Online reading assignment question: big bang tags (pre-instruction)

Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 11, Spring Semester 2011
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "big bang" (pre-instruction) generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA, spring semester 2011 (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3423598/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "big bang." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 70158, 70160
beginning Hubbletime hot spacedisappearing universe
loud unexpected scary random die
theory, TVshow, notmuch, explosion, crater
beginning, universe, planets, stars, explosion
accident, theory, bang, big
big huge massive bang enormous
stars, universe, expansion, explosion, atmosphere
unsupportable, confusing, theory, TVshow, universe
theory creation beginning
zoink, boom, pow, kablam, zap
beginning, theory, universeformation, unknown, belief
cosmologicaltheory, science, space, evolution, boom
beginning, large, forever, expansion, end
stars, big, small, infinite, lightspeed, density
real, evidence, ithappened, wow, talkingsnakesarefake, real
theory, universe, birth, TVshow, creation
Sheldon Leonard Howard Penny Raj
hydrogen, helium, stars, universe, expansion
bang creation universe blackholes expansion
TVshow, accepted, explosion, upsetting
boom, theory, dinosaurs, meteors, explosion
real, startoflife, explosion, startfromnothing, confusing
comingtogether, decreasing, highdensity
expansion, observation, evidence, cosmology, Hoyle
fromsomewhere o.O
cosmological universe density temperatures atom
yes yes yes yes yes
expansion, universe, stillexpanding, galaxies, theory
beginning, cosmicmicrowave, Hubbletime, antimatter
cosmic, hot, dense, galaxies, rapid
creation infinite explosion galaxies unknown
TVshow bang big explosion universe
beginning time TVshow universe sneezing
fake notreal noevidence poorlogic effectwithoutcause
explosion stars nebula gas Earth
theory, TVshow, story, controversy, big
big, TVshow, flash, creation, explosion
earlydevelopment universe
cosmologicalprinciple, galaxies, biggun, matter, died
big, bang, large, big, catastrophic
beginning, infinite, heat, density, expansion
big bang explosion gas
explosion, pop, beginning, formation, stars
bigbang, instantaneous, nocreator, elementsalreadyexisted, iranoutofwords
galaxies, planets, explosion, rocks, TVshow
fake, big, awesome, startoftime, blackholes
explosion, beginning, life, Sheldon, Leonard
evolution, theory, billionsofyears, period, dot,
start beginning nothing theory universe
lie fake nottrue didnthappen God creation
kaboom beginning universeformation explosion prettylights ah!
boom, explosion, heat, chaos, turmoil
explosion leftovers swirlingmakeseverything
big, bang, God, creation, life
God creation
beginning, energetic, explosion, unstable, expansion
beginning explosion formation particles elements
Sheldon Raj Penny Howard, Leonard
TVshow theory universe light initiation
big, expansion universe, highdensity, hot, longago
peopleareremains, infrared, radiation, photons, lithium

1 comment:

  1. Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 11, Spring Semester 2011
    Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

    Student responses (raw, unedited, unconsolidated)
    Sections 30674, 30676

    Beginning. Hubbletime. Hightemperatures. Spacedisappearing. Universe.
    Loud Unexpected Scary Random BANGBANGYOUDIED
    theory, tvshow, notmuchcomestomind, explosion, crater
    beginning, universe, planets, stars, explosion
    big huge massive bang enormous
    star, universe, expand, explode, atmosphere
    unsupportable, confusing, theory, awfulshow, universe
    theory creation beginning
    Zoink, Boom, Pow, Kablam, Zap
    beginning, theory, universeformation, unknown, belief
    beggining, large, forever, expansion, end
    stars, big, small, infinate, lightspeed, density
    reality, Evidence, It happened, wow ya no but really though it happened, talking snakes are fake, big bang is real
    theory, universe, birth, tvshow, creation
    sheldon leonard howard penny raj
    hydrogen, helium, stars, universe, expansion
    bang creation universe blackholes expansion
    sometvshow, theorymostwidelyaccepted, explosionwhichleadtouniverse, upsetsmanychristians,
    boom, theory, dinosaur, meteor, explosion
    Real, startoflife, explosion, startfromnothing, confusing.
    expansion, observation, evidence, cosmology, Hoyle
    from somewhere o.O
    yes yes yes yes yes
    expansion, universe, stillexpandingtoday, galaxies, theory.
    beginning, cosmicmicrowave, Hubbletime, antimatter
    cosmic, hot, dense, galaxy, rapid
    beginning time reallybadtvshow universe sneezing
    fake notreal noevidence poorlogic effectwithoutcause
    I am lost.
    I dont know.
    explostions stars nedula gasses earth
    Do not know
    theory, tvshow, story, contraversy, big
    big, tvshow, flash, creation, explosion
    cosmologicalprinciple, galaxy, biggun, matter, died
    Big, Bang, Explosion, Gas,
    Big, Bang, Explosion, Gas,
    explosion, pop, beginning, formation, stars
    what is the big bang
    bigbang, instantaneous, nocreator, elementsalreadyexisted, iranoutofwords
    I can not think of anything
    Galaxy, Planets, Explosions, Rocks, TV
    fake, big, awesome, startoftime, blackhole
    explosion, beginning, life, SheldonCooper, LeonardHofstader.
    Kaboom. TheBeginning. UniverseFormation. TheGreatExplosion. PrettyLights...AH!!!!!!!!
    boom, explosion, heat, chaos, turmoil
    big, bang, god, creation, life
    thebeginning, energetic, explosive, unstable, expanding
    beginning explosion formation particles elements
    dr.sheldoncooper, raj, penny, howard, leonard
    big, expansionofuniverse, highdensity, hightemperature, longago.
    peopleareremains, infraredlight,radiationemmitting,photons,lithium
