Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 physics study tips

Physics 205B, spring semester 2019
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"All of the class examples are helpful as well as really taking the time to work out the midterm problems on my own and looking at the 'p'-rubric answers."

"I think the key to studying for this midterm is practice. I feel like reading about and explaining most of the topics on the exam would not help me use the ideas. The best practice is material from previous quizzes and exams. I was let-down by some of the examples in the book, I do not feel like it helps me understand how to use the equations very well. "

"Go over your notes and do all of the review problems posted!"

"Doing the practice problems definitely help in learning the material."

"I wrote down all of the equations and went through all of the practice problems and pretended like it was the midterm and saw where I needed help and where I was pretty good."

"Doing all the listed quiz, midterm, and final questions and going over them repeatedly."

"The problems you give us on the website are very helpful for studying for the midterm. It's a variety of subjects that you have told us are going to be on the midterm."

"Going over the quizzes and notes"

"I like to go through each example in the review to test my level of understanding. After I get a good measure of what I need to work on, I'll go back and review quizzes and homework notes. After looking over quizzes and homework, I'll go back and attempt the review again."

"What helps me a lot when studying is to go over the problems over and over until I don't have any questions on how to solve it."

"I definitely went through all of the practice problems given for homework. I think going over some quiz problems would be helpful too."

"Something that helps me is that I go for the problems one day and then I go the over them again the next day trying to tell myself how to do them in a way that effort to make sure I know how to do them."

"All the labs helped visualize things."

"It doesn't help that we're already studying circuits, but I realize there is an info/time schedule. I have not even started studying that info because I am not comfortable with the info on the this test. It's too much for one test."

"The review the class before really helps me to know what to expect on the midterm. For me going into class not knowing what the teacher expects is not fun, but being able to review and know what you expect of us and give an example as the what’s on the midterm really helps."

"Stress eating definitely does not help!"

"I like writing out the whole equation sheet and labeling everything."

"The practice questions were really helpful. They made me understand what I really did not know. Also at the bottom of the questions there was links and I clicked on those to see other examples and practice other problems in order to make sure I understood what I needed regardless of the format in which the questions were asked."

"Don't study for it; just stay on top of it as the instructor introduces new topics."

"Really studying the blog post and questions set you up for success on the quizzes and tests. Doing the problems until I know exactly how to approach and solve them."

"The example problems are helpful in understanding how to solve a variety of potential equations. Doing the midterm problems from the previous sections helps a lot. Since we don't really practice problems that are similar in structure to the midterm throughout the semester, it is good to practice them and feel comfortable going into the test."

"It helps to do as many of the review quiz and midterm problems as possible, to review notes to remember some concepts, and to work out problems with friends."

"Distractions [don't help]."

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