Online reading assignment question: Galileo's observation of Jupiter's moons

Astronomy 210, spring semester 2012
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, reviewing material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

(The following question was asked previous to the lecture covering Galileo's telescopic observations.)

(Graded for completion.) Galileo used the observations of Jupiter's moons to explain...

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"the movement of them."

"He used Jupiter's moons to explain that the earth was not the center of the universe."

"Galileo used the observations of Jupiter's moon to explain that Earth could move and not leave its moons behind. Galileo proved that Jupiter's moon revolved around Jupiter, so there could be center of motion other than earth."

"that earth is not the center of the solar system, but the sun is."

"How the moon can revolve around the earth because Jupiter is able to keep its moons. There can be centers of motion other than the earth."

"that there were at least two centers of motion"

"with the abservations of the moons of jupiter, it showed the importance of the telescope as a tool for astronomers."

"Observations on subsequent nights showed that the positions of these 'stars' relative to Jupiter were changing in a way that would have been inexplicable if they had really been fixed stars."

"that the moons revolved around Jupiter and this proved that there were other centers of motion other than Earth's."

"Galileo used the moons of Jupiter to explain how there were centers of motion in the universe other than Earth."

"The solar system could be sun centered and not earth centered."

"Earths moon revolves around our planet and not the other way around. Earths is the center of our gravity."

"that if jupiter moved and kept it's moons, then the earth could move and keep it's moons. If jupiter's moons revolve around jupiter, then there are centers of motion besides the earth."

"Galileo suggest that Jupiter can move and keep its moon and so earth could do the same thing"

"In 1610 Galileo used his 'new' telescope to see Jupiter's 4 different satellites."

"That the Earth did move kept its moon, because Jupiter moved and kept its satellites."

"That we are not the center of the universe. We actually orbit the sun instead of everything orbiting the earth."

"That since Jupiter moved without leaving its moons behind, so could Earth."

"Galileo used the observations to determine that the earth could move and keep its moon. He showed that Jupiter's moons revolve around Jupiter so there could be centers of motion other than earth."

"Galileo also noticed that Jupiter's innermost moon had the shortest orbital period and the moons further from Jupiter had proportionally longer periods. So the earth therefore could revolve around the sun."

"how earth wasn't the center of motion and how everything was circling the sun."

"That the earth can move without losing the moon. And that there could be a larger mass for earth to revolve around."

"The revolving situation of the planets and moons"

"The ptolemaic model"

"That because Jupiter kept its satellites when it moved, that Earth could too move and keep its motion. He showed how Jupiter's moons revolved around Jupiter therefor there could be centers of motion other than Earth. Galileo saw all of his as indication that the sun was the center of our solar system and not the Earth."

"that Earth's moon revolves around the Earth and not the other way around. Earth is the center of gravity."

"which way Jupiter moved, and found that the stars moved with it."

"Galileo used Jupiter's moons to prove that the planets didn't revolve around the Earth."

"Earth too could move and keep its moon. And that the solar system can be sun centered and not earth centered."

"That there could be centers of motion other than Earth."

"how the earth could orbit the sun while still keeping the moon in its orbit."

"that the earth moved"

"That we revolve around the sun."

"He saw that the universe was sun centered, but Earth centered."

"that everything revolved the earth."

"that there could be centers of motion other than Earth."

"That the solar system could be sun-centered, not Earth centered, also that the Earth could move and keep its moon with it."

"how things must revolve around the earth?"

"The phases of the moon."

"the heliocentric model of astronomy."

"that Earth could still keep its moon while moving."

"How the planets revolved around the sun and the moons around the planets, thus disproving the traditional Aristotelian cosmology that said everything revolved around the sun."

"Galileo used the observations of Jupiter's moons to explain that Earth can move around the sun without 'losing' its moon, or leaving it behind in its orbit around the sun.
when jupiter is closests to the sun."

"earth did not move."

"to discover celestial bodies"

"sun as center of universe"

"the movement of our moon"

"the orbiting of objects around planets."

"Galileo used the observations of Jupiter's moon to explain that earth also moved and had the ability to keep it's moons. He also showed that there other centers of motion other than earth."

"the Copernican model that Earth could move and keep its moon."

"the revolution of the earth."

"That there could be other centers of motion besides Earth which helped the idea that the solar system could be centered around the sun instead of the Earth. It supported evidence against Ptolemy's model."

"the movement of the satelites around Jupiter"

"the passing of the months"

"How the moon revolved around earth, or earth revolved around the sun."

"how there are centers of motion other than earth. Jupiter's moons revolve around jupiter and thus"

"our moon revolves around earth and everything is sun centered not earth centered."

"that there are things in space that are not visible by the naked eye, thus showing the world the importance of the telescope."

"Jupiter's moons explained that even though Jupiter was moving in orbit, it still kept it's moons."

"This proved that Earth also could move and keep it's moons, helping Galileo prove that the heliocentric model could be true."

"Galileo used the oberservations of Jupiter's moons to explain that the earth, too, could move and keep the moon and it wont get left behind as they thought."

"that the solar system could be sun centered and not Earth centered."

"to provide evidence against the Ptolemaic model."

"why the Ptolemaic model was wrong."

"that not all motion was centered on the Earth and that there could be other centers of motion."

"Saw it as an implication that the solar system could be sun centered and not Earth centered."

"That the Earth can move without leaving the moon behind because Jupiter kept its satellite's, thus disproving Aristotle's philosophy that all heavenly motion was centered on Earth; Galileo saw indication that the sun was the center of the solar system and not the Earth."

"lunar orbits"

"To study saturn, and to observe the phases of venus."


"Galileo showed that Jupiter's moons resolve around Jupiter, so there could be centers of motion other than the Earth."

"That the telescope was proof that some objects can't be seen by the bare eye, along with his geocentric theory that everything orbits around earth."

"That there can be other center points of revolution other than earth."

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