Education research: formative SASS student learning outcomes assessment (Cuesta College, spring semester 2014, first midterm)

Student achievement of course learning outcomes are assessed by administering an Student Assessment of Skills Survey (SASS), a five-point Likert scale questionnaire (Patrick M. Len, in development) to Physics 205B students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA. This is the second semester of a two-semester introductory physics course (college physics, algebra-based, mandatory adjunct laboratory).

Different sections of the SASS are administered online just before each of two midterms, and the final exam.

The SASS results from the first midterm of the semester are compiled below. Values for the mean and standard deviations are given next to the modal response category for each question. Listed are the percentages of students who have self-assessed themselves as having successfully achieving a learning outcome (responding "average," "above average," or "excellent") as opposed to not achieving success with a learning outcome (responding "very poor" or "below average").

Cuesta College
Student Assessment of Skills Survey (SASS)
Physics 205B spring semester 2014
Sections 30882, 30883
N = 39

The questions below are designed to characterize your achievement of each of the learning outcomes by filling in a bubble on the rating scale provided to the right of each statement.

Mark the level of achievement that best describes your learning at this time.

1. Understand the relationship between wave properties and parameters (frequency, speed, velocity, wavelength, refraction indices, etc.) of light.
(Achieved: 87%, unachieved: 13%)
Very poor.  * [1]
Below average.  **** [4]
Average.  ***************** [17]
Above average.  ************* [13]
Excellent.  **** [4]

2. Analyze and describe the behavior of antennae, ideal polarizers and scattering on the polarization of light.
(Achieved: 74%, unachieved: 26%)
Very poor.  *** [3]
Below average.  ******* [7]
Average.  *************** [15]
Above average.  *********** [11]
Excellent.  *** [3]

3. Describe and analyze reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection using the law of reflection and Snell's law.
(Achieved: 85%, unachieved: 15%)
Very poor.  ** [2]
Below average.  **** [4]
Average.  ****************** [18]
Above average.  ************* [13]
Excellent.  ** [2]

4. Analyze and describe characteristics (real/virtual, upright/inverted, magnified/diminished) of images produced by lenses using the thin lens equation, magnification equation, and ray tracings.
(Achieved: 62%, unachieved: 38%)
Very poor.  * [1]
Below average.  ************** [14]
Average.  ************* [13]
Above average.  ********** [10]
Excellent.  * [1]

5. Analyze and describe how the eye works (accommodation), and how vision defects can be corrected by contacts/glasses.
(Achieved: 69%, unachieved: 31%)
Very poor.  *** [3]
Below average.  ********* [9]
Average.  *********** [11]
Above average.  ************** [14]
Excellent.  ** [2]

6. Analyze and describe optical systems such as simple magnifiers, compound microscopes, and telescopes.
(Achieved: 64%, unachieved: 36%)
Very poor.  ** [2]
Below average.  ************ [12]
Average.  *************** [15]
Above average.  ********** [10]
Excellent.  [0]

7. Analyze and describe the constructive/destructive interference of two coherent waves from a phase difference due to source timing, phase reflections, and/or path differences.
(Achieved: 79%, unachieved: 21%)
Very poor.  **** [4]
Below average.  **** [4]
Average.  **************** [16]
Above average.  ************ [12]
Excellent.  *** [3]

8. Analyze and describe interference maxima and minima produced by double-slits and gratings.
(Achieved: 87%, unachieved: 13%)
Very poor.  **** [4]
Below average.  * [1]
Average.  ****************** [18]
Above average.  ************ [12]
Excellent.  **** [4]

9. Analyze and describe diffraction (only up to the first minima angle) produced by a single-slit.
(Achieved: 74%, unachieved: 26%)
Very poor.  **** [4]
Below average.  ****** [6]
Average.  *************** [15]
Above average.  *********** [11]
Excellent.  *** [3]

10. Understand how electrons behave in and can be transferred from conductors/insulators.
(Achieved: 82%, unachieved: 18%)
Very poor.  ** [2]
Below average.  ***** [5]
Average.  **************** [16]
Above average.  *************** [15]
Excellent.  * [1]

11. Analyze and describe the electric force on a charge, due to several point charges that lie along the same line using Coulomb's law, and the principle of superposition (vector addition).
(Achieved: 72%, unachieved: 28%)
Very poor.  **** [4]
Below average.  ******* [7]
Average.  **************** [16]
Above average.  *********** [11]
Excellent.  * [1]

12. Understand the relationship between the electric force on a point charge, and the electric field present at the location of that point charge.
(Achieved: 72%, unachieved: 28%)
Very poor.  *** [3]
Below average.  ******** [8]
Average.  ****************** [18]
Above average.  ********* [9]
Excellent.  * [1]

13. Analyze and describe the electric field at a specific location, due to several point charges that lie along the same line using the definition of an electric field for a single point charge, and the principle of superposition (vector addition).
(Achieved: 64%, unachieved: 36%)
Very poor.  **** [4]
Below average.  ********** [10]
Average.  ***************** [17]
Above average.  ******* [7]
Excellent.  * [1]

Of the 13 student learning outcomes in this section of the SASS, three were self-reported as being achieved by at least 85% of students, listed below in order of decreasing success:
1. Understand the relationship between wave properties and parameters (frequency, speed, velocity, wavelength, refraction indices, etc.) of light. (87%)
8. Analyze and describe interference maxima and minima produced by double-slits and gratings. (87%)
3. Describe and analyze reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection using the law of reflection and Snell's law. (85%)
10. Understand how electrons behave in and can be transferred from conductors/insulators. (82%)
7. Analyze and describe the constructive/destructive interference of two coherent waves from a phase difference due to source timing, phase reflections, and/or path differences. (79%)
9. Analyze and describe diffraction (only up to the first minima angle) produced by a single-slit. (74%)
2. Analyze and describe the behavior of antennae, ideal polarizers and scattering on the polarization of light. (74%)
11. Analyze and describe the electric force on a charge, due to several point charges that lie along the same line using Coulomb's law, and the principle of superposition (vector addition). (72%)
12. Understand the relationship between the electric force on a point charge, and the electric field present at the location of that point charge. (72%)
5. Analyze and describe how the eye works (accommodation), and how vision defects can be corrected by contacts/glasses. (69%)
6. Analyze and describe optical systems such as simple magnifiers, compound microscopes, and telescopes. (64%)
13. Analyze and describe the electric field at a specific location, due to several point charges that lie along the same line using the definition of an electric field for a single point charge, and the principle of superposition (vector addition). (64%)
4. Analyze and describe characteristics (real/virtual, upright/inverted, magnified/diminished) of images produced by lenses using the thin lens equation, magnification equation, and ray tracings. (62%)

Since this section of the SASS is administered before the first midterm, it should be considered a formative rather than summative form of self-assessment.

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