Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam

Astronomy 210, Fall Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Astronomy 210 In-class activity 13: OBAFGKM Poetry Slam

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Oh Be A Friend Give Kelsey Money--Rent Needs Some Contributions
--K. B.

Orchids Bloom After Furry Giants Kill Mammoths, Rendering New Sweet Coats
--C. B.

Only Brahe Accepted Friendly German Kepler's Mind
--M. D.

One Bat And Four Gorillas Killed Mice!
--T. D.

Obsessive Boyfriends Are From Girlfriends Kissing Me
--R. G.

Oh Bartender, Another Full Glass--Keeps Me Sitting Next To Rachel
--S. G.

Observe, But Actually Find--Great Knowledge [comes from] Mind
--N. G.

On Birthdays All Friends Go Kayaking Merrily
--T. H.

Open Bets Are For Getting Kindly Manipulated Losers' Trust
--C. H.

Older Brother Asked For Good Knitted Mittens
--P. K.

Organic Bananas Always Feed Good Kids' Minds
--A. M.

Orion Built And Forged God-King's Monoceros [and] Rounded New Space Continuums
--D. M.

Oxygen Buys A Few Good Kind Minutes
--L. M.

Only Big Alligators Fight Giant Killing Monsters
--A. M.

Oh Boy! Apples From Grandma Keep Me Light [and] Trim
--H. R.

Oregan Beavers Are Freakin' Geeks; Kill Me Right Now, Southern California
--S. R.

Opossom Bones Aptly Fill Glad K9s Mouths, Really Nicely Saving Cats
--M. S.

Other Babes Are Fully Grouchy Kissing Michael
--K S.

Only Burp After Finishing Good Killer Munchies
--T. S.

Outrageously Blunt Axes Fight Gigantic Killer Mice
--P. S.

Only Best And Friendly Galileo Killed Mayhem
--K. U.

Ocean Bears Are Furry Generous Kind Mammalia; Reptiles Not So Cuddly
--B. U.

Ordinarily Big Apes Falter Giving Kinky Massages
--E. V.

Oh Behave! Another Former Girlfriend Keeps Me Reminded: Never Stop Calling
--R. W.

On Bank Appointment Frank Gave Kim Money
--L. Y.

Oh Baby, Another Fun Guy Kisses Me Late Tonight
--E. A.

Oh Boys! All Freakin' Girls Know More!
--B. D.

Obnoxious Bad Asses [Who] Find Good Karma Meaningless Really Need Survival Clues
--C. G.

Open Books And Finals Get Kids Mad Remember Never Study Chemistry
--J. G.

Older Baby Anteaters Feel Great Killing Mosquitoes Not Locusts
--M. G.

Only Besides Angels Furious Girls Kill Men
--J. K.

Oh Bummer Ass Farmer Genghis Khan Killed Me Remember No Such Character
--D. L.

Oooh Baked Applecrisp From Grandma's Kitchen Mmmm
--L. M.

Oh Boy A Free Green Kitchen Mug
--J. P.

Obviously Big Asteroids Foreshadow God Killing Mankind
--J. R.

[Detail of previous OBAFGKM poem]

Only Buy Acid From Grey Killer Monkeys
--D. U.

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam instructions.

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