Online reading assignment question: advice to self for next semester

Physics 205A, fall semester 2019
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. The following question was asked after the last lecture, but prior to the final exam.

Give a piece of advice to yourself at the start of next semester on what you should do (the same, or differently) in order to succeed in Physics 205A/B (or similar science courses). (Graded for completion.)
"Just stay on top of your assignments, it's easy points. Also try to focus on things that aren't very clear to you the most because if you have a grasp on other concepts then it's pretty straight forward, considering physics is somewhat logic based. Also for the midterms just study what you messed up on the quizzes and grind those concepts into your skull. Other than that, easy cash. I should not procrastinate to study when an exam is coming up."

"Keep up, don't procrastinate. Get very familiar with free-body diagrams vs. tail-to-tail diagrams as early as possible. These are essential to understanding the problems and especially Newton's laws! Study super-hard and read the textbook. It's going to help you understand the material. Don't be dumb and procrastinate."

"A piece of advice I would give myself is to get help from a tutor immediately because you can't teach yourself how to do it."

"Keep up with the homework and reading."

"Keep up on the homework assignments and readings."

"Stay on top of the assignments and don't forget them."

"Spend more time going back through notes/examples from class."

"Look at the more conceptual side of topics. If I look at the more confusing stuff before the basics, it won't do much good."

"Chose the best teachers as always."

"Prepare enough sooner and get use to the format of the class in the beginning so its easy to stay on top of the workload."

"Go to the physics tutor in the Cuesta learning labs."

"Study early on and don't cram/procrastinate."

"I should continue to keep up with the classwork such as labs, homework, practice problems, but I need to stop procrastinating be being very last minute in when studying for exams in Physics 205B/my other course."

"Although it's stupid to procrastinate, getting it done later is better than never getting if done."

"I would tell myself that if you never miss a lab or lecture there's a very good chance that you'll get an 'A' in this class. I would also tell myself to spend a good amount of time trying to understand the reading assignments on waiferx.blogspot.com because they're super-informative and helpful with understanding the material. And P-dog will go over any part of the reading assignment that you don't understand in class the following day!"

"I would advise myself to do all the homework assignments to maximize my points in those categories and give myself a chance of skipping the final altogether."

"Define equation variables before exams."

"Don't give up and keep moving forward! Read the book from the start of the semester!"

"I would tell myself to prepare to have a roller coaster ride through concepts but stay in your seat the whole time and get through it because it will be over before you know it."

"Make sure to do all the online homework and reading assignments because those points rack up."

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