Astronomy current events question: incommunicado Opportunity rover spotted

Astronomy 210L, fall semester 2018
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students are assigned to read online articles on current astronomy events, and take a short current events quiz during the first 10 minutes of lab. (This motivates students to show up promptly to lab, as the time cut-off for the quiz is strictly enforced!)
Andrew Good, "Opportunity Rover in Western Endeavour Crater" (September 25, 2018)
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter recently spotted the Opportunity rover, which has been unable to communicate after a planet-wide dust storm, due to:
(A) shorting out its electronics.
(B) its antenna blowing off.
(C) tipping over on its side.
(D) being buried in an avalanche.
(E) lack of solar power.

Correct answer: (E)

Student responses
Sections 70178, 70186
(A) : 2 students
(B) : 2 students
(C) : 0 students
(D) : 1 student
(E) : 20 students

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