Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210, spring semester 2019
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"Writing down everything, even the things you think you understand."

"Reviewing the notes and slides."

"Make a quizlet of the quiz questions and study them!"

"Using flashcards has really helped me cover the large amount of material we have covered so far."

"It helps me to look at the blogs, read and study the previous short answer questions."

"Going over all the material and doing the activities again. For the future I think that will help me learn the material by going over activities prior to class."

"For moon phases: The new moon is highest over head at noon. This can easily be remembered with: NEWN."

"Making a quizlet with a friend from class has really helped me study."

"What helped is going over the activities and quiz questions. Moving forward I need to spend more time studying at home prior to class in order to leave class confident in the subject discussed during lecture."

"If I can visualize the information (remember the diagrams) I can usually work my way to the answer."

"The questions you listed and going over the quiz questions were really helpful for review!! drawing out the charts multiple times and testing myself seemed to boost my understanding of everything too."

"I liked the short answer questions you gave us online."

"The snowboarder technique for figuring out what planets were visible was a very helpful technique that both works easily and is easy to remember."

"Your drawings help me a lot."

"What hurts while studying for a midterm is when it's on the same day as two other midterms. Prioritizing is tricky."

"I usually like to just reread all my notes. During class I draw a lot of pictures that really help me contextualize and easily recall the lecture and class material."

"I know you said we could always do the online quiz packets and then message you to see if the answers are correct, but I really wish the answers were posted online. I get why you don't post the answers, but when we get into study groups usually if we don't understand something we'll just go with the answer of the person that makes the best case. Lol."

"Practicing helps for me."

"All of the sample questions really help."

"Cramming does not help."

"To be perfectly honest, covering stuff that is going to happen after the midterm (electrons, etc) before the midterm is difficult for me. I feel like my brain is already pretty full remembering everything we've covered that will be on the midterm."

"Chewing gum helps me study."

"Flash cards"

"The moon phase chart by position and time."

"For me personally, making notecards with the different terms, ideas, theories, or accomplishments we've reviewed in class or read in the book."

"One thing that hasn't helped me study is just studying the review questions without actually trying to understand the material."

"I think that looking over the past quizzes is helpful!"

"Learning about the eyepiece on a telescope (I have a hard time keeping track of how those word problems work)."

"Something to NOT do is cram right before this exam, it is failing me, be wise."

"Not using snacks as a way of sticking to studying for a certain amount of material. I end up just thinking to myself, 'I could just eat it now,' and do."

"Notecards help me study."

"Something that doesn't help studying is not reading the textbook."

"Procrastinating?... WHACK! The way you don't even study for a test??! WHACK!!! :)"

"I'm more of an auditorial learner, so having people quiz me seems to be the most effective study habit when I do."

"It helps me to write notes down at least three times. I find this helps me memorize material in all subjects."

"DON'T STUDY LAST MINUTE, you remember the information if you study periodically, not cram it all at once!!!!"

"I found some great resources online that helped me finally understand moon rise and set times. I feel this and the star chart have been my two largest issues."

"I don't have great studying techniques aside from re-reading old notes and quizzes."

"Reviewing notes totally helps also redrawing diagrams and repeating out loud while doing so."

"What will help me for this midterm is going over examples that will relate to the midterm."

"Something that helps is organizing my notes on one page."

"It helps to look over your notes everyday. Extended exposure will hopefully lead to retention."

"I like to go over the same question over and over until I practically know the whole question itself. This helps me memorize and helps with my thinking towards the question."

"I would say looking back at old quizzes and making flashcards of these questions. I would also like to add looking back at your notes."

"The review session in class helped a bit but the free response questions are a little confusing for me. I think if we had more review sessions I'd feel more confident in it."

"I plan to study the quizzes because those seem to be helpful questions to focus on."

"It helped having class on Wednesday as a partial review day, it would have been nice to have multiple review days so if students had questions we could study the material and then ask you next class."

"Your website links that include answer examples as well as your grading system."

"I found it helpful going through the long question packets found online and also going through the smaller in class practice quizzes."

"Well, to remember whether to add or subtract 6 hours for moon phases, I remember that the word setting has a 't' like a PLUS sign to remind me to add. While I view the 'i' in rising as a minus sign. I hope that helps someone. I am a very factual person so simple baby steps help me. I also work better in certain groups. The last group I was in was extremely patient and helpful. The week before that, I wanted to pull my hair out because my group didn't seem very considerate. I like to learn from my classmates as well."

"I promise I am not trying to sound rude, but with drawing diagrams (visible light, sun and planet locations, etc.) when we were 'raised' on them would be rather devastating for me. I don't want the answers, but I would prefer to have a ruler and draw lines depicting planet visibility/location rather than trying to make a diagram myself. That is where I get lost."

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