Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Cf. Giambattista/Richardson/Richardson, Physics, 2/e, Problem 3.62(c)

Solution and grading rubric:
- p:
Correct. Finds x- and y-components of initial velocity: v0x = +9.42 m/s, v0y = –179.8 m/s. May either use quadratic equation or time-eliminated kinematic equation along the y-direction to respectively find the elapsed time or the final vy when the pellet hits the ground, which can then be used to find the final horizontal position x where the pellet hits the ground. - r:
Nearly correct, but includes minor math errors. Typically solves for elapsed time correctly, but inadvertently uses v0y instead of v0x in calculating the horizontal distance traveled. - t:
Nearly correct, but approach has conceptual errors, and/or major/compounded math errors. At least attempts to solve for elapsed time before substituting into x = v0x⋅t. - v:
Implementation of right ideas, but in an inconsistent, incomplete, or unorganized manner. Still has a methodical approach based on the kinematic equations of motion, or may estimate distance from appealing to trigonometric relations between initial angle, y and/or x, which would only be true if ay = 0. - x:
Implementation of ideas, but credit given for effort rather than merit. - y:
Irrelevant discussion/effectively blank. - z:
Sections 30880, 30881
p: 11 students
r: 4 students
t: 2 students
v: 22 students
x: 6 students
y: 1 student
z: 0 students
A sample "p" response (from student 6447):

A sample "t" response (from student 6363), finding the answer in the absence of gravity:

A sample "v" response (from student 1697), purely appealing to trigonometry:

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