Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2015
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"Doing examples of problems that will be on the exam are helpful"

"Going back over all the gifs that have been presented and reading notes that describe them"

"Something that really helps with studying is finding a study buddy. If I don't know something maybe the other person does and they can teach me. If they don't know something, then maybe I know and would be able to teach them"

"I found the study guides to be absolutely essential to this class."

"Helpful: the quiz flashcards & actually answering them, previously taken quizzes & figuring out why I missed the question. Surfer dude."

"The slide shows are extremely helpful. And along flashcards with quiz questions are a nice way to study as well"

"When I study, I always listen to Mozart and that always helps me."

"I'm really hoping that studying my old quizzes will help me do good on this test."

"group work helps because things you weren't sure about can be confirmed or fixed by fellow classmates."

"there has been a lot of opportunities to prep and help with info for the midterm but I still feel like its a lot of confusing information to cover"

"Studying with various students for the quizzes has helped me personally understand areas I have issues grasping"

"going over the reading and the power points help. also looking at old quizzes and trying to see how I missed them and figure out the correct answer."

"Breath. Life will go one after this midterm. In a million years, none of this will matter."

"It helps seeing the power points and having diagrams."

"I like getting notes, making note cards, and practice questions."

"I have trouble learning the material on my own like we've been doing. It's just not my learning style and I need to work on it more."

"Small group discussions are great because this way, everyone gets to be involved and your questions can be answered by not only the teacher, but other students as well."

"I typically tend to learn by reading the material, have it reviewed and then try it on my own, but I am having a difficult time trying to understand or apply the activities or quiz questions to what was actually taught. "

"I need the question straight forward and I need to do it myself if I want to learn it"

"I think simply reading the text, not just skimming it, goes a long way. There are also so many resources on this site that would be extremely beneficial as a study guide."

"I really like how in class we take the polls on question and discuss it with or groups."

"Reading the textbook really helps me a lot because of how well it is put together. All of the information is very well explained, and even has amazing diagrams to explain everything in further detail."

"It would be awesome to have access to the flash card question answers rather than having to do them all, submit them and see if we get them wrong."

"All the flashcard questions and pre lecture assignments were helpful."

"If you don't understand a certain topic the first time you read it, don't just admit defeat. Go back and reread carefully, taking in the definition and analyzing it until it makes sense."

"Reviewing the quizzes is helpful while studying, as well as the in class notes describing concepts and info that I believe will be on the midterm."

"I feel that the essay question review was some what helpful but i feel like we never really went over those types of questioning class."

"It helps to talk to the teacher."

"Your presentations are great review tools."

"I really enjoyed doing a few practice problems for the midterm in class and was able to get more input on the question by working with my group and going over the question as a class."

"Staying hecka relaxed"

"It's hard to memorize some of the things we take notes for when I am looking at them, when we get to class before we take the midterm can you go over the phases of the moon, the times they appear at, along with the plants are shown for what months (west and southwest is december...)"

"Going through past quiz questions online."

"Working in groups does help because it makes you participate and therefore pay attention during the in class activity"

"Mexican Music. Not sure it has something do to with the tempo or the energy, but I always listen to mexican music when I study for midterms and I almost always come out with no less than a 85% on a midterm."

"DO NOT GO ON FACEBOOK. its a trap."

"Having the website to refer to when needed was helpful. I still feel a bit all over the place. I think one specific study guide for exams and possibly quizzes would help."

"Study guides help"

"Read the book. "

"Print out the flashcards/any past Quiz"

"Going over past quizzes help to study, but I wish the answers from the sample quizzes would be posted."

"Not studying does not help while studying for this midterm"

"Hard to figure out what information is important for tests and midterms from the book/class."

"I really liked being able to remember the analogies, they always help me."

"I think reading the sections in the book helps a lot, it gives you a lot more detail on each topic. Flash cards is another great option."

"Reading the chapters, and coming to class are both very helpful!!"

"being able to access all of the power points"

"Studying quizzes really helped me practice my weaknesses."

"Flash Cards"

"Looking back at quizzes and working with students helps me the most."

"Looking over the quizzes and diagrams. Going over the example short answer questions."

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