Online reading assignment question: advice to future students

Physics 205B, spring semester 2018
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a bi-weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. The following question was asked after the last lecture, but prior to the final exam.

Tell a student who is about to take this course next year what he/she needs to know or to do in order to succeed in this course. (Graded for completion.)
"Don't miss a class."

"Don't do the homework at the last minute, and try to understand the material before coming to class. Do the problems and take good notes."

"Honestly, to succeed in this course you need to participate. Come to class, learn as much as you can and don't worry so much about how you're doing in the class or what your exact grade is."

"P-dog's class is helpful in that way because you have enough cushion to where you can actually try to learn the material and you can fail a quiz or two and learn from your mistakes for the midterm. Also, go to office hours if you don't get it, P-dog is pretty chill and no one is ever in there so you can just bombard him with physics questions and he'll show you how to start a fire with steel wool and a battery."

"To succeed in this course, make sure you read, attend all of classes, and make sure your schedule is not too busy."

"It is a good idea to stay on top of the homework and be sure to show up to class! They are very very helpful when it comes to anything that didn't make sense in the homework. Take both semesters with P-Dog! You won't regret it. He is awesome and truly wants you do to well and succeed in all ways possible!"

"The practice problems and homework problems are the best way to learn the material."

"If you read the presentations carefully before class, you will come in to the lecture with a fairly solid understanding of the concepts that are going to be presented. Anything that is not clear in the presentations should be able to be cleared up by the textbook, which is a great supplemental resource."

"I found that going to the class tutor weekly really helped me! "

"I would say you need to be pretty comfortable and disciplined enough to learn the material on your own through the online presentations. I know for myself personally reading something on my own isn't the best way that I learn. I'm more of a student that benefits from professors explaining the topic and going through practice problems. But it is nice to have the material ahead of lecture to prepare yourself for in-class working time."

"Do all the homework and attend all class sessions and you should have a good start! "

"You have to keep up with learning the equations and going over the in-class notes. It's really easy to get lost, especially since we have online presentations. Don't be afraid to bother the embedded tutor during their hours if you have questions!"

"Make sure to do all of the homework and keep up with all the pre-/post-labs. Do the practice problems that are posted before the quizzes and exams. "

"As long as you make sure to study for the two midterms and do (most) of the homework there is no reason you shouldn't get an 'A' in this class."

"Be consistent and diligent with the homework, and GO TO CLASS. Take as many notes as you can and review them. P-dog draws a lot of cartoons that make the material a lot easier to understand."

"Creating my own notes prior to each lecture made everything much more helpful. In the lecture, you will go over problems and you can add these to your notes. Prior to every test, remake those notes with your more current knowledge on the subject and cues that P-dog likes to see in sample student answers. Reviewing the problems he puts on the blogs is extremely important. Not only do you see REAL exam and quiz questions, but you will also see past student answers, their grades, and a description of what each answer needed to be correct. P-daawwwwg can teach this stuff to a third-grader so don't be afraid to ask plenty of questions in class!"

"Study the problems given in homework and class examples."

"Do the homework and post-/pre-labs and everything should be fine."

"Read the presentations before going to class! Even if it is super-confusing, it will be less confusing in class."

"Do all the reading assignments and homework. Don't procrastinate. Ask questions!"

"Take your time when studying the material before lecture if you can. It helps! If you still feel uncertain about things: doing the practice problems provided and making sure you include all the information required makes a huge difference."

"Make sure you don't miss any lectures, that's where I got most of my clarification on confusing topics and where I learned how to complete midterm problems. If you understand the concepts the rest isn't too bad."

"I think it depends of study style but for someone with a slow pace and/or with a different native language; read the blog and take notes, do all the exercises from the course website, take the worksheets seriously, ask the questions that you have to the professor and/or the tutor."

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