Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 1 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 7, spring semester 2013
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something notable that either helped or did not help with studying for this midterm. Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"I don't really have any notable study habit. I am just going to review my quizzes and review the chapters and review the information on the website."

"Choosing our groups and discussing the questions and answers in class, like we did last Thursday seemed to help (:"

"Waiting until the last moment!"

"In-class activities. Flash card questions."

"Flashcard questions really help!!"

"while studying for this mid term what helps is to listen to music."

"It really doesn't help that we aren't allowed to know the answers to the flashcard online questions. how are we supposed to know if we're right or not?"

"reviewing in class by taking notes. i learn better by reading and lecture rather than groups. dont dig working in groups too much.nothing against my classmates, theyre awesome; but, like i said i rather read and take notes because thats how i learn best."

"the example essay questions really help"

"flashcard questions!"

"Listening to anything by Hans Zimmer helps one to study. The music is soothing."

"The flashcard questions and class activities help a lot with comprehending the material."

"drawing diagrams and practcing what they look like and mean, making rhyms to remember vocab words."

"Turn cell phone and t.v off"

"Playing music in the background, usually something soft like classical or even just a continuous rain emulator is great sometimes. I feel like it helps me from getting too bored which helps me stay focused."

"For me, it usually takes four or five passed through all the material before I'm ready for an exam."

"I know this might seem allot of work, but it isn't. As long as you are motivated,focused, and willing to put in the work it will pay off."

"The in-class activities and online powerpoint presentations really help because i understand them better will the examples and pictures provided. I'm more of a visual person so having pictures really does help!"

"Make flash cards of key terms"

"I am so glad that you reviewed for the midterm last week. That helped me remember everything a lot better."

"take pictures of the filled out in class activities, I usually forget half the stuff until I do it again in class even if I try reading about it in the book or go back and review online."

"Study group time"

"Minimizing study time (and preventing brain overload) by focusing on the concepts you've struggled with. Then just do a brief review of the ones that comes easy to you just before the test. Its easy to get into a reward-habit by only studying what you know because it makes you feel good and confident but doesn't help much come test day!"

"actually drawing the moon phases a couple times helped me more than just trying to memorize it."

"waxing it turning into the full moon and waning is after the full moon"

"Just taking good notes in class and while reading were immensely helpful."

"Look up at the stars, and what do you see? Over a billion bright entities, just like you and me."

"I REALLLY wish my quizzes were graded on the sheet it would take a lot less time in front of the computer ... and concise, printed, handed-out study-guides please.. The whole studying process has felt very scatter brain."

"reading quizzes 1-3"

"Looking over quizzes from this semester and also the outcomes for the course. I like that past quizzes are available it will make it easier to prepare for the last half of this semester in this class now that i know they really do help."

"Studying for this test knowing that I don't know at least a quarter of the subject."

"helps: taking old midterm without looking at notes then checking answers/explanations"

"The old tests help to study for the midterm. The flashcard questions would be more helpful if they had the answers to them."

"Look at all the notes, quizzes, test examples, slides from the classes and clear up anything else in the book, through an email with the teacher, or online carefully."

"This might be a no-brainer but be sure to review the in class power points and previous quizzes."

"A diagram of the sun's position on the horizon relative to the equator throughout the year."

"putting the studying off till the last moment doesn't help!"

"I think it would help more if we were presented with 6 possible essay questions and were only asked 3 on the midterm. Or just had more discussion about what exactly to know."

"Having facebook open on your screen while trying to do the reviews online..."

"What helps is reviewing the quizzes and flashcard questions."

"Your posted material under goals help a great great great^100 amount!!!!"

"That the midterm is made up of the past three quizzes!"

"What doesn't help when studying for this midterm is not having the correct answers to all the flashcard questions. I bombed the first quiz and I feel completely lost in that area."

"Figuring out the correct answers to all the flash card questions and my previous quizzes and re-writing them on my own flash cards is somewhat helpful, this class seems like a lot of memorization and is very fast paced."

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