Online reading assignment question: opinions towards astrology (CAE@astrolrner readers, August 2010)

(Analysis of results reported in "Old Ideas, New Technologies--Harnessing the Power of Web 2.0 Resources for the Weary Instructor" workshop given at the Astronomy Society of the Pacific Cosmos in the Classroom National Symposium on Teaching Astronomy for Non-Science Majors, August 2, 2010, 3:15-4:15 PM, Session A in Eaton 1B80, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.)

Readers of the Center for Astronomy Education: Improving Astronomy Education CAE@astrolrner listserv were asked to complete a pre-workshop assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com).

I believe astrology is able to make accurate predictions about my future.
(SD) Strongly disagree.
(D) Disagree.
(N) Neutral.
(A) Agree
(SA) Strongly agree.

CAE@astrolrner listserv reader responses
August 2010
(SD) : 31 students
(D) : 5 students
(N) : 0 students
(A) : 1 student
(SA) : 2 students

CAE astrolrnr readers were given the opportunity to explain their pre-instruction opinion, responses are listed below verbatim.

Briefly explain your answer regarding your belief/disbelief in astrology. (Graded for completion.)
"Astrology is not a science."

"As I understand it, astrology grew out of the successful predictions of natural phenomenon made by the 'court wisemen' because they understood the seasonal patterns of the stars. As far as I understand it there is no scientific justification for predicting the future for an individual."

"Astrology is not a science based on evidence, but belief."

"No repeatable predictive powers in astrology"

"No scientific basis"

"Astrological predictions has been shown by scientists to be no better than guessing."

"Astrology is not based on scientific thought."

"It has been disproven, although so many still believe."

"Would be 'strongly disagree' as it has no reliable basis for predictions, but...since it can occasionally be correct (despite that it's strictly probabilistic and random), I have to give some credit (however begrudgingly)."

"I believe that quantum mechanics is a more accurate understanding of how the world works, and it is no possible to make predictions like astrology makes with this framework."

"I worked with George Abel who was very knowledgeable about astrology. I know of a handful of tests that show astrology works like fortune telling - psychology - and it 'works' by giving people advice, not by anything about planets"

"Astrology has no scientific basis; it isn't testable and relies solely on chance."

"Astrology has been debunked by numerous scientific experiments, ranging from the simple newspaper/magazine horoscopes to those crafted individually by professional astrologers."

"I didn't choose 'strongly disagree' because the predictions do work sometimes because they are general enough to sometimes/often be 'true'."

"Whether or not I believe in it is a question of faith. And that's my answer."

"Astrology is made up to appeal to us and make money, but it doesn't have anything to do with science!"

"Astrology is not science."

"Not a science!"

"While I don't think there is any predictive power, i find astrology a good topic to discuss in astronomy classes. I treat it with some respect. Some instructors are hard over against astronology, treating it with disdain. I find it an interestint social phenomina and a good entry into discussions about science."

"it's bunk."

"Scientific tests and basic logic show that astrology is hooey."

"People pick and choose the "predictions" made by astrology after the events happen, then claim it was a prediction."

"Meaningless, as it is only an ancient attempt to explain what seemed at the time to be supernatural."


"There is no evidence or reasonable explanation for why astrology should be able to make accurate predictions."

"The general statements can apply to almost anyone's situations."

"Astrology is applied poetics and primarily a rudimentary form of psychology in ancient times. Applied poetics and psychology cannot make predictions by construction."

"zero supporting evidence that I know of, astrological signs are cultural constructs"

"The only 'connections' found are at best weak correlations that dissolve upon close inspection."

"Astrology=bunk despite what Hillary Clinton says."

"By what means could the positions of the planets known to the ancients have any effect (other than minute gravitational effects) on the course of an indiviual's life? Shown to be an invalid concept decades ago."

"There is no mechanism for the system to work."

"There is not reason why the positions of objects in the sky should have any influence over people's personalities, their "fate", or how they should make decisions. Frankly, I think its complete and total nonsense."

"Astrology is based on the faulty notion that relative positions of objects in the sky can somehow influence the lives of individuals on Earth. It is not a science, and there have been no phenomena yet discovered, nor is there likely to be, that could exert this influence."

"Honestly, planetary scientists are some of the few people who's live actually are affected by the planets! But not in the way that astrologists believe. To me, astrology is a religion."

"Astrology has never been shown to work in controlled tests of its predictions. It has no plausible mechanism."

"Are you serious? After so many studies over hundreds of years have demonstrated this is nonsense, non-science, and utterly misleading the public. Has the species advanced at all in 5000 years?"

"It is archaic and based on planet paths that no longer even are accurate- what phooey."

"No evidence that astrology has any predictive value."
Previous posts (Cuesta College students):

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