Education research: ALLS demographic results (Cuesta College, fall semester 2010)

Student attitudes are assessed using an Astronomy Laboratory Learning Survey (ALLS), a five-point Likert scale questionnaire with demographic questions, and entry/exit evaluation questions (Patrick M. Len, in development) to Astronomy 210L students at Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA. This laboratory course is a one-semester, adjunct course to Astronomy 210 lecture, and is taken primarily by students to satisfy their general education science laboratory transfer requirement.

The ALLS is administered as a pre-test on the first laboratory meeting, before any introduction/instruction took place; and as a post-test on the last laboratory meeting.

The results from the pre-test demographic questions follow below. Only matched-pair results are shown, for students who were eventually able to take the post-instruction ALLS at the last laboratory meeting.
Cuesta College
Astronomy Laboratory Learning Survey (ALLS)
Demographic pre-instruction question results
Astronomy 210L fall semester 2010 sections 70178, 70186, 70200
(N = 58, matched-pairs only)

16. What is your gender?
(A) Female. [27]
(B) Male. [31]

17. Have you previously taken an astronomy lecture class?
(A) Yes. [12]
(B) No. [46]

18. Are you currently enrolled in an astronomy lecture class?
(A) Yes. [50]
(B) No. [ 8]

19. How many college science courses have you completed prior
to taking this course?
(A) None. [32]
(B) 1. [18]
(C) 2. [ 6]
(D) 3. [ 1]
(E) 4+. [ 1]

20. What is your college major (or current area(s) of interest
if undecided)? Choose as many areas of interest that apply.
(A) Business. [12]
(B) Education. [ 9]
(C) Humanities, Social Sciences, or the Arts. [32]
(D) Science, Engineering, or Architecture. [10]
(E) Other. [14]

21. Which of these college math classes have you completed
prior to taking this course? Choose as many classes that apply.
(A) Algebra. [35]
(B) Trigonometry. [ 5]
(C) Geometry. [13]
(D) Pre-calculus. [18]
(E) Calculus. [ 6]
(F) Statistics. [ 8]

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