The ALLS is administered as a pre-test on the first laboratory meeting, before any introduction/instruction takes place; and as a post-test on the last laboratory meeting.
The pre- and post-instruction forms (version 2.0, dated 11.07.31) are reproduced below. These forms supersede the earlier version 1.1 forms (dated 09.08.21 and 07.12.29). The reason for this revised version is due to the changeover to a backwards faded scaffolding curriculum (Slater, Slater, and Lyons, 2010), previous semesters (fall semester 2011 and earlier) used a conventional "cookbook" laboratory curriculum.
ALLS pre-instruction form, front/back.

ALLS post-instruction form, front/back:

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Education research: Astronomy Laboratory Learning Survey (ALLS) version 1.1.
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