Online reading assignment question: advice to future students

Astronomy 210, spring semester 2019
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. The following question was asked after the last lecture, but prior to the final exam.

Tell a student who is about to take this course next semester what he/she needs to know or to do in order to succeed in this course. (Graded for completion.)
"The best advice for success in this class is: always show up to class. Missing class is the quickest way of getting bad grades."

"To succeed in this course, I would just say to make sure that you attend every class, and do your best to do all of the online reading assignments."

"Show up to class."

"To be successful in this course you need to understand the online reading assignments and be an active listener during lectures."

"You learn everything in class, so study your notes and your quizzes."

"Come to all the classes and do the online reading assignments! This will help especially if you aren't good at taking tests."

"Attend the class."

"Come to class, pay attention to lectures, ask questions, do the reading assignments, and read the book. STUDY PAST QUIZZES! They're one of the most helpful study guide you can have in this class!!!!"

"Do all the things early!"

"Just show up to class, do the reading, and don't be afraid to ask questions."

"You will have a lot more fun (and better grades) if you just go to class and pay attention."

"Show up to class and stay for the in-class activities."

"Actually show up to the lectures, it makes all the difference."

"Just do the online reading assignments and read the textbook!"

"Show up to class and don't be afraid to ask questions."

"Take your time doing the reading! Make time for online reading assignments and study continuously."

"Information from previous chapters will always be relevant for the course."

"In the words of Dori: 'Just keep swimming.'""

"Go to all the classes because the activities really help. STUDY THE QUIZZES!"

"Study, study study. The quizzes are similar to the practice quizzes given in class. Show up to class, do your homework. Every point counts. Don't give up."

"I would recommend focusing on the relationship between the concepts discussed, and perhaps forming visual models to help remember. Also, if nothing else, read the blog."

"Stay up to date with the readings. There were times when I fell behind with the book readings and it was twice as hard to read double the material and understand it."

"Come to class and study for each quiz and exam."

"GO TO CLASS, and take a genuine interest--it'll make it worth your while."

"Go to every class and listen intently on what P-dog has to say. If you are ever confused about anything in the class, he will explain it to you in every way possible until you fully understand it."

"Go to class and stay."

"Attend class, do the reading assignments, study the practice quizzes before the quiz day, and study the overall material for the exams."

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