Astronomy quiz question: rise/set positions and paths of the sun

Astronomy 210 Quiz 1, spring semester 2020
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

An observer in San Luis Obispo, CA notices that there are approximately 10 hours between sunrise and sunset. On this day, the sun rose:
(A) between northeast and east.
(B) due east.
(C) between east and southeast.
(D) between southwest and west.
(E) due west.
(F) between west and northwest.

Correct answer (highlight to unhide): (C)

Students completed this diagram of the paths for the sun for San Luis Obispo, CA on an in-class activity ("lecture-tutorial"). However, this diagram was not provided on the quiz.

In December, the sun will rise on the horizon between east and southeast, and takes 10 hours to set on the horizon between southwest and west.

Section 30676
Exam code: quiz02s4L3
(A) : 8 students
(B) : 4 students
(C) : 30 students
(D) : 2 students
(E) : 0 students
(F) : 1 students

Success level: 68% (including partial credit for multiple-choice)
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.70-->

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