Online reading assignment question: Milky Way tags

Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 10, Spring Semester 2011
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Originally uploaded by Waifer X

Wordle.net tag cloud for "Milky Way," generated by responses from Astronomy 210 students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA (http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/3388684/Untitled).

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Write down five words that describe or are associated with the "Milky Way." Keep word phrases together with no spaces between them (e.g., "forexample, likethis, nospaces"). (Graded for completion.)

[Responses have been edited to consolidate related common subjects.]

Student responses
Sections 30674, 30676
stars galaxy dust milk chocolate
big, mystical, mysterious, beautiful, knowing
stars planets blackholes supernovae comets
galaxy, bandofstars, twin, supermassiveblackhole, spiralgalaxy
caramel, nougat, soft, delicious, chocolate
luminous, spiral, massive, starclusters, nuclearbulge
stars, galaxy, starsystem, bandofstars, candybar
milkycircle milkyroad MilkyWay starsystem
planets galaxy nova explosions large
food, candybar, stars, mystical
disk, stellarhalo, globularclusters, nuclearbulge, darkhalo
spiralarms, galaxy, spiral, home, stars, candybar
gas dust dark only unique
big milky Earth oursystem
galaxy stars dust gas infrared
spiral galaxy white light celestialsphere dust gas
spiralgalaxy, glowingcenter, stars, planets, cloudsofgas
spiral mammary arms old habitable stars galaxy
stars, milky, ring, massive, foggy
chocolate nougat caramel sweet caramel
whitelight, gas, dust, spiral, loosearms
galaxy, starclusters, nebulae, stars, candybar
galaxy starsystem stars bandofstars clusters
candybar galaxy delicious chocolate hazy
galaxy kuklos, milkycircle, vialactea, milkyroad, milk
galaxy, Sagittarius, instabilitystrip, openclusters, spiralarms
spiral supermassiveblackhole LocalGroup invisible flatdisk
rich caramel chocolate fluffy goodness
candybar, galaxy, space, big, stars
candybar, stars, pretty, smooth, caramel
Cepheids, instabilitystrip, periodluminosityrelation, propermotions, galaxy kuklos
chocolate, candybar, yummy, delicious, space
mainsequence, eightplanets, mediummassstar, life, demotesplanets
galaxy home candybar swirl spiral
galaxy, stars, blackholes, nebulae, planets
chocolate yummy
galaxy, starcluster, universe, home, ouruniverse
stars clusters candybar bright galaxy
large, planets, gas,
galaxy, big, stars, candybar, cool
galaxy, home, stellar, spiral, chocolate
candybar, chocolate, galaxy, solarsystem, stars
chocolate, smooth creamy, dairy, rocky, beautiful
Twix, Starburst, Snickers, MilkDuds, Butterfinger
ourcollectionofstars Earth candybar idk
pretty, spiral, home, old, large
BigDipper northstar Orion binary stars halo
elliptical spiral dwarfs starbursts barred
candybar, stars, delicious, faraway, cool
spiral, LocalGroup, clusters, solarsystem, stars
candybar, swirl, spiralarms, nuclearbulge, galacticplane
stars swirl caramel nougat chocolate
universe planets galaxy stars suns
candybar stars galaxy light group
galaxy Earth solarsystem spiral stars

1 comment:

  1. Astronomy 210 Reading Assignment 10, Spring Semester 2011
    Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

    Student responses (raw, unedited, unconsolidated)
    Sections 30674, 30676

    stars galaxy dust milk? chocolate?
    big, mystical, mysterious, beautiful, knowing
    galaxy, bandofstars, twin, massiveblackhole, spiralgalaxy
    luminous, Spiral, Massive, StarClusters, Nuclearbulge.
    stars, galaxy, starsystem, band, candy
    i'm not sure what to write
    "milkycircle" "milkyroad" "milkyway" "starsystem" can't think of another one.
    Planets Galaxy Nova Explosions Large
    Food, Candy, Stars, Mystical
    disk, stellarhalo, globularclusters, nuclearbulge, darkhalo.
    spiralarms, galaxy, spiralgalaxy, home, stars, mysistersfavoritecandybar.
    spiralgalaxy, glowingcenter, stars, planets, cloudsofgas
    star, milky, ring, massive, foggy
    whitelight, gass, dust, spiral, loosearms
    galaxy, starclusters, nebulaes, stars, candybar
    galaxy starsystem stars band cluster
    I'm...not sure what you mean by this.
    Galexieskuklos, milkycircle, vialactea, milkyroad, milk.
    galaxy, sagittariusinthecenter,instabilitystrip, openclusters,spiralarms
    1) spiral 2) blackhole 3) localgroup 4) invisible 5) flat disk
    Rich Carmel Chocolate Fluffy Goodness
    candy, galaxy, space, idonthavetheslightestcluehowbigitis, stars
    candy, stars, pretty, smooth, caramel
    Chocolate, Candybar, Yummy, Delicious, Space
    Mainsequence, eightplanets, mediummassstar, Sustainslife, demotesplanets
    galaxy homesweethome candybar swirlofstars spiral
    galaxy, stars, blackholes, nebulae, planets
    Galaxy, starcluster, universe, homeofourgalaxy, ouruniverse
    Large, planetary, gaseous,
    galaxy, big, stars, candy, cool
    galaxy, home, stellar, spiral, chocolate
    chocolate, smootheandcreamy, dairy, rocky, beautiful
    twix, starburst, snickers, milkduds, butterfinger
    Pretty, spiral, weliveinit, old, relativelylarge.
    I dont know.
    Candy, Stars, Deliciousness, FarAway, Cool
    spiralgalaxy, localgroup, clusters, oursolarsystem, stars
    candybar, swirlygig, spiralarms, nuclearbulge, galacticplane
    Stars swirl caramel nougat chocolate
    the candy?! jk
