Astronomy quiz question: moon rise, set times

Astronomy 210 Quiz 1, fall semester 2012
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

[Version 1]
What time is it when the full moon is setting?
(A) 12:00 PM (noon).
(B) 3:00 PM (afternoon).
(C) 6:00 PM (sunset).
(D) 9:00 PM (evening).
(E) 12:00 AM (midnight).
(F) 3:00 AM (wee hours).
(G) 6:00 AM (sunrise).
(H) 9:00 AM (morning).

Correct answer: (G) 6:00 AM (sunrise).

The full moon would be highest overhead at 12:00 AM (midnight). Thus it would have risen six hours before it was highest overhead, at 6:00 PM (sunset), and will set six hours after being highest overhead, at 6:00 AM (sunrise).

Section 70158
Exam code: quiz01sL3e
(A) : 1 student
(B) : 0 students
(C) : 0 students
(D) : 3 students
(E) : 2 students
(F) : 2 students
(G) : 10 students
(H) : 1 student

[Version 2]
What time is it when the full moon is rising?
(A) 12:00 PM (noon).
(B) 3:00 PM (afternoon).
(C) 6:00 PM (sunset).
(D) 9:00 PM (evening).
(E) 12:00 AM (midnight).
(F) 3:00 AM (wee hours).
(G) 6:00 AM (sunrise).
(H) 9:00 AM (morning).

Correct answer: (C) 6:00 PM (sunset).

Section 70158
Exam code: quiz01sL3e
(A) : 3 students
(B) : 1 student
(C) : 12 students
(D) : 1 student
(E) : 1 student
(F) : 0 students
(G) : 1 student
(H) : 0 students

Success level: 59% (including partial credit for multiple-choice)
Discrimination index (Aubrecht & Aubrecht, 1983): 0.32

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