Astronomy quiz question: total solar eclipse phase

Astronomy 210 Quiz 2, Spring Semester 2009
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

[4.0 points.] What phase is the Moon in during a total solar eclipse?
(A) New.
(B) Full.
(C) (The phase depends on whether the total solar eclipse occurs at sunrise, midnight, or sunset.)
(D) (The Moon does not have a phase during a total solar eclipse.)

Section 30676
(A) : 29 students
(B) : 31 students
(C) : 1 student
(D) : 1 student
(No response: 1 student)

Correct answer: (A)

The Moon will be between Earth and the Sun, and thus will be new during a total solar eclipse.

"Difficulty level": 50% (including partial credit for multiple-choice)
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.49

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