Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam (NCC)

Astronomy 210, Fall Semester 2008
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
(North County Campus)

Astronomy 210 In-class activity 13: OBAFGKM Poetry Slam

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Only Ballin' Astronomy Funny Guys Kick Moons Right Near [the] Sun's Core
--N. C.

Obama Blamed Angels For Grotesquely Killing McCain Right Near South Carolina
--R. F.

Orbital Boundaries Away From Gravity Kept Moons Running North-South Losing Time
--J. H.

Oh Biannually A Footballing Giant Kicks Martians Lightyears
--C. J.

Only Bad Asses Forgive Girls Kicking Mr. Len's Tail
--W. L.

Oftentimes Brainlessness And Failing Grades Keep Me Retaking Nasty School Classes
--M. P.

Oh Boy Another Freaking Gangmember Killing Musicians Like Tupac
--J. P.

On Birthdays And Fiestas [you] Get Kissed More
--H. R.

Oh Boy Astronomy Facts Give Killer Migraines
--M. R.

Oprah Boasted About Finding Good Komfy Mocasins
--J. S.

Occasionally Bullets And Frag Grenades Kill Marmosets
--R. S.

Onion Bagels Are For Great Kings' Meals
--J. T.

Officer Brad Always Finds Grizzled Killer Murderers Really Near Small Communitiess
--R. W.

Oh Bender Aid Friends Grooming Killer Monkeys
--A. H.

On [the] Boat A Fiery Goat Killed Me
--Z. M.

Oh Brother, Another Female Girl Kicked Me
--D. S.

Old Bitches Are Far Greater Kite Makers
--J. W.

Previous post: Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam instructions.

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