Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2018
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"Something that helped me was being able to know how to make the moon phases diagram."

"A thing that helped is that we were able to get our quizzes back to study off of."

"Judging if you've written a good deal of notes (and hopefully paid careful attention to the lectures), try to go through all of them. It's basically a summary of all the midterm readings! And go to P-dog for questions and clarifications. Face it, as awesome as it sounds to be a lone wolf, you can't succeed without help from people who are more familiar with the subject than you."

"Something that helps is having sample questions on the website."

"Going over notes? Watching YouTube videos on the subjects helps."

"Test preparation in class and online is helpful."

"Going over each chapter again in the textbook and creating a separate piece of paper that contain key notes."

"Trying to read through the texts over again doesn't help me study as much since it is a lot of information to try and take in and briefly going over the text doesn't get all the details I may need."

"Interestingly, looking at the moon reminds me of everything I learned about it."

"What made it easy to get ready for this midterm was that we would get our quizzes back and get the correct answers."

"Going over what is confusing first."

"Printing out a sheet with all the diagrams and re-reading all sections while noting what was on previous quizzes."

"Neil Degrasse Tyson podcasts help. Star Wars Battlefront 2 does not."

"Having the different criteria listed below each problem so we know what is entailed for each grade."

"Going back and looking at material covered in previous quizzes is helpful when studying."

"It does not help to keep putting off studying."

"I practiced some of the short0answer question examples on my own time and looked back at quizzes which help. It's nice to review material and figure out the structure and composition of answering questions."

"Practice drawing all the diagrams this includes the retrograde and prograde (snowboarder observer on Earth), the moon phases with times, and solstice and equinox diagrams. They have saved me on quizzes, I hope it will help with the midterm."

"Reviewing past quizzes helps me to study."

"Attaching previous short answer questions is very helpful when studying. It really gives us a good idea of what to expect and what it expected of us when we are answering them."

"Studying the quizzes and going over past midterm questions will be helpful."

"Practicing and actually doing problems help the most. Flashcards also help with definitions and astronomers."

"I just go over the previous exams that are posted on the blogspot website."

"I basically just review the past exam questions and practice those concepts for quizzes and will probably do the same for the midterm."

"I wish we had a study guide because I feel lost on how to study for everything. I feel like I need to read every chapter slowly and thoroughly but I still don't learn very well that way. I have made flashcards that help with the more simple things like phases of the moon"

"My main strategy is looking back on lecture notes and checking out past midterm free response questions. The review/extra credit during the first hour of class I think will be very helpful! I wish we had more of a study guide because that's how I do a lot of my studying and feel more confident."

"The review is helpful then going back to the slides that I think I need work on help."

"Seeing example short answer/diagram questions was very helpful in preparing for this midterm. Expectations for how students should be answering questions were set clearly."

"Going over every old quiz and retaking them to see if you can get a 100% on all three."

"The picture of the different paths of the sun throughout the year really helps me determine where the sun will rise and set during different months of the year."

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