Originally uploaded by Waifer X
Three possible types of planisphere ("starwheel") questions:
Photo by Cuesta College Physical Sciences Division instructor Dr. Patrick M. Len.
Astronomy and physics education research and comments, field-tested think-pair-share (peer instruction) clicker questions, flashcard questions, in-class activities (lecture-tutorials), current events questions, backwards faded scaffolding laboratories, Hake gains, field-tested multiple-choice and essay exam questions, indices of discrimination, presentation slides, photos, ephemerae, astronomy in the marketplace, unrelated random sketches and minutiae.
Guy Webster, Steve Cole, and Daniel Stolte, "NASA Spacecraft Data Suggest Water Flowing on Mars," August 4, 2011__________ observed by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter may be evidence of salt water flowing on Mars.
Richard Lovett, "Early Earth May Have Had Two Moons," August 3, 2011__________ may be consistent with the recently proposed theory that Earth's moon was formed by the collision of two smaller moons.
Denise Chow, "Aha! Icy Moon 'Rain' Creates the Water on Saturn," July 27, 2011According to observations from the ESA Herschel Space Observatory, water raining down on Saturn may come from:
Alasdair Wilkins, "Earth’s First Known Trojan Asteroid Follows Our Orbit Like a Second Earth," July 27, 2011Asteroid 2010 TK7 was recently discovered to be a Trojan asteroid of Earth, meaning that it:
blackholes, quasars, bigbang
blackholes, constellations, beginningoftime
planets, life, blackholes, bigbang
Pluto, blackholes, stars
blackholes, wormholes, MilkyWay
astrology, stars, life
blackholes, planet, atmospheres, magneticfields
bigbang, moon, tides, moonphases, blackholes
beginningoftime, blackholes, laboratory, constellations, zodiac
blackholes, starformation, comets
seasons, blackholes, moonphases
blackholes, constellations, planets
lightyears, darkmatter, blackholes
constellations, Pluto, beyondsolarsystem
blackholes, ETlife, gravity
galaxies, tidallocking
planets, astrology, satellites
constellations, LittleDipper, BigDipper, planets, life, colonizingMars
moonphases, tides, Pluto
shootingstars, galaxies, blackholes, astrology
constellations, relativity
constellations, blackholes, ETlife
lightspeedtravel, universe, wormholes
blackholes, quasars, darkmatter
spacetime blackholes quasars
stars, spacetime, constellations
blackholes, universe, gravity
measurements, speedoflight, planets
blackholes speedoflight, unseenstars
planets, elements, constellations, speedoflight
Pluto, stars, masses, laboratory
bigbang, atmospheres, gravity
Pluto, lightyears, starwheels
motion, distances, discovery
rotation, lightyears, elements, sun, spacetravel
darkmatter, bigbang, galaxies
moonphases, lightyears, seasons
darkmatter, moonphases, seasons
Moonleaving? moonriselocations, stars
distances, math, measurements
blackholes, physics, gravity
seasons, UVexposure, constellations
physics, chemistry, lightyears, spacetime
wormholes, lightspeed
sunspots, math, light
bigbang, orbits, trajectories, telescopes, data
constellations, starformation, energy, distances
"How in depth are we going to study intergalactic space?"Previous posts:
"Where did 'P-dog' come from?"
"How many planets are thought to have possible water and capable of sustaining life?"
"Is Pluto a planet?"
"How did you come up with the name 'P-dog?'"
"If there will be any math?"
"How does astronomy help us in everyday life?"
"What do you, as an astronomy teacher, find interesting about astronomy?"
"Why are we represented by pandas, bunnies, etc.?"
"Is it possible to move faster than the speed of light? Is there direction in space?"
"Why do we have seasons?"
"Is the course of astronomy focused mostly on stars?"
"Favorite topic to teach?"
"What is the most likely devastating death to Earth?"
"What's your most embarrassing moment whilst teaching class?"
"Home come Pluto is no longer a planet?"
"How much longer till there's a hotel on the moon?"
"What airline is going to start doing space trips and how much would it cost to go?"
"What is your favorite planet and why?"
"Will your son's name be, or is, 'Lil' P-dog?'"
"What was so traumatic about high school?"
"How much of space have we explored, via satellites?"
"Where do we have rovers/probes/spacecraft/satellites currently headed?"
Saturn, Aura, Mercury, Eclipse, Infiniti
Saturn, Mercury, Nova
Saturn, Mercury, Eclipse
Saturn, Taurus, Mercury
Saturn, Mercury, Eclipse
Saturn, Mercury, Nova, Sunfire
Mercury, Saturn, Eclipse
Saturn, Mercury, Moonrover
Nova, Saturn, Taurus
Saturn, Mercury, Taurus
Saturn, Equinox, AstroVan, Nova, Solaris
Mercury, Saturn, Galaxy
Saturn, Mercury, Aurora
Polaris, Saturn, Mercury
Galaxy, Saturn, Mercury
Mercury, Olympia, Jetta
Mercury, Saturn, CivicdelSol
Mercury, Nova, Saturn
Infiniti, Nova, Saturn
Nova, Mercury, Saturn, Eclipse, AstroVan, Taurus
Mercury, Saturn, Taurus, Infiniti
Saturn, Mercury, Voyager
Nova, Vespa, Saturn
Saturn, Mercury
MoonPie, SunChips, MarsBars, LunaBar, LuckyCharms, SunnyD, MilkyWay, Sunkist, Starburst
MilkyWay, Starburst, SunnyD
MarsBars, MilkyWay, SunChips
SunnyD, Sundropsoda, Starburst, MilkyWay, MarsBars
Starburst, MarsBars, MilkyWay
MilkyWay, MoonPies, MarsBars, SunnyD, Starburst
LunaBars, MarsBars, MilkyWay
Sunkist, BlueMoon, starshapedfruitsnacks, MilkyWay, MarsBars, LunaBar, Sunshinecrackers, Starburst
MilkyWay, MarsBars, LuckyCharms
MoonPies, MilkyWay, Starburst
MarsBars, Orbit, LuckyCharms, MilkyWay
MarsBars, Sunkist, LunaBar, Starburst, MilkyWay, CrystalGeyser
MilkyWay, MarsBars
MilkyWay, MarsBars, Starburst
MilkyWay, MarsBars, OvertheMoonchocolatemilk
MilkyWay, Starburst, LuckyCharms
Starkist, starfruit, MilkyWay
MarsBars, MilkyWay, Starburst
MilkyWay, MarsBars, BigStickRockets
MarsBars, MilkyWay, SunnyD, SunDrop, Sunkist, Starburst
MilkyWay, MarsBars, Starburst
MarsBars, MilkyWay
Starburst, MilkyWay, MarsBars
MilkyWay, MarsBars
SkyyVodka, Orbit, Starmagazine, BlueMoon, SpaceBag
Comet, Tide, Dawn
PhoenixSuns, sunflowers, Comet
Comet, Starshinewindowcleaner, Sunsoap
BlueMoon, Cosmomagazine
Moonshine, BlueMoon
Comet, BlueMoon, Sunbeamcoffeemaker, Sunsoap
BlueMoon, Comet, Eclipse
Comet, Venusrazors, QuarkExpress
Venusrazors, Comet
Comet, Venusrazors
Rockstar, Venusrazors, Comet
Sunkist, Venusrazors, Comet, AirWalks
Comet, Tide, Diamonddogfood
Comet, Tide, Venusshavinggel
Comet, Apollowinery
Comet, Venusrazors
Venusrazors, SamsungGalaxy, Comet
Cuesta College Physics 205A Fall semester 2011 | UC-Davis Physics 7B Summer session II 2002 | |
N | 57 students* | 76 students* |
low | 2 | 2 |
mean | 9.0 +/- 5.4 | 9.1 +/- 4.3 |
high | 29 | 27 |