Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"It helps to take breaks between doing homework or studying so your brain doesn't get so over worked that you stop being able to understand things at an efficient level."

"country music helps me stay focused. other wise I start thinking about other things and I don't get things done"

"Knowing that topics will be used from our quizzes is helpful since finding a starting point for studying can be difficult."

"the star wheel"

"I feel that the presentations PDog shows during class and the fact that we are able to view them whenever we need to is really helpful. PDog breaks down the information and makes it relatable to everyday things, making it easier to remember."

"I guess I'm assuming that the midterm is going to be a lot like the quizzes. If that's the case I think the flash card questions have been great because their like mini tests that we can practice on and know what to expect."

"Flashcard questions help me a lot."

"it doesn't help that there move of a lecture so that I could get a few more terms down."

"Making flashcards of the basics, re-reading key points in the chapters, and taking practice quizzes/tests seriously."

"I can't study when it's too hot."

"studying outside is not a good idea, too many distractions. i thought it would be nice... wrong."

"the blogs give a good summary. the book will help a lot after the blogs"

"The past quizzes have helped me study for this midterm as well as placing sample short answer questions on your blog."

"Having the tv on did not help."


"It doesnt help when your in a group and no one has read the material so you cant really learn much from the time you are wasting with them. I wish the midterm was longer that asked some questions from the book. 10 questions out of all the chapters is cool for most, but i would like it to be broader due to the fact the midterm is basiclly on the moon."

"The flashcard questions help me study, but for the last quiz I studied the telescope questions as well as the planet ones because I thought that was what was going to be on the quiz. When the quiz was handed out I was surprised that it was from material so long ago and felt very unprepared."

"Having 1 side page of notes to look at helps a lot."

"I go over all powerpoints, exercises, quizzes, and notes. I need to refresh my mind and then I focus on what I find confusing."

"Redoing the in-class activities helped me study and jog my memory."

"It helps to check out the in class activities."

"Note cards on terms such as the astronomers helped me memorize the material on them for this test."

"Posting the presentation slides and other links on your website is more than helpful. I love having access to the course material where I can review it later or even preview it before classes at my own leisure. Keep up the good work."

"Studying for midterm, i know that if i study hard and take my time to read the material few times it will help me to understand."

"The flashcard questions help however it is frustrating because I do not know if I am getting the right answers."

"maybe a study guide would help. since most of everything is online. something to look and see where answers are to see if what im doing is correct. or notes for the book. its a good book but retaining the information is whats hard for me. notes usually help"

"I feel that simply looking through the chapters in the book, while taking extra notes based on the text, will be the most beneficial way to remember information."

"Do not read the text book like a novel."

"my procrastination does not help me study for the midterm."

"Going over the old quizes and trying to understand questions I got wrong."

"I found that going through the textbook looking at the little yellow word boxes was a good way to learn vocabulary words and scientific terms."

"Preparing for the exam by reading over the notes and chapter for about an hour before the exam."

"I don't have anything notable."

"The power points, the practice quizzes, the past quizzes and midterms, the books, and my notes from lectures. And just practicing practicing practicing the drawings and the problems on the waifer website. Thank you so much for posting all the things on the waiferx.com it is so HELPFUL! I studied my butt off all week and hope to do well!"

"Just looking at the highlights of each topic. I know it but seeing the summary allows me to not have to read so much and get confused."

"In my opinion, looking over the past flashcards and rereading reading assignments."

"Going to see P-dog during his office hours, so that he can go over anything your confused about."

"Diagrams and explanation helps more then simply reading the material"

"study buddies!"

"reviewing notes"

"Reading the chapters then looking at flash card questions."

"For me drawing the diagrams out on paper and visualizing the different moon phases and planets really helped me comprehend and understand better with a visual picture right in front of me."

"Having the past midterms up helps."

"The diagrams for moon stages and their correlating times are very helpful."

"When I am going over different topics I like to draw out the diagrams and then write all the information that can go with it. Also, when I study the flashcard questions, I make sure to do all the combinations possible with the question options."

"Using notecards helps me with every subject"

"Helpful to know what example diagrams go with what section."

"Well, I just saw the movie Gravity. Great way to pre-game for studying for our midterm."

"Do not have your phone near you when studying."

"I like that you put quizzes and past test online for us to compare and see the style of questions we'll be taking"

"The textbook was really helpful when studying for thismidterm."

"Looking at the flash card questions help. But I REALLY wish there was a specific midterm study guide. There is so much information and there is only going to be 10 questions."

"Going over old quizzes helps studying the material."

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