Online reading assignment question: big bang tags (post-instruction)

Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 13, Spring Semester 2011
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "big bang" (post-instruction) generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, spring semester 2011 (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3496290/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "big bang." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
dust space planets gravity timemachine
big levels hydrogen universe stars
theory, TVshow, dontknowmuch, interesting, bang
beginning, formation, theory, finite, time
bang big theory space protons
big huge massive ginormous bang
expansion, explanation, truth, annihilation, boom
nucleosynthesis, photon, CMB, universe, galaxies
explosion whoadude bigbang galaxyformation
big, explosion, outward, universe, creation
beginning, boom, gas, dust, stars
baloney witchcraft voodoo juju magic
theory, nottrue, stars, gases, cold
generalrelativity Leonard Sheldon universe expansion
stars, explosion, beginning, theory, boom
expansion explosion formation planets stars
expansion, fusion, energy, universe, origin
birth, universe, explosion, dust, expansion
stars, years, billion, light, telescopes
theory, universe, expansion, supernovas, creation
big large many weird black
explosion, dense, expansion, sex, bigbang
Hubbletime antimatter recombination
discovery universe
expansion, universe, origin
crazy mystery insaneinthemembrane
cosmology science galaxies redshifts temperature
bang boom
expansion, Hubble, redshifts, distance, theory
life, beginning, discovery, hypothesis, TVshow
expansion, redshifts, galaxies, hot dense beginning, recombination, metalpoor
universe planets everything MilkyWay beginning
cosmic, hot, dense, universe, expand
atoms metals rocks gravity time
explosion, bang, big, universe, theory
bigbang everything universe start
matter antimatter hydrogen dust creation
dense hot
loud MilkyWay monkeys gases stars
big, lookbacktime, idk
TVshow, big, controversial, start, new
bigbang, universe, start, big, boom
universe, explanation, old, science, space
bigbang lol
expansion, Hubblelaw, galaxies, MilkyWay, cosmology
big, bang, large, noexplosion, awesome
big, bang, universe, expansion, galaxies, space
God, nottrue, creation, story, dust
secondsafter notexplosion space universe TVshow
constant, everywhere, big, powerful, amazing
temperature, matter, antimatter, Sheldon, Leonard
billionsofyears, religion, evolution, dense, beginning,
start stars dust
theory science explosion universe galaxies
fake poortheory lie didnthappen nottrue
expansion, slow, anticlimactic, unknown, winning
explosion beginning boom big start
explosion, beginning,
expansion implosion stuff bright stars
bigbang God expansion grow
God creation
lightspeed, gaps, redshifts, Hubblelaw, finite
beginning, explosion, expansion
hydrogen nucleosynthesis darkage longtime clumptogether
interesting, theory, inflation, endless, reionization
lookbacktime, cold, hot
TVshow again midterm beginning stars
big, explosion, hot, dense, rapid.
theory, expansion, lookbacktime, dust, metals

1 comment:

  1. Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 13, Spring Semester 2011
    Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

    Student responses (raw, unedited, unconsolidated)
    Sections 30674, 30676

    dust space planets gravity timemachine
    BIG Levels Hydrogen Universe Stars
    theory, show, dontknowmuch,interesting, bang
    beginning, formation, theory, finite, time
    bang big theory space protons
    expansion, explanation, truth, annihilation, Boom
    nuclearsynthesis, photon, CMB, universe, galaxies
    explode whoadude bigbang beginningofgalaxy formation
    Big, Explosion, Outward, Universe, Creation
    beginning, boom, gases, dust, stars
    balony witchcraft voodoo juju blackmagic
    generalrelativity leonard sheldon universe expansion
    stars, explosion, beginning, theory, boom
    expansion, fusion, energy, universe, origin
    birth, universe, explosion, dust, expansion
    stars, years, billion, light, telescopes.
    theory, universe, expansion, supernovas, creation
    explosion, dense, expansion, sex, bigbang
    the discovery of the universe
    expansion, universe, origin
    expansion, EdwinHubble, redshifts, distance, theory
    startoflife, thebeginingoftheuniverse, discoveries, hypothesis, weardtvshow
    uniformexpansion, redshiftedgalaxies, hotdensebegining, recombination, metalpoor
    Universe planets everything milky way beginning
    cosmic, hot, dense, universe, expand
    explosion, bang, big, universe, theory
    matter antimatter hydrogen dust creation
    loud milky way monkeys gasses stars
    Big, Lookbacktime, Idonotknow
    tvshow, big, contraversial, start, new
    bigbang, universe, start, big, boom
    Universe, explanation, old, Science, space
    uniformexpansion, Hubblelaw, Galaxies, MilkyWay, Cosmology
    big,bangy,large,notbangy, awesome
    Big, Bang, Universe, Exspansion, Galaxies, Space

    god, nottrue, creation, story, dust
    I don't know
    Secondsafter Nonexplosion Space Universe Show
    Constant, everywhere, Big, Powerful, Amazing
    billionsofyears, religion, evolution, highdensity, thebeginning,
    expanding, slow, anticlimactic, unknown, winning
    explosion beginning boom big start
    explosion, beginning,
    lightspeed, gaps, redshifts, hubblelaw, finiteuniverse
    Beginning, explosion, expansion
    hydrogen nucleosynthesis darkage longtime clumptogether
    Interesting, theory, suddenexpansion, endless, reionization
    look back time, cold, hot
    tvshow didn'twealreadydothis midterm beginning stars
    Big, explosion, hot, dense, and rapid.
    theory, expanding, lookbacktime, dustparticles, perfectmetals
