Online reading assignment question: advice to self for next semester

Physics 205A, fall semester 2018
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. The following question was asked after the last lecture, but prior to the final exam.

Give a piece of advice to yourself at the start of next semester on what you should do (the same, or differently) in order to succeed in Physics 205A/B (or similar science courses). (Graded for completion.)
"While spending a lot of time with the material is great, my goal for next semester is to find study partners in Phys 205B. This has worked great for me in other science and math classes and I wish I had found people in class to study with for Phys 205A."

"Just do the homework and review the labs before class."

"Don't give up early on. It will look like you have a low grade early on in the class, but it works out to be a lot higher. Get information on how the point system works. The first week of class you need to figure out his website. Do it and make sure you understand it. Do the homework; don't freak out if you can't understand the assigned text or problems. Just complete the homework and show up to class, stay over for office hours if you are still confused. Labs are fairly easy and a good grade buffer show up to all of them. The labs are interesting, visual, and help you better understand concept questions on the quizzes. Midterms were hard for me. Just do the example problems and study how the point system works for each midterm example problems. Find a study partner or make a friend so that you can both keep each other up to date on what needs to be done. His website calendar does not change. None of the dates change for tests or quizzes nor do the homework assignments. Nothing should come as a surprise in the class with his calendar. The quizzes are very DSPS-friendly. You make your test-taking calendar in the first few weeks and don't have to worry about turning in a new DSPS sheet every other week for a quiz. It is a one-and-done thing. P-dog is great, it's just the first few weeks are confusing and his website you will hate at first, towards the end you will love it. Show up to all the classes! His worksheets help with quiz scores."

"Put in more effort, focus more, and try to ask questions!"

"Make sure you do all the homework, reading, labs and study for your quizzes."

"Physics is one of those classes where the amount of work you put in directly dictates the results you get. Study hard, pay attention in class, and make sure you understand everything cause information often resurfaces. read those chapters ahead of time."

"Actually do all the assignments because they do help a lot. I noticed that when I did the reading and homework assignments it was a lot easier to follow the next class."

"Just stay on top of the homework and the reading. Also to do the lab reports sooner in the week so I'm not as stressed about them."

"Study, do the homework and reading assignments, go to class and pay attention."

"Practice, practice, practice solving all the example problems given to you. Also, it helps a lot to write out short answers on what you did."

"Always, always do the work. It's easy points and can make the difference when passing the class."

"Rack up all the points you can before tests because you never test well. Stay organized and remember all of the reading assignments and post labs. Every point is worth it."

"Stay up on the homework, go to lab, take good notes in lecture and stay organized."

"I would do all of the reading assignments and homework. Go to the class and lab."

"I would say to continue doing what you're doing, but could spend more time on the homework problems which I feel like would help on the quizzes."

"I suggest the future students take notes while reading (the night before lecture), to better understand the material. Take notes again in class and ask QUESTIONS!"

"Do the dang reading assignments!!!!!!"

"Stay on top of homework! You killed yourself this semester with that."

"The grade you get is how much time you put in."

"Study the concepts more than how to do them."

"Disregard trying to read the textbook and read the blog posts carefully instead because the book is not user-friendly."

"Try to go to office hours if my schedule has time to do so."

"Do all reading assignments and homework early so you don't forget when you are studying for all classes! Print out calendar from the waiferx.com course website and mark off upcoming/completed assignments."

"Read everything on the waiferx.com course website because there are no reminders and it is not organized like Canvas."

"Keep up on the pre-labs and post-labs along with the homework assignments. They are super-mellow so there really shouldn't be a reason not to do them."

"Show up to all the classes and after class go over the problems/worksheets until you understand them."

"Keep doing the problems until I understand them completely."

"Next semester I need to go into office hours if I have topics that confuse me instead of only trying to figure it out myself."

"Do a lot of example problems with varying variables missing in order to prepare."

"Either write down or make a document of all the practice and homework problems so they can be easily referenced!"

"You're doing great!"

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