Student written responses: technology use policy in class (NC campus)

Astronomy 210, fall semester 2015
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

"I Forgot My Phone"
Charlene deGuzman and Miles Crawford

Students fill out an index card with their written response to an instructor-selected question, turned in at the end of every class. Full credit is given for completion in a thoughtful manner, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

The following questions were asked on their attitudes towards the appropriateness of texting and social networking smartphone use in class, in order to formulate a consensus-based class-wide policy.

Regarding non-instructional use of electronic devices by yourself and others around you, how important to you is it to have a distraction-free learning environment in class?
Not important at all.  *** [3]
Somewhat important.   ************ [12]
Very important.   ******** [8]
Absolutely essential.   ****** [6]
(Unsure/guessing/lost/help!)   [0]

Selected/edited responses are given below.
"I'm paying to learn this subject. I need to hear to learn. If you're texting, and being on the phone is more important than the content of class, then don't be here. Take it outside the classroom."

"I like learning to be focus of class."

"I take my grades and education pretty seriously, and it would probably be distracting if everyone was on the their phone."

Non-instructional use of electronic devices in class should occur:
frequently.  [0]
occasionally.   ******* [7]
rarely.   *************** [15]
never.   ****** [6]
(Unsure/guessing/lost/help!)   [0]

Selected/edited responses are given below.
"You don't really need to use your phone during class unless it's an emergency."

"There could be exceptions when people need to be on call for family or work."

"Okay briefly if you're taking a picture notes or handouts, or need a calculator."

"Only use your phone for checking time and responding to a quick text."

"This depends on the situation, I think, but I feel as long as all work is done that needs to be done, phones (without sound) can be used. When work starts up again, phones go away."

Previous posts:
  • Flashcard question: texting/social networking in class (spring semester 2015).
  • Flashcard question: texting/social networking in class (fall semester 2014).
  • Flashcard question: texting/social networking in class (spring semester 2014).
  • Flashcard question: texting/social networking in class (fall semester 2013).
  • Flashcard question: texting/social networking in class (fall semester 2011).
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