Online reading assignment question: Venus, Mars tags

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "Venus" generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/2817770/Untitled).

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "Mars" generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/2817749/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

(The following question was asked prior to lectures on the terrestrial planets.)

Write down five words that describe or are associated with "Venus." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "veryhot"). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
large hot terrestrial dense women
razors, planet, veryhot, goddess, veryhot
circlularorbit rocky noweather beauty craters
goddess, female, rocky, volcanoes, planet
goddess razors planet sisterplanet dry
cloudy, dry desert, craters, volcanoes, hot
goddess greenhouse superhot
plant, terrestrial, active, big, guys
denseatmosphere, sisterplanet, 224.7earthdays, brightinsky, visiblewithouttelescope
womenarefrom menarefromMars
razors, hot, faraway, rocky, big
greenhouse, hot, atmosphere, goddess
hot, acid, rain, melt, atmosphere
hot, terrestrial, sulfuricacidclouds, denseatmosphere, Romangoddess
yellow, medium, secondplanet
blue cool outerspace whoknows
redspot, giant, gasgiant, storms, hurricanes
women yellow goddess love
greenhouse, secondplanet, denseatmosphere, meltslead, carbondioxide
veryhot, faraway,
girls planet goddess flytrap space
coronae, greenhouse, cloudy, meltslead, closertosun
acidrain, secondplanet, CO2, nomoons, morningstar
planet hot Serena tennis orbit
Earthsize, acidrain, volcanoes, fewcraters, platetectonics
smaller, morningstar, close, rocky, veryhot
hot, humid, acid, greenhouse, pressure
secondplanet, Earthsize, volcanoes, lavaflows, closertosun
razors, girls, eveningstar, solar system, beauty
big, toomanybeans, gassy
cloudy, volcanoes, hot, Earthsize, goddess
Earthsize, bright, terrestrial, inferiorplanet, goddess
planet, terrestrial, inferiorplanet, sisterplanet, Earthlike
cloudy, bright, volcanoes, lavaflows, craters
dark, cold, nolife, nowater, rocky
planet, hot, solar, system, world
planet razors space pretty awesome
bright veryhot morningstar eveningstar sulfur
secondplanet, brightinsky, denseatmosphere, desert, goddess
feminine planet hot notEarth
cloudy, drydesert, volcanoes, craters, basaltic lowlands
deadlygases sisterplanet hot uninhabitable bright
secondplanet atmosphere hot cloudy uninhabitable
closertosun hot fire doom die sad
goddess mythology planet car heavens
Venus veryhot terrestrial
hot superhot ohmysohot
veryhot, goddess love, womenarefrom, terrestrial, kindabig
hot, greenish, gasatmosphere, sisterplanet, Earthsize
hot, goddess love, terrestrial, AphroditeTerra, volcanoes
Earthsize Libra veryhot
big warm volcanoes red craters
Earthsize unbreathableair inhabitable cloudy craters
hot dead inactive goddess
goddess, love, beauty, borninaseashell, screwedParisover, womenarefrom
veryhot cloudy hot desert CO2 coronae
women planet closertosun inhabitable
Remus, Demus, fetus, Metus, Peanuts
razors planet rocky hot
girls razors goddess love
secondplanet sister bright love beauty
hot innerorbit SailorMoon
razors, tennis, planet, shaving, hot
Write down five words that describe or are associated with "Mars." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "redplanet"). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
terrestrial small men chocolate red
red, candybar, martians, rovers, MissiontoMars
small red water? Phobos Deimos craters
god, martians, red, male, war
red god planet aliens polaricecaps
thinatmosphere, littlewater, craters, volcanoes, deserts
red lamerversionofEarth
women, planet, big, active, terrestrial
fourthplanet, thinatmosphere, craters, volcanoes, valleys
men aliens red martians candybar
aliens, candybar, far, cold, red
red, god, rovers, ice, fourthplanet
cold, red, god, Phobos Deimos, dirt
ironoxide, terrestrial, thinatmosphere, Phobos Deimos, rovers
candybar, fourthplanet
red hot solarsystem cool
dust, ice, terrestrial, mudvolcanoes, life?
men red god
thinatmosphere, volcanoes, red, water?, polaricecaps
red, volcanoes, faraway, water?
pyscho red valleys deserts craters
cold small, permafrost, Phobos Deimos, polaricecaps, volcanoes
red, butterscotchcolor, VallesMarineris, thinatmosphere, Phobos Deimos
candybar chocolate nexthome?
polaricecaps, thinatmosphere, red, stormy, nexthome?
red, fourthplanet, god, volcanoes, deserts
cool, arid, craters, red, small
red, fourthplanet, small volcanoes, outflowchannels
boys, candybar, solarsystem, fourthplanet, red
martians, face, red
polaricecaps, cold, candybar, waterflow, Phobos Deimos
ironoxide, god, red, terrestrial, OlympusMons
red, BorealisBasin, thinatmosphere, ironoxide, terrestrial
weather, complexgeology, craters, volcanoes, water
life?, dark, cold, rocky, red
Mars, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Uranus
water? planet life? space cool
red canyon dust polaricecaps faraway
MarvintheMartian, ice water?, fourthplanet, volcanoes, candybar
hot planet dry nolife
thinatmosphere, polaricecaps, OlympusMons, craters, Phobos Deimos
face craters OlympusMons Phobos Deimos
fourthplanet red Phobos Deimos war
aliens cold scarymovies martians
god war red planet anger
red aliens close candybar water?
red, god war, menarefrom, volcanoes, deserts
volcanoes, polaricecaps, red dust, similargravityanddaylengthtoEarth
candybar, movies, big, red, rovers
red, cool, face, god, ironoxide
red rovers martians craters ice
small cool inactive orange yeah
water? nonbreathableair thinatmosphere volcanoes longvalleys
rusty dead war cold red
menarefrom, red, stormy, cold, permafrost
thinatmosphere permafrost volcanoes outflowchannels valleys
war god red onemoon exoplanet habitable
candybar, planet, rotation, revolution, solarsystem
mountians red dust
red thinatmoshpere craters
fourthplanet red war martians planet
red dust life?
red, planet, life?, warm, stormy

Previous posts:


  1. Raw, unedited Venus tags

    Student responses
    Sections 70158, 70160

    large hot terrestrial dense women
    razors, planet, veryhot, goddess, veryhot
    circlularorbit rocky noweather beauty craters
    goddess, female, rocky, volcanoes, planet
    goddess razors planet sisterplanet dry
    cloudy, dry desert, craters, volcanoes, hot
    goddess greenhouse superhot
    plant, terrestrial, active, big, guys
    denseatmosphere, sisterplanet, 224.7earthdays, brightinsky, visiblewithouttelescope
    womenarefrom menarefromMars
    razors, hot, faraway, rocky, big
    greenhouse, hot, atmosphere, goddess
    hot, acid, rain, melt, atmosphere
    hot, terrestrial, sulfuricacidclouds, denseatmosphere, Romangoddess
    yellow, medium, secondplanet
    blue cool outerspace whoknows
    redspot, giant, gasgiant, storms, hurricanes
    women yellow goddess love
    greenhouse, secondplanet, denseatmosphere, meltslead, carbondioxide
    veryhot, faraway,
    girls planet goddess flytrap space
    coronae, greenhouse, cloudy, meltslead, closertosun
    acidrain, secondplanet, CO2, nomoons, morningstar
    planet hot Serena tennis orbit
    Earthsize, acidrain, volcanoes, fewcraters, platetectonics
    smaller, morningstar, close, rocky, veryhot
    hot, humid, acid, greenhouse, pressure
    secondplanet, Earthsize, volcanoes, lavaflows, closertosun
    razors, girls, eveningstar, solar system, beauty
    big, toomanybeans, gassy
    cloudy, volcanoes, hot, Earthsize, goddess
    Earthsize, bright, terrestrial, inferiorplanet, goddess
    planet, terrestrial, inferiorplanet, sisterplanet, Earthlike
    cloudy, bright, volcanoes, lavaflows, craters
    dark, cold, nolife, nowater, rocky
    planet, hot, solar, system, world
    planet razors space pretty awesome
    bright veryhot morningstar eveningstar sulfur
    secondplanet, brightinsky, denseatmosphere, desert, goddess
    feminine planet hot notEarth
    cloudy, drydesert, volcanoes, craters, basaltic lowlands
    deadlygases sisterplanet hot uninhabitable bright
    secondplanet atmosphere hot cloudy uninhabitable
    closertosun hot fire doom die sad
    goddess mythology planet car heavens
    Venus veryhot terrestrial
    hot superhot ohmysohot
    veryhot, goddess love, womenarefrom, terrestrial, kindabig
    hot, greenish, gasatmosphere, sisterplanet, Earthsize
    hot, goddess love, terrestrial, AphroditeTerra, volcanoes
    Earthsize Libra veryhot
    big warm volcanoes red craters
    Earthsize unbreathableair inhabitable cloudy craters
    hot dead inactive goddess
    goddess, love, beauty, borninaseashell, screwedParisover, womenarefrom
    veryhot cloudy hot desert CO2 coronae
    women planet closertosun inhabitable
    Remus, Demus, fetus, Metus, Peanuts
    razors planet rocky hot
    girls razors goddess love
    secondplanet sister bright love beauty
    hot innerorbit SailorMoon
    razors, tennis, planet, shaving, hot

  2. Raw, unedited Mars tags

    Student responses
    Sections 70158, 70160

    Terrestrial smaller men chocolate red
    redplanet, candybar, matrian, landrover, missiontomars
    small rustcolor water twomoons meteorimpacts
    God, Martian, Red, Male, War
    red god planet aliens icecaps
    thinatmosphere, littlewater, craters, volcanoes, desertsurface
    women,palnet, big,active,terrestrial
    fourthplanetfromthesun, thinatmosphere, impactcraters, volcanoes, valleys.
    men aliens red martians bar
    alien, candy, faraway, cold, red
    red, god, rover, ice, fourth
    ironoxide, terrestrialplanet, thinatmosphere, phobosanddeimos, spiritandoppurtunity
    red hott solar system cool
    dust, ice, terrestrial, mudvolcano, possiblepastlife
    thinatmosphere, shieldvolcanoes, red, oncehadwater, fozenpolarcaps
    redplanet, volcanoes, far away, water?
    physcho redpanet valleys deserts impact craters
    coldandsmall, frozenwaterbelowsurface, twomoons, polarcaps, sheildvolcanoes
    Redplanet, ButterscotchColor, LargestCanyon, ThinAtmosphere, TwoMoons
    polaricecaps, lowatmosphere, red, storms, possiblecolonization
    redplanet, fourthplanet, romangodofwar, volcanoes, deserts
    cool, arid, cratered, red, small
    boys, candybars, solar system, third rock from the sun, the red planet
    littlegreenmen, face, red
    polarcaps, cold, bars, waterflow, twomoons
    ironoxide, Romangodofwar, Redplanet, Terrestialplanet, Olympusmons
    RedPlanet, BorealisBasin, ThinAtmosphere, IronOxide, TerrestrialPlanet
    weather, complexgeology, craters, volcanoes,water
    potentiallife, dark, cold, rocky, red
    water planet life space cool
    red canyon dust polaricecaps faraway
    MarvintheMartian, ice/water?, planetnumberfour, volcanic, candybar
    hot planet dry no life
    thinatmosphere, frozenwaterinpolarcaps, OlympusMons, craters, 2moons
    fourthplanet red deimos phobos war
    wherethebadaliensarefrom cold scarymovies martian
    god war red planet anger
    redplanet, godofwar, wheremencomefrom, volcanoes, desert-y
    volcano, icecap, tinyreddustparticles, similargravityanddaylengthtoearth.
    marsbar, Movie, big, red, rover
    RedPlanet, Cool, Face, RomanGodofWar, IronOxide
    littlewater nonbreathableair thinatmosphere shieldvolcanos longvalleys
    men are from there, red, stormy, chilly, frozen water.
    lowairpressure permafrost shieldvolcanoes outflowchannels valleynetworks
    wargod red onemoon exoplanet habitable
    Mars Bars, Planet, Rotation, Revolution, Solar System
    red, planet, life, warm, stormy
