Online reading assignment question: keep, quit, start

Astronomy 210, spring semester 2019
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "keep" resolutions.

Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "quit" resolutions.

Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "start" resolutions.

Students were asked to answer a "keep-quit-start" online reflection (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com) on their studying strategies/pitfalls (Mubayiwa, 2009).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to keep doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to keep doing to study for this class).

Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to
quit doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to quit doing to study for this class).

Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to
start doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to start doing to study for this class).
[Word tags have been edited to consolidate related common subjects; student explanations are verbatim.]

Keep word tags:
      Flashcards have always helped me remember facts and important information in textbooks, so I'm going to continue to use them to study and practice for future quizzes and tests.

      Coming to our astronomy class is extremely important. I don’t think I’ve missed a class yet, and the points that I’ve got from participating with the in-class activities have really helped me!
      I think the most important part of this class is showing up. The second part is
      I am going to keep going to class and do as much homework as possible.
      I have noticed that the knowledge and notes I get in class are very important. The activities we do in class help me understand the subject better and with the notes I take helps a lot when I've forgotten how something works or how to find what I'm looking for.
      The lectures in class help me understand the material way more and I wish that he did more material in class to help me haha.
      I am going to continue attending class every week, only missing if I am sick, and if I do miss a class I will talk to and keep in touch with a few of my classmates so I can get the notes that I missed for that class and be up to date.
      Going to class helps me understand concepts I didn't understand in the book or slides.
      If I keep coming to class I can keep getting the information I need and I can ask questions. Also, I can get the in class points for class work.
      Honestly going to class really is what keeps me interested and makes me actually do the work. I'm a visual learner, so for me it's crucial that I attend class and pay attention as this is where most of my learning takes place.
      I feel I learn a lot during the class period between the class activities and the notes that you give. I haven't missed any of the classes and don't plan on it.
      So far I have only missed one class because I was really sick and attending class has allowed me to get good explanations on the material and has helped me.
      I just have to keep on going to class and studying. Especially going to class. When I miss I feel like I missed a lot the next week.
      I'm not a good student and when the subject gets hard I tend to skip class. I haven’t been doing that this semester even though this class has been a challenge from the start.

      Engaging in the group work has helped me during this course. Participating in it will help me maintain or better my grade.

      I'm going to keep doing my homework so I dont lose points.
      The survey questions are a good chunk of the grading scale, so if I keep doing these my grade will stay around the same or rise.
      Reading assignments are definitely my weakness but I'm going to do them.
      I didn't realize that the reading assignments were through the external site, so consequentially, my grade isn't where i would like it.

      I will keep reorganizing my notes in a way that makes sense to me.

      I have a really hard time paying attention in all of my classes, not because I think it's boring or anything, I just get tired from working two jobs and my mind seems to wonder. I think it's really important otherwise I will miss the entire concept of the class.

      I am going to keep persisting and working hard at the homework and for tests.
      I use this word to help me succeed because it will help me stay on top of assignments and it teaches me to never give up.
      I need to keep up with my weekly assignments and improve upon my current study schedule and double down on my studies.
      I need to keep on pushing myself to stay on top of the lectures and to review my notes.

      I've been on my own for such a long time that I thought it was important to work more than go to school. However, work is important BUT it is NOT more important than my education.

      When I read the book it gives me a better understanding of we will be doing in class.
      I have only missed one of the readings responses. I have not done amazing on the quizzes or the midterm so I need to continue to get the easy points.
      I always have tried to keep up with the lectures, so I do not get lost on the topic.

      Go back and review the notes as well as the past quizzes. Also look through the quiz packet and make sure I know how to do the problems.
      Checking my understanding and recollection of the material keeps me knowing what I'm good on and what I need to work on.
      Doing the study guides for the tests/quizzes greatly helps and doing both the ones that are long online and doing over practice quizzes helps.
      I intend to review the material and the tests until I understand it and can get all of the answers correct.
      I think with this class, it helps me understand the concepts and material way more when repetitively reviewing my notes at night every night until the day of the test/quiz.

      I rewrite notes out I find it helps the information stick in my head better than just looking it over after writing them once.

      What I learned after the first quiz is that if I study alone and I have questions I doesn't really do me any good. So I started studying with other classmates and having them there for when I have questions of have trouble understanding something has been a huge help.
      It helps me remember what I am learning and if I can't explain something then I know I don't know it well enough.
      I find that studying with others really helps because they can quiz me on certain terms or help me work through confusing concepts.
      I feel it helps when we get a group together and study, it doesn't always work because we all have different schedules, but will try.

      I found that studying the previous quizzes before exams worked very well to refresh the needed material.
      I plan to keep up with the readings and study the quizzes to do well on exams.
      Reading the textbook, reviewing with friends, and using the study quizzes!
      I intend to keep applying what I read in the book and on the presentations to my studying for tests.
      If I don't over look the material a handful of times I'll forget it by next class.
      I intend to keep studying all of the quiz questions for the tests.
      Study for all the exams and quizzes leading up to the testing days. Having multiple study sessions.
      I study all the quizzes and online material with a couple classmates and it helps us reinforce the stuff we've learned.

      Taking notes before class allows me to digest the material prior to class, even if I don't fully understand it. My own notes then make the notes done in class make much more sense.
Quit word tags:
      The one downside of the groups being formed every class is having to start all over in building relationships. This hinders certain people from asking questions around content they might not fully understand. I like the idea of socializing, but at a certain point I think it can be a bit much.

      I need to quit staying up late because when I'm tired it's harder to pay attention in class. Also, it's a lot easier to think critically when I have had enough sleep.
      I intend to quit studying late at night because I need to sleep.
      If I wake up slightly earlier, I could do more for my body and mental state throughout the morning, such as make a more sustaining breakfast.
      I have a busy life, I have three kids, work full time, have three classes that require a lot of time and I feel, I don't sleep enough which makes me get stressed out all the time.

      Instead of trying to memorize the material, I will work on understanding the topics because I do not learn by memorizing.

      After work, I am often tired from work and a bit sluggish from not getting the right nutrition. With the correct nutrition, I will have more energy after work to retain more information at school.

missing homework
      I have bad memory habits per say when it comes to remembering or making a plan to remember to do homework assignments online.
      I've forgotten to do many of the post-class assignments, so I'm going to quit forgetting by getting reminders for assignments.
      I don't know why it's so hard for me to remember to complete them but I just always forget until Wednesday morning.

      I'm going to quit not being involved more with questions and lectures.

      When I don't study I get low grades. It is as simple as that.

      I don't go on my phone a whole lot in class but I will quit being on it so I can have my full attention on class so I can learn.
      I use my phone way too much that it gets in the way of my studies and other chores.

      I think that my point count would be a lot higher if I would have devoted more time to preparing for our quizzes and midterm. Definitely an area I really want to improve in.
      Waiting till right before the exam to really begin studying does not work well to learn the material.
      I'm going to try to stop procrastinating on studying and the homework.
      Quit waiting till the night before to do the reading.
      I want to start keeping up on homework well getting it done earlier than the Monday that it is due.
      Don't leave the homework till last minute. especially when you have a full schedule just makes everything more difficult. So I'm going to try to manage my time better.
      Finishing/doing things last minute and turning them in.
      I think EVERYONE can admit to procrastinating, and I'm no exception. I've been trying out "alarms" that will signal when I should start practicing and studying, and so far it's been fairly successful, though I admit I've muted the alarm once or twice thus far, whoops.
      I need to stop putting it off until last minute.
      I need to stop putting off assignments and start focusing on these assignments days before they are due not the night before.
      Intentionally putting off assignments or studying because I have extra time leads to stress and forgetfulness.
      Like I said before, I need to start studying ahead of time and if I have a question I need to ask the teacher ahead of time to the quiz so I can get some help.
      I will stop leaving homework to the last minute (the night before class/when it is due). It causes a bit of stress when I know i have the time to do the homework and choose not to and it causes shame when I am doing the assignment last-minute once again knowing I had had time the previous day.
      I'll quit waiting until the last minute to read or just not reading at all because I've run out of time.
      I need to stop procrastinating on assignments and studying.
      I need to look over the notes and power points and do the homework before the night before class.
      I usually complete the reading assignments the day before class and study for my quizzes the day of class but I intend to stop procrastinating in order to have more time to study!
      I wait util the night of to do the reading assignments. Also I don't study throughout the week so when there is quiz I'll usually spam study the day of or night before and I need to not do that.
      I do the homework pretty early but I always lack the self motivation to study when it comes to quizzes by myself. Or simply just not studying enough.
      I am a master procrastinator when it comes to studying for the exams.
      I take the class to lightly sometimes and should spend more time with the material.
      I want to stop procrastinating on the readings because it sometimes doesn't help to read the sections in a hurry before class or late at night before the assignment is due. When I have plenty of time, I always try to split it and use part of it for studying.
      I like to wait til the last minute to study and do homework. Very lazy.
      I need to stop procrastinating for this class. I end up leaving too little time to study and master the concepts that I need to know.
      I need to work on my assignments earlier than the day its due, and spend more time during the week to prep the material and review my notes for quizzes.
      I tend to not acknowledge what I didn't understand about the lecture/ slides/ reading etc. until right before the exam and quiz days.
      I need to start making goals for myself to be able to understand the material and the lectures.
      I tend to wait to do things last minute and I should give myself more time to study.
      I procrastinate. I've always been like this since I was a kid.

      I choose this phrase because it will put pressure on me, help me think negative, and think of bad habits.

      I intend to stop skimming the material.
      In the textbook when it gets too science-y and confusing I often rush through that part because I have determined it to be beyond my ability to comprehend.

      I have missed one class and that has not helped me. I intend to come to class more often.
      I have missed two classes which is way too much for having such a long class and only once a week. I do not intend to miss anymore class.

      I zone out a lot in all my classes, I end up getting the concept but it'd be a lot easier the first time if I stoped zoning out in class.
Start word tags:
      Ask more questions during lectures.
      I will start asking questions if I don’t understand the material.
      I tend to be shy when it comes to asking for help. So if I start asking more questions when I don't understand something it could go a long way for me.
      When I don't understand something I'll ask around and try to gain full comprehension of the material that way leading up to the quizzes and exams it will be more of a study review instead of studying to memorize.

      I feel like I need to start taking better notes in class.
      I need to start writing down key concepts repeatedly every once in a while to help memorize them.
      I take all the notes from in class but will start to write things down from the readings because they later on pop back up later down the semester.

      I plan to complete the homework earlier, like Saturday or Friday so i have more time to complete other homework and not be squeezed for time.
      Start homework and pre-study early so I always know what's coming up and feel prepared, and don't waste time figuring out what I need to figure out.
      I need to start studying earlier in the week and I need to really find a better way of studying the material for a test because recent quiz's and tests have been hard for me.
      I need to crack down on studying ahead of time and not procrastinating until I'm scrambling to study at the last minute.
      I need to start studying multiple days in advance instead of the day before. I also need to complete all of the remaining reading assignments.
      I intend to start studying earlier for all of the exams.
      That way I dont rush to read the assignments.

      I want to shoot for a "B" minimum so I need to take advantage of all extra credit possible.

      I need to start coming to all classes so I can better understand the content. It has been a little hard lately because of some recent issues, but I need to power through it, especially because I don't feel like I am doing so well in this class.

      I believe I have let these slip my mind and have lost points due to this.
      I'm going to have to set an alarm on my watch or something to remind me to complete them. I barely remembered to do this one.

      sometimes I read a question to quickly and mark the wrong answer even though I would have got it right had I took the time to understand what it was asking.

      From this point on, I really am recognizing the importance of reading a lot of the book than I previously had. I will absolutely squeeze the reading into my agenda for the week now!
      Reading the chapter more closely and with a better understanding of the material.
      I intend to re read the material to fully understand it.
      I tend to read a chapter once and then move on, but I feel if I sat down and took the time to go over the material a second, maybe even a third time, for clarification and to take in the information, this method can prove to be successful for class!
      Reading to retain information so that it sticks, active/engaging reading.
      I need to truly read the chapters more in depth. When I’m reading them I sort of skim and don’t fully get into the material like I should.

      Going over what we did in class when I am at home will help me understand what we did that way I don't forget it.
      I think that putting the quiz questions into a Quizlet and studying the questions will greatly improve my next midterm score.

      I'd love to see the groups stay together for at least two weeks. This would allow the members of the group to grow comfortable with each other and function at a higher level.

      I want to start asking peers for help to understand some things I don't understand because it helps me and is a little easier to ask someone next to me or in my group than to raise my hand in front of the whole class.
      Since it is a larger class sometimes I do not grasp concepts right away. I have a friend in class who plans to help me study for future quizzes and tests.

      I need to start studying for test and quizzes so I can get higher scores.

      I tend to study enough, but not enough to drill them into my brain. I’m going to try to study more, so that I can get better grades on my quizzes.
      My grades are like "B's" all around, if I studied more for tests and quizzes I could honestly be doing a lot better.
      I choose this phrase because it will give me more time to process the information, helps me create less stress, and it would help give myself extra time to ask questions.
      I will start to study more/harder before quizzes and tests as i know the material I just need to keep it fresh in my mind so that I do not forget what I know is already in my head.
      This week, I am taking Tuesday off of work to read and STUDY longer. My time is usually limited from work and other responsibilities but if I want to make this class useful, I must take more time to study.
      If I put more effort into the at home part of the class I feel I would do much better in the class.
      I need to start studying for all the quizzes before 30 seconds before the quiz.
      I intend to study and prepare more for quizzes.
      I intend to start studying more during the week. If I study throughout the week not only will I have a better understanding of the topics we are learning, but I also won't race to try and doing everything at once the day of or night before.
      Ive never put in a lot of effort into school up until the last 2 years but I still have a hard time sticking to techniques that work for me.
      I need to prepare more for my quizzes, I only reviewed the notes on the current section and was thrown a curve ball when there were questions about previous sections. I need to revisit my old notes to keep them fresh in my memory as i continue to learn new topics in class.
      I need to set a time to really go over my lectures and my reading assignments during the weekend and study more for my quizzes.
      I want to study at least 15 minutes every night and hope it helps with my quizzes.

      I need to start studying for test and quizzes so I can get higher scores. I'm going to start taking notes on the reading, not just the in-class things.
      I read through the book chapters, but do not take notes on it. Taking notes will help me remember more stuff

      This goes along with understanding the topics. When studying I will consider where the earths location and look at myself as the observer. For example, when trying to remember a solar eclipse, instead on simply trying to memorize "sun/moon/Earth" or "new moon blocks light." I will picture a scene where I am observing a solar eclipse. If it is a partial solar eclipse I will be looking at the sun with part of it being blocked by the moon.

      I like to watch YouTube videos to understand better the topic. It always helps me.

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