Online reading assignment question: keep, quit, start

Physics 205B, spring semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "keep" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205B students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, spring semester 2013 (www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/6573925/Untitled).

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "quit" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205B students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, spring semester 2013 (www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/6573924/Untitled).

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "start" resolutions generated by responses from Physics 205B students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, spring semester 2013 (www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/6573932/Untitled).

Students were asked to answer a "keep-quit-start" online reflection (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com) on their studying strategies/pitfalls (Mubayiwa, 2009).
Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to keep doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to keep doing to study for this class).

Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to quit doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to quit doing to study for this class).

Enter a word or brief phrase that describes what you intend to start doing to study for this class. Explain your answer to the above question (what you intend to start doing to study for this class).
[Word tags have been edited to consolidate related common subjects; student explanations are verbatim.]

Student responses
Section 30882

Keep word tags:
analyzing equations
      Understanding how an equation works is very helpful in understanding conceptual questions.

doing well
      I want to continue doing as well as I have been so far.

      You have to keep focused on what's ahead.

go to class
      Being in class is the best way for me to grasp an understanding for all of the concepts. I am a very visual and kinesthetic learner.
      It the best way to get questions asked
      I think that the best time for me to learn the material is class time. We go over the problems that we tough in the homework and I can be confident that I got the right answer the right way.
      THE BEST
      I intend to show up everyday because I feel I benefit from lecture when I don't get a subject in the homework.

go to class, studying, problems
they are what have lead to my current success in the class.

      I plan on completing hw assignments and labs thoroughly. I the long run this helps me understand everything thats going on in class.
      just keep at it
      I started doing all the homework assigned and actually put a good amount of time into doing the problems and reading the book which has helped me tremendously with understanding the material we are going over in class.
      I need to keep doing the homework, but also reviewing the homework before a test.
      I must keep on diligently submitting all homework assignments on time.
      I just need to stay on top of it.

      I fell behind because of a car accident, but if i keep pushing forward then i can catch up and be back on track and hopefully succeed in passing the class.
      I plan to keep doing well in the class and hopefully improve my grade. I plan to push hard till the end of this semester in not just this class, but all of my classes.

      doing the recommended practice problems suggested by the professor really do help me. Also working on the Practice Quiz Question helps understand in a more conceptual matter.
      Reading and taking notes on the blog and the chapter readings is helpful, but by actually working out the homework problems the material sticks. I am able to see the connections between different formulas and able to apply the concepts of a problem I have done in the past to a more challenging problem.
      The only way I can really learn the material is doing practice problems. Reading helps a little, but definitely not as much as working through each type of problem! Also, working out practice problems in class helps tremendously too!

      When I do the reading I find the material in class to be more easier to understand. I also know what it is that we are going to be learning.

      I intend to keep studying the material and doing a lot of problems from the book and from class.
      I find that studying hard before a physics test or quiz greatly improves my grade.
      I need to keep studying for this class in order to succeed. To do well in the class I have to understand what the material is about.
      Studying and practicing problems
Quit word tags:
my job
      Really wish i could quit my job, I would have time for all my classes.

not practicing more
      i need to practice the homework problems and do more concept questions to understand better.

not seeking help
      I need to go to Physics club and office hours.

      putting things off puts unnecessary pressure on myself
      I want to do my labs earlier
      I tend to put off studying and homework until the last minute, and it would be better for me to not wait until right before the exam to really study.
      I need to quit putting off studying until the very last minute.
      getting to my homework early will allow me more time on the home work
      I do not focus as well late at night, and that is usually when I have time to do my homework. So I need to find a better time for it to get done.
      I intend to quit spending as much time in biology and calculus if possible so I can do better in this class. I also need to do the assignments the day they are assigned so I do not get behind in my other classes.
      I need to quit procrastinating on what need to be done. Homework, study, and other things.
      I have not had enough time to read the book properly. This does not make learning the material any easier.
      Knowing that i have time to read the material, i usually do not do the reading on time, i leave it (or used) leave it for the last minute.
      I find that if i procrastinate I do bad on the quizzes and I have to have a much larger learning curve.
      Because of work and having to work with a partner for the first part of the semester I had to work around someone else's schedule. I hoping that that is now over I will be able to stay on top of all my homework.
      When I wait to long to do assignments and study I retain less of the information that I am trying to remember.
      I must quit waiting until the last minute to submit assignments.
      I have been guilty of putting off homework and assignments until the very last minute. I typically find that my work reflects "just get it done and turned in" versus "I put in time and effort to make this reflect well on me." I know I am capable of producing good work and I want to start actually getting in the habit of doing it all the time.
      I know this is totally cliche but its true! It is hard to solidify my knowledge in everything the week before the test. I need to start doing more problems earlier in the unit.

skipping class
      I intend on attending every class because I feel like i have to do so much more to catch up on the material we learned in class.

      I find that when I think a quiz will be easy and I don't study it doesn't turn out so well.
      i keep deciding not to do assingments because I was running out of time with an architecture project. Now I should be good since that is over.
      My quiz grades are very low and in order to succeed I intend to find a new way to study rather then just read over the online lecture notes.
      I tend to forget to do the quizzes...
Start word tags:
ask questions
      Im going to start asking more questions. I normally don't because I figure it out eventually. Sometimes it takes longer to figure things out than if I asked for help.

      i intend to start committing myself to more hard work.

      I plan to start doing my lab write ups on Monday night so that I am not slammed with homework every Sunday like I have been in the first 10 weeks of this semester.
      doing quizzes and hw right after class

      Last year I forgot to do some of the extra credit assignments and it was the difference between an B and C.

flashcard questions ("peer-instruction," "think-pair-share")
      allowing myself more time to study and study the flashcard questions should be beneficial for quizzes

      I should start putting more effort into the homework instead of procrastinating so much.
      Especially in the past couple weeks, I have gotten in the habit of only doing half the homework before class. The first few weeks I was doing all of it and I felt much more confident in lecture. I want to continue that feeling, especially as we get into more complicated material.
      I need to stay on top of the homework. It's hard with 19 units and a job to get hw done before midnight....sometimes....

office hours
      I think they are the most beneficial and I need to makittaleast 5 of then before for the semester ends.

paying attention
      I sometimes am not 100% focused for the lecture part of this class and intend to start paying closer attention to everything we go over in class.

      as i explained on box #5, i started reading the material and the practice problems before going to class that way i know where i am having problems and that way I can either ask the professor or pay a little bit more attention when the professor covers that section/portion of the lecture.

      Learning the worked out problems give you a better understand of the subject

      tend to skim rather than read, but still gain enough concept to understand material
      The more I read the more I grasp on to, however like I said before I am a visual learner. So that is why it takes me longer, and more effort, to learn from reading a concept. It just does not come to me as easily and I have to put so much more energy into reading to learn as much as I would if I visually see a demonstration.
      I read all the required sections for the last midterm, but I want to read each section more than once, so I can understand the details better!

      I must start to review material before upcoming quizzes and tests.

reviewing notes
      I do not do this and simply start my homework without even looking at the notes or the book. I hen hit problems and get confused.

      I don't sleep enough and when we talk about a subject that I understand well my brain decides to take a break and I struggle to not fall asleep.

stepping up
      Now that I've had my rest and break from work its time to buckle down and finish this semester strong.
      I need to stay on schedule so that I will be prepared for class every day.
      I need to kick into gear and start trying to get ahead, and not just in this class.
      I want to work with classmates

study group
      I need to start getting together with my friends in the class that can help me understand the material I don't understand.

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