Online reading assignment question: confusing Midterm 1 astronomy topics

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for confusing topics covered in Midterm 1, generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7167514/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

List at least three words describing confusing subjects covered in class (up through this midterm). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
moonphases moonphases moonphases
retrograde moonphases
mindblowing perspective prograde retrograde
telescopepowers, astronomers, planetsurfaces
scientists telescopes
telescopes scientists
astronomers, retrograde, planetfinding
prograde and retrograde
morningstars eveningstars essayquestions
geology, subduction, penumbra
telescopes, retrograde, midoceanrises
atoms, gases, planetformation
atmosphere, retrograde, astronomers
telescopes quantummechanics ellipses
astronomers, ellipses, astronomers
theories, telescopes, prograde retrograde
planetfinding, telescopes, lightpollution
telescopes, astronomers laws
starwheel, moonphases, telescopes
Keplerslaws, prograde, telescopepowers
planetfinding starwheels
planetfinding retrograde interferometry
planetfinding, essayquestions
perplexing disconcerting involved
telescopes, planetfinding horizon
complex, difficult, stressful
astronomers, telescopes planetfinding
moonphases, parallax, precession
light spectra astronomers telescopesonairplanes
frustrating, taunting, conquerable
suncycles moonphases
redshift blueshift, geocentric heliocentric, prograde retrograde
history astronomers planets penumbra umbra
telescopes light rays astronomers
light wavelengths, telescopes, astronomers
interferometery, moonphases, lightpollution
retrograde planetfinding telescopes
eclipses, planets and sun, Tycho
challenging, annoying, difficult
planetfinding, retrograde, telescopes
spectra quantummechanics telescopes telescopepowers
astronomers, telescopes, planets
telescopepowers quantummechanics fusion
planetfinding moonphases
negativeshadow, zodiac constellations, retrograde
morningstars, eveningstars, and planetfinding
spectra, negativeshadow, laws
tough, challenging, difficult
suncycles eclipses
Describe your most confusing subject, and briefly explain why this subject confused you. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"I think the most confusing subject was a tie between the telescopes and the morning/evening stars. As for the telescopes, I would always get confused on what was needed to calculate LGP and RP. The morning/evening stars I had trouble with because I had yet to memorize the snowboarder diagram."

"I had a really hard time memorizing what each astronomer did and the different laws they had. I'm not very good at remembering names with concepts."

"scientists because im going to have to know who they are and what they did"

"knowing who the scientists are and what they did"

"Knowing the times of day for when certain moon phases happen . It's not confusing per say, but difficult for me to remember."

"I am not prepared to tell the times that the moon will rise and set according to its phase"

the moon phases, the waxing and waning issues i have. Its confusing because im not personally interested in it therefore its hard for me to remember. And theres gonna be 4 questions out of 10 so im bummed."

"Everything about retrograde was confusing for me at first. But now I feel confident about it."

"When we were asked the question 'Venus higher morning star than Mercury?' I was pretty lost. I still don't quite understand that concept so this is probably the most confusing subject for me. I need to study much more for this."

"The geological theories of how the planets formed were the most confusing for me. It just seems to me that there's a lot of assumptions that are made in order to get to the conclusions. I don't feel like I ever really understood why the assumptions were made and so I don't feel like I understand it."

"Telescopes because I found all types of telescopes difficult to memorize and know each function."

"the interior workings of planets and atmospheres, just don't get them."

"The time of the moon rising, to its highest point, to when it sets."

"Fully understanding prograde and retrograde motion was tough for me, I kept getting them switched up."

"Telescopes because of the different telescope powers and what affects those powers."

"astronomers, such similar concepts that i still need to master."

"astronomers, i dont think i spent enough time making sure i know who was who and what they believed."

"The most confusing subject so far for me has been the planet placement in the sky and where the planets are at certain times."

"I just find taking test hard in general, I panic and forget things."


"The phases of the moon, when a question asked about what time it can be seen in the sky is confusing to me, i just need more explanation about it? its just not clicking in my brain. Same goes for star locating T.T"

"The most confusing subject was probably the whole prograde, revolution and distinguishing which one is which."

"Starwheels are by far the most confusing subject covered in this midterm. I struggle with using the horizons properly with respect to the picture given to us."

"I am still confused about planet finding but I think that is just because I want to be able to locate planets without help of the internet. I think this would require memorizing the orbits of each one and drawing a diagram depending on the time of year?"

"The way the earth moves along its orbit and how the orbit effects planet seeing, the suns path over head, the way the moon is visible, etc..."

"The topic of spectra was certainly confusing for me. I had some trouble understanding clear rules for what defines real-life objects as having either an absorption, emission or continuous spectrum."

"Telescope, the way to measure and the parts of the telescope"

"The most confusing subject covered in this midterm would be planet hunting. This is personally confusing for me because my brain has a hard time flipping east and west and understanding where the planets will be at a certain time."

"Im confused on planet hunting. and where they will be in the sky. That's the toughest part for me so far. and I get the astronomers confused. and probably telescopes. basically the things that will be on the short answer portion."

"I think that the sketches involving planet positions are the most difficult concept covered. I find it confusing simply because I'm never quite sure what steps to take in solving them."

"I think the most confusing thing to me was the telescopes in airplanes. How do they keep it steady enough to look at stars and other galaxies?"

"I dont understand the alignments of the planets and correlating times. For example questions that ask what time a planet will be somewhere i am not able to answer."

"Questions that I have not seen from the chapters"

"Probably the section dealing with the ancient astronomers just because it was hard to find relevant information in that chapter."

"Finding where the planets are in the sky and at what time. I get it when I go over it with groups and then seem to completely forget how to do it."

"I'm not sure, cause I seem to get most of it in class, but then I don't do that well on the quizzes..."

"When I was studying the morning and evening stars I get so confused. I was practicing drawing and shading where the planet would not be visible I keep shading the wrong side. And I don't get it how to figure out where the 6AM or 12PM or 6PM. I just don't understand that part. Oh...and the star wheel I'm totally LOST!!"

"How to tell what is a good telescope and the way each one functions."

"Light wavelengths and deducting which one is more effective in a certain location."

"Precession. I understand what it is, but I'm still confused how it occurs."

"I was confused on how to explain the different heights of the planets in comparison to earth. I know it is something to do with the speed of the orbits but I am not completely sure."

"quiz 3"

"everything covered in the past few classes"

"The motions of the planets and sun are very confusing for me because it is hard for me to be able to picture the process and understand it."

"The different moon phases in the sky when they rise and when they set. I found this confusing and hard to understand."

"planet finding because i am having troubling visualizing how the planets will move in regards to the sun and earth."

"I'm still confused about planet findings and how we're supposed to figure out if a person can see certain morning stars or constellations from the earth at a certain time."

"I have a hard time with the astronomers because I forget who thought what and what order they came in. Also, I confuse myself on where to have my horizon when I am looking to see if I can see planets or not."

"I think the most confusing subject covered even though all were confusing to me i think it would have to be the telescope powers i dont really know"

"Knowing the specific differences between the ancient astronomers."

"Retrograde motion confuses me. I get the motion of Mars, I need to understand/remember what role earth plays as Mars passes through retrograde motion."

"I had a really hard time understanding how to find planets and when they are visible in the sky or not. I still do not fully understand how to do this."

"I think the laws are confusing to apply. I can learn them and know who created them but the question on them, for example the flash card question are a little confusing"

"I thought that the dimensions of the telescope in respect to the powers was a little harder to learn."

"I have a hard time remembering which philosopher/astronomer discover what."

"To me, the most confusing subject was learning the differences between lunar and solar eclipses. Though, they have distinct differences I still seem to be confused on when which one takes place."

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