Astronomy current events question: pear-shaped nuclei

Astronomy 210L, spring semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students are assigned to read online articles on current astronomy events, and take a short current events quiz during the first 10 minutes of lab. (This motivates students to show up promptly to lab, as the time cut-off for the quiz is strictly enforced!)
Nicole Casal Moore, "Exotic Atoms Hold Clues to Unsolved Physics Puzzle at the Dawn of the Universe," May 8, 2013
An international team of physicists found evidence for pear-shaped nuclei, which may explain why the universe:
(A) is expanding.
(B) does not have flat spacetime.
(C) does not have wormholes.
(D) has life that is carbon-based.
(E) has more matter than antimatter.

Correct answer: (E)

Student responses
Sections 30682
(A) : 3 students
(B) : 1 student
(C) : 0 students
(D) : 1 student
(E) : 17 students

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