Presentation: marketplace astronomy (results)

Let's compare your results with students from a previous semester. Here is the word tag cloud generated by Wordle.net for astronomy-related car makes and models. Frequently-listed cars are larger, while cars used only once are smallest. How many of these cars were you able to list? Anyone have cars not listed here?

Here is the word tag cloud for astronomy-related food brand names from a previous semester. Again, frequently-listed brands are larger, while brand names used only once are smallest. How many of these brand names were you able to list? Anyone have brand names not listed here?

Astronomy-related non-food brand names from a previous semester. Again, how many of these brand names were you able to list? Anyone have brand names not listed here?

Now we have potentially interesting astronomy topics from another previous semester. A lot of you are looking forward to learning about "black holes" this semester. Anyone have interesting topics not listed here?

And potentially confusing astronomy topics from another previous semester. "Black holes" is prominent here as well! Anyone have interesting topics not listed here? (Some of you may consider "math" as potentially confusing--yes, there is an algebra math prerequisite for this course, but there are no explicit calculations as we'll be focusing on graphs, dependencies, and proportionalities--essentially math without equations.)

And we have time to answer a few of your questions and comments.

"If you discovered a planet, P-dog, what would you name it?"
I would name it after my wife. I would name it: "Mrs. P-dog."
"Do you believe in aliens? Or life on other planets?"
Yes, and yes. I would bet money on it. I would bet $1. And I would win. But if I lost, it'd just be $1.
"Do you think Pluto should still be a planet?"
Let me tell you a story of my senior year in high school, way back when. I turned 18 during my senior year, and that was a big deal because you only needed to be 18 to be able to purchase and drink alcohol. My senior year was awesome. Commencement was awesome. Graduation parties were awesome...until a few years later, when the legal drinking age was raised from 18 to 21. And there was no grandfather clause. So before, it was legal for me to drink; but afterwards, I was no longer allowed to drink anymore. And that wasn't fair... So when it comes to Pluto, which was a planet, and then rules were changed so it is now no longer a planet, and there was no grandfather clause--I say, suck it up, Pluto.

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