Astronomy quiz question: total solar eclipse, seen from the Moon

Astronomy 210 Quiz 2, Spring Semester 2009
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

[4.0 points.] If observers in San Luis Obispo, CA, were observing a total solar eclipse, what would be seen by an observer on the side of the Moon facing Earth?
(A) A partial solar eclipse.
(B) An annular solar eclipse.
(C) The Sun, with no part of it being blocked by Earth.
(D) Circular umbral and penumbral shadow zones passing across the surface of Earth.

Section 30676
(A) : 7 students
(B) : 5 students
(C) : 6 students
(D) : 45 students

Correct answer: (D)

The Moon will be between Earth and the Sun during a total solar eclipse, and an observer on the side of the Moon facing the Earth will watch the Earth passing through the shadow of the Moon.

"Difficulty level": 73% (including partial credit for multiple-choice)
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.59

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