Physics quiz question: S.M.T.H. record toss

Physics 205A Quiz 2, fall semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

"S.M.T.H. (Send Me To Heaven)" (excerpt)

S.M.T.H. (Send Me To Heaven) is an Android application that registers how high a device is thrown up in the air.[*] The world record holder[**] was a device thrown up to a maximum height of 44.19 m from where it was released. Neglect air resistance. Choose up to be the +y direction. This device was released with an initial upwards velocity of:
(A) +1.36 m/s.
(B) +3.00 m/s.
(C) +9.02 m/s.
(D) +29.4 m/s.

[*] play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carrotpop.www.smth.
[**] "World Top 10: 1. LIATO, 44.19 m," as of August 8, 2013.

Correct answer (highlight to unhide): (D)

The following quantities are given (or assumed to be known):

(t0 = 0 s),
(y0 = 0 m),
y = +44.19 m (at maximum height above where it was released),
vy = 0 m/s (at maximum height above where it was released),
ay = –9.80 m/s2.

So in the equations for constant acceleration motion in the vertical direction, the following quantities are unknown, or are to be explicitly solved for:

vy = v0y + ay·t,

y = (1/2)·(vy + v0yt,

y = v0y·t + (1/2)·ay·(t)2,

vy2 = v0y2 + 2·ay·y.

With the unknown quantity v0y to be solved for appearing in the fourth equation, with all other quantities given (or assumed to be known), then:

vy2 = v0y2 + 2·ay·y,

v0y2 = vy2 – 2·ay·y = (0 m/s)2 – 2·(–9.80 m/s2)·(+44.19 m) = 866.124 m2/s2,

v0y = ±29.42998471 m/s,

or to three significant figures, the initial upwards velocity (choosing the positive root) is +29.4 m/s.

(Response (A) is 2·sqrt(y)/ay; response (B) is t = sqrt(2·y/ay); response (C) is 2·y/ay.)

Sections 70854, 70855, 73320
Exam code: quiz02p3nG
(A) : 2 students
(B) : 5 students
(C) : 9 students
(D) : 53 students

Success level: 77%
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.46

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