
veryhot rotatesoppositedirection denseclouding volcanoes sisterplanettoearth
red orange redhot hot flaming
goddess love planet sky night
barren veryhot planet brown closeby
cool white dense carbondioxide round
intenseatmosphere crushing girls superhot secondplanet
sisterplanet equalsize hot goddess acidrain
Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
redplanet fourth Earthlike menarefrom martians
neighbor coolerthanearth life fourthplanet large
war red ice candybars martian
redplanet aliens stormy water movies
red aliens wild notlivable
small red dead far, round
red liveable water thinatmosphere cold
chocolateygoodness bar yumyum
fourthplanet cool MarsAttacks dead Earthtwin
aliens red small hot crators
rangingtemperatures thinatmosphere polarice carbondioxide martians
desert redplanet candybar movies mountain
red space astronaut NASA rover
red volcanoes menarefrom closeproximity rocky
dust TotalRecall red aliens hot
Craters volcanoes deserts twomoons thinatmosphere
redplanet futurecolony rovers fourthplanet mysterious
candybars space holes TotalRecall
dirt volcanoes colonize crimson rovers
aliens live twin candy planet
fourthplanet rocky possiblelife rover ice
candybars Ares l Phobos Deimos
fourthplanet red MarsAttacks volcano fourth
candy TVshow godofwar reddish volcanoes
hot red mediumsize sunny rocky
men candy Marvin sram red
candybar martian Marvin redplanet cold
thehumantorchwasdeniedabankloan candy bouncedchecks crackbaby journey
men small terrestrial
martians redplanet fourthplanet terrestrial basalt
martians red fourthplanet Marvin
redplanet itsgotice
redplanet fourthfromthesun terestrialplanet deserts valleys
verysmall godofwar ironoxide Phoenixmarslander Phobos Deimos
men red planet small CO2
cold dryworld small frozen moonplanet
red hot second dead boring
godofwar redplanet ironoxide impactcraters OlympusMons
red planetthatsfurthest terrestrial
aliens smaller round planet Earth
hot planet red activevolcano
craters permafrost shieldvolcanoes Earthlike cold
craters cold dry ice little water
red dust face RedFaction Marvin
red twomoons ice microbiclife small
terrestrial planet red fourth rover
red dirt TotalRecall nooxygen martians
marsrover red terrestrial boysarefrom planet
cold craters maria thinair thickcrust
bars moons water life tests
Ares men war red boring
red planet saucer martians UFOs mission
red planet terrestrial colder water?
red Bradbury cheeky desert dusty
terrestrialplanet rocky lesshot nearsun reddish orangeish
Aliens SpaceJam MichaelJordan basketball sports
male Ares red volcanic hot
red dry boring lame whatever
earth red ice rover forth
godofwar verylittlewater
dustlike rock terrestrial biggerthanmercury red
marsbars menarefrom redplanet terrestrial planet
menarefrom marscandybars rocky permafrost volcanoes
red cold small terraform rust
godofwar icycold polarcaps permafrost red
verycold ice thinatmosphere somehydrogen butmostly CO2
redplanet mountian plains ridges dunes craters
redplanet small tiny little red
MarsAttacks aliens red volcano rover
red closeby dormant expeditions candy
red iron candybars Deimos Phobos
red fourthplanet volcanoes big fun
war terraform redplanet rover cold
red small brother desert cool
bars candy chocolate red notbadassasVenus
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