Online reading assignment question: interesting Midterm 1 astronomy topics

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for interesting topics covered in Midterm 1, generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7167509/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

List at least three words describing interesting subjects covered in class (up through this midterm). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
telescopes, planets, stars
retrograde telescopes astronomers
moonphases starwheels constellations
moonphases, telescopes, Pluto
planets moonphases stars
constellations planets sun
UV, telescopes, wavelengths
history, prograde retrograde
moonphases telescopes planets
greenhouse, planetsurface, classification
moonphases, eclipses, Mars
planets, moon, epicycles
telescopes, moonphases
planets, cycles, telescopes
planets moonphases sun
moonphases, telescopes, planets
convection, prograde retrograde, moonphases
moonphases, eclipses, planets
telescopepowers planets sun
constellations, moonphases
moonphases, planets, starwheels
moonphases, revolution, rotation
moonphases, seasons, telescopefunding
eclipses solarflares aurorae
eclipses, firstprinciples, telescopes
exhilarating scientific inspiring
moonphases, sun, planets
alluring, provoking, overwhelming
moonphases, telescopes, astronomers
moonphases, light, wavelengths, telescopes
light moonphases telescopes
challenging, interesting, useful
astronomers moonphases
telescopepowers, energylevels, spectra continuous absorption emission
moonphases, suncycles, planets orbits
eclipses, moonphases, planetfinding
moonphases, eclipses, spectra telescopes
moon, light, gravity
starcharts, moonphases, eclipses
planetfinding useful, fun, fascinating moonphases informative, interesting, practical
eclipses, umbra, retrograde
zodiac constellations,
retrograde, moonphases, telescopes
lightpollution, telescopes, firstprinciples
new, fun, educational
constellations, astronomers, moonphases
neonlights eclipses constellations
moonphases, starwheels, sun telescopes
laws astronomers suncycles seasons
moonphases, telescopepowers, eclipses
moonphases, telescopes, eclipses
moonphases, zodiac, eclipses
eclipses, moon, telescopes
new, educational, exciting
moonphases, telescopes, history
suncycles, eclipses, telescopes
Describe your most interesting subject, and briefly explain why this subject interested you. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"the planets because i am interested in studying the ones in our solar system to learn about new ones that we discover outside our system"

"I liked learning about telescopes because I want to buy one. Now I know what to consider when buying."

"I personally thought that the most interesting subject was of the moon phases. I was in awe on how the moon rises and sets at different times according to what face it was in. This was interesting to me because every night I look for the moon and wondered why it was not out. Now I know!"

"Learning about why Pluto was no longer a planet was most interesting to me. I always wondered why and this gave me my answer. I also liked learning the different moon phases because now I can look up at the sky and know what phase the moon is."

"planets because ive always been interested"

"I like the planets the most, all through grade school that's what has always interested me the most in science"

"Learning the different powers of telescopes was interesting's. I knew practically nothing about telescopes so learning anything about them is interesting."

"I found the moons phases interesting because I used to not know its names, and neither could I identify them. now, I find myself showing off to my friends and describing the phases to the ladies(wink)"

"I found the subject on telescopes most interesting. Between the in class activity when we went to see the telescopes on campus and all of the in class discussions I learned a lot what goes into getting a good view of the sky. I want my own telescope now!"

"I think telescopes and their use/positioning are probably the most interesting thing we've covered so far because it's a very tangible thing. It's more fact and practice than theory and guessing."

"Moon phases because knowing the phase of the moon by looking at its shape was really interesting to learn."

"everything, just want to know"

"That's a difficult thing to say because I find it all interesting."

"Learning about the moon phases was interesting for me because I was never really taught about the moon. I love looking at the moon every night, yet came to find that I really didn't know much about it."

"Planets because I'm interested in their atmospheres and what they're like on their surface."

"planets, because i have never had a class that has gone in depth on the planets and what they are made of."

"i think it is interesting how we are able to tell when the moon will rise and set depending on what phase it is in. im not sure how we do it. its magic"

"I think the moon phases are the most interesting because I never knew anything about them before. I find myself being a total nerd sometimes and telling them what kind of moon is in the sky when I can see it."

"I found working on and answering questions on the telescope most interesting to me."

"I think constellations were the most interesting for me because I like stars"

"The planets. I've always been interested in planets there so cool and neat, there all composed of many different elements, there all different and have MANY different features about them. My favorite planet is Mars."

"The moon phases was probably the most interesting subject covered because now that I understand how it works it seems so easy to distinguish what type of moon phase every night has. I even brag to my roommate about it."

"Telescope funding projects are the most interesting material covered on the midterm. It's interesting that you can determine whether a project should be funded with a e/m radiation spectrum."

"I am most interested in the information we covered on the sun. I read an article in National Geographic about the risks associated with solar flares knocking out the grid and I liked learning the science behind that. Also I my major is Earth Science with a concentration in climate change so I am interested in the climate changes in the past that have been associated with sunspots."

"I think all of the material covered for the midterm was very interesting. The astronomers were cool and smart guys. i also liked learning about light and using the star wheel to read the constellations. The subject matter interested me in particular because i had mostly no knowledge of what i know now."

"I think the overall history of astronomy we covered was interesting. It's eye opening how ancient astronomers had certain theories but those theories were disproved years later by those willing to think outside the box using improved technology, and also how their truth weren't always well received."

"Phases of the moon is interesting, i just think the different phases of the moon and it changes it's interesting"

"The most interesting subject we covered in this class so far was learning about eclipses. I found this interesting because the sun and the moon are objects we see almost every day so it is interesting to learn about how they work and why they look a certain way at different times of the day and different times of the year."

"The most interesting to me s the moon phases. Ive always loved looking at the moon. I found this interesting because ive never known why the moon changes its shape or when it changes."

"I find the idea of light wavelengths somewhat interesting. the idea that various types of wavelengths are surrounding us but invisible to our eye is quite interesting."

"I really liked learning about the moon phases. Every time I see the moon now I try to figure out what phase it is in and when it will be at its highest point."

"as basic as it may be, i still feel as though star wheels are the most fun/interesting thing. being able to hands on just look at different alignments though different dates is pretty cool."

"I really liked learning about the astronomers because I had heard of them but never really read up on exactly how they contributed to astronomy."

"I would say either learning about how telescopes work or learning about how the sun behaves."

"The most interesting subject was learning about the how the planets move around and the certain patterns."

"I have enjoyed learning about the moon and the different phases. I have been annoying everyone around me by always saying "Oh thats a waxing crescent!" or whatever phase it is."

"I think the phase of the moon and the timing us just so exciting. I live out in the country so it is ALWAYS so dark out there and my family and friends would just lay outside look at the stars. I have always enjoy looking at the sky at night time. And the next time I lay there and look at the stars I will blabber all about what you taught us :)"

"The radiation of the sun and what is truly in space. With all the rays that aren't able to be seen with our eyes and how we are able to detect it and understand its properties and placement in space."

"I enjoyed using and learning how to read the star charts. I like looking up at the stars all the time so its neat that I can point out which are which now and determine the month."

"The lunar and solar eclipses. I always thought they looked so beautiful, but was never sure how they occurred."

"I found the review questions on the morning stars vs. evening stars very interesting. I came to the conclusion the the outer heliocentric orbiting planets can only be viewed at night and the inner heliocentric orbiting planets (Mercury and Venus) can be viewed during the day."

"the theories ."


"I found the telescopes the most interesting subject covered in this mid term because it was the easiest for me to understand."

"I enjoyed learning about the telescopes. I never knew there was so much to look for when purchasing a telescope."

"moon phases because i think its the one subject that i 100% understand and am confident in."

"I think eclipses are interesting because I've seen them before but haven't really understood them, so now that I do I can appreciate the beauty of them more."

"I have really enjoyed covering the moon phases. I mostly think it is because I actually understand that there are different phases, and I know when the phases occur and when they rise, are overhead, and set."

"I think learning about the astronomers and their different ideas and ways of thinking are interesting"

"Moon phases because the moon phase can determine what time it is at night"

"The most interesting subject for me that will be covered is eclipses. I enjoyed learning about the different types of elipses and the patterns of them in class."

"The most interesting for me was learning about the zodiac signs and how you get assigned your's. Also to know that everyone's zodiac sign is pretty much wrong. I had a lot of fun telling my friends what their Zodiac sign actually was."

"Eclipses and moon phases are really interesting to me even though they're not my strongest subjects on this midterm."

"I found that learning how to use the star wheel is not only really cool but will also be really useful later! I also really enjoyed learning the different moon phases as well as their positions in the sky at different times."

"The moon cycles because I enjoy being able to look at the moon and show off in front of my roommates. ;)"

"To me, learning about the parts of a telescope was the most interesting. I didn't know there were so many aspects when it came to finding the best telescope referring to its resolving power, light gathering power, and magnification."

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