Astronomy in-class activity: OBAFGKM poetry slam (NCC)

Astronomy 210, Spring Semester 2011
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
(North County Campus)

Astronomy 210 In-class activity 14: OBAFGKM Poetry Slam

Students were instructed to use at least OBAFGKM, and/or part or all of the additional OBAFGKMRNSC or OBAFGKMLT extensions to individually write an original, coherent and an appropriate (nothing worse than "PG-13" rated!) mnemonic, and to give a rousing reading of their OBAFGKM mnemonic poem for the class.

Only Brilliant Astronomers Freaken Give Kim Millions
--Y. A.

Our Butts And Feet Got Kinks Man
--C. A.

Our Beautiful Apples Fell, Grossly Killing Martha
--As. B.

Oatmeal Breakfasts Are Fine, Grumpy Kids Make Random Noises to Stop Chewing
--Am. B.

Objects Be Apparent From Galaxies, Knew M______
--M. B.

Octopus Babies Are From Gnome Killing Mobs
--J. B.

Oswald Bounds Away from Grumpy Koala Mafia
--B. B.

Our Brave Army Fight Germs Killing Military Rebels Never Sound Cultures Love Them
--E. B.

On Back And Front Gaining Knowledge Makes Real Nice Sense Concentrate
--T. B.

Obviously Bats Are Filling Good at Keeping Monkeys
--M. C.

Old Bears, Away From Good Kind Moose, Run Near Secluded Clearings
--C. D.

Only Bowser Attacks Famous Great King Mario
--C. E.

Oh Baby A Freak Gonna Kill Me
--D. F.

Obama, Barack Always Farts (while) Giving Kisses (to) Michelle
--K. F.

Old Babies Ask For Gerber, Kraft Mac & Cheese
--X. G.

Only Bad Ass Felines Growl (at) Kitchen Machines
--E. H.

Observe Bombing Air-raids For Giant Killing Machines
--K. H.

Old Baboons Are Fairly Good Kool-Aid Makers Respectfully, Not Smelly Chimpanzees
--L. H.

Only Brilliant And Focused Guys Kiss Moms
--B. H.

Obama Bet Adam Five Grenade Kaboom Muffins
--T. H.

Only Bad Ass Friends Give Kailey Money
--K. L.

Old Bachelors And Friends Go Kipping Mondays
--A. L.

Once Befriended A F*****, Guy Knew my Mother
--T. L.

Obnoxious Betelgeuse Acquires Foreign Gangster's Kite Money
--J. L.

Only Batman And Flash Go Kick Manray
--D. N.

Only Babies Are Fed Grape Kittle Munchies
--R. O.

Oh Blue Astronomically Far Giant Kepler Moon
--D. P.

Oh Baby Aren't Flowers Gorgeous, Kevin Marry me!
--E. S.

Omar Bradley's Aunt, and Father Got Kind of Mad
--D. S.

Oh Be A Fine Guy Kiss Me!
--S. S.

Orbital Ballistic Autonomously Flight Guided Kinetic Missile
--B. T.

Only Butterflies Attack Flying Gorillas Killing Many
--H. T.
Oh, Bieber's A Faker, Gonna Kill Music
--M. T.

Orangutan Babies Are Funny Game Knowing Monkeys
--E. V.

Oprah Better Apologize For Googling the Kardashians' Men
--A. V.

Outta Beer And Feeling Great, Kiss Me!
--K. W.

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