Online reading assignment question: helpful/unhelpful Midterm 2 astronomy study tips

Astronomy 210, Spring Semester 2010
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA

Students have a weekly online reading assignment (hosted by SurveyMonkey.com), where they answer questions based on reading their textbook, material covered in previous lectures, opinion questions, and/or asking (anonymous) questions or making (anonymous) comments. Full credit is given for completing the online reading assignment before next week's lecture, regardless if whether their answers are correct/incorrect. Selected results/questions/comments are addressed by the instructor at the start of the following lecture.

Describe something that you did studying for this midterm that was different than the last midterm, and if it was helpful (or not). Selected comments may be discussed in class. (Graded for completion.)

The following are all of the student responses to this question, verbatim and unedited.
"i went over the online possible questions and it helped a little more but not enough for me"

"i dont get what this question is asking"

"i felt that i studied more for midterm 2 then 1 but did worse on midterm 2 for some reason."

"Taking different practice open-book tests with my friends over rite aid ice cream and then when finished, each of us teaching each other what answers we picked and why..."

"QUIZZES helped a ton on multi choice; Reviewing the old midterm essay questions allowed me to focus of the general topics i should review."

"looked at flashcard questions"

"I visited you in your office hour and you were clear and helpful. much appreciated p dawg"

"Going over old quizzes more thoroughly."

"Used flash card questions to help me. Before I never used flash cards."

"Something different that i did for this midterm was that i didn't study at all."

"Studying the quiz objectives is key"

"I looked at the old midterms and they were VERY helpful"

"I printed out past midterms and studied them, but it was hard because I didn't know if my answers were right. Maybe posting midterms with the correct answers would be a lot more helpful"

"I did less studying and more cramming just before the exam (which was shown with a lower grade)."

"Study group on the weekend and the day before the exam."

"I did not study and it did not pay off!"

"I actually studied."

"I think I just spent more time on preparation for this midterm. I went over every practice quiz and had my boyfriend quiz me."

"On the essay questions if I was unable to articulate a good answer I went back and reread that section of the book. I also watched Nova on PBS and there was another really good documentary called 'Into the Universe,' which was on the discovery channel. The documentaries discussed in detail the expansion of our universe and Edwin Hubble's observations."

"Did everything pretty much the same as last time."

"i used flashcards and used the review questions online"

"milky ways i found them interesting"

"I used the study guide suggestions you put on your website and put all the material together in the study guide. Including In-class activities. I didn't do that for midterm 1, but wish I had. The short answer questions were much easier to answer for midterm 2."

"i studied the flashcard questions and the quizzes"

"not much different, doing the older midterms is a legit way to stay up grade wise"

"Just read over the book and in class notes."

"I focused a lot more on studying old quizzes this time. I think that really helped me on this midterm."

"I studied more of the old quizzes which helped."

"i read less, and it was not very helpful"

"Talked to other students about what they studied or what was hard for them and had them walk me through it and vice versa"

"i had 5 mid terms last week, so i was unable to dedicate as much study time as i would have liked to, i just had to ration my study time to maximize my scores on all of my tests, i think this had a negative effect on my grade by about 5% or so"

"i used flashcards and used the review questions online"

"I used study guide filled with all the info needed to study that was posted on your website. My girlfriend and I went over every main subject and laid out the basic concepts, then went back through and filled in the detail."


"I went back and study'd mid-terms 1 questions and all flashacard questions and only found there to be only 1 or 2 on the test."

"i study the pass midterm and were helpful"

"i read over old midterms that game me a better idea on what would be on the test"

"For this midterm I spent a large part of a day just rereading all the chapters and going over them slowly. I think it was extremely helpful because it forced me to study everything not just certain specifics."

"old quizes and looking over in class activivties"

"studied more and with a study group."

"Went over the flashcard questions and old tests posted on the website. And focused studying on the hints you gave us in class for the essays. Thanks P-Dog!"

"i had a general idea of what the questions would be like because of prior quizzes and the last midterm, so it was easier to eliminate the questions that i knew weren't right and zero in on the right one quickly."

"i did not look at the flashcard questions carefully and i should have"

"Instead of just depending on the flashcard questions and the archived quizzes to help me study, I carefully studied my notes that I took in class and read the summaries at the end of each chapter that was relevant to this midterm. This helped a lot because reading the book allowed me to refresh on past material that we covered before, and i was able to cement it into my head by looking through my notes taken during lecture."

"i tried to read almost the whole book a week before the test. not a good strategy on my part"

"I just studied exactly what you told us too and it worked out well for me."

"i reviewed my in class notes each day for about 5 days before the midterm, was helpful"

"i had time to study this time last time my grandfather passed away."

"i did the practice midterm from the previous semester and i believe it helped me be more prepared for what to expect
flash cards, and it helped"

"not studying doesnt help at all"

"I emphasized more on the short answer problems, not the multiple choice."

"I went over everything that was recommended by you to study which I didn't do on the first midterm.... but I probably do as good this time around!"

"doing the practice test. it helped a little"

"Definitely didn't study as much. Which is quite evident when looking at the grade I got on this guy.
I began studying much later, but I achieved a higher score."

"i went through the old activities and quizzes"

"i studied for 2 minutes longer"

"i didn't study for this one either, it seemed to work out ok again."

"i study all the class activities and flashcard questions."

"i looked over some of the short answer question from your blog which helped."

"i went to my friends house to study, but some how we studied the wrong material which led to an epic failure!"

"I reviewed old quizzes and read the parts of the chapters for the essay questions thoroughly and it made a huge difference. I felt very much prepared for this midterm."

"i retook all of the quizes and activities from class"

"nothing was different."

"i looked at the answers for the 4-6 quizzes"

"I read the back of each chapter a couple times to get the highlighted info from each chapter. It was helpful.

"i did the same thing and it was helpful d('_')b"

"the old quizes help a ton for the multiple choice but i was stumped on the onse you didnt use from the old quizes. and printing off the old short answer questions from previous semester can be helpful if you lucky enough for them to show up again haha... but studying the old quizes and in class activities you told us to help the most haha how ironic lol."

"I found myself studying the few in class activity sheets which didn't help. I studied the things that weren't on the test and what was I didn't prepare for. I have a great admiration for those who do understand this because I'm lost."

"I had more time to study for midterm 2 due to the lack of work from other classes."

"I did not spend nearly as much time studying for this midterm and my grade reflected that as far as the multiple choice went. Though my essays were all full credit"

"i actually studied :)"

"I went back and actually completed all the activities that applied to the Midterm and I mastered the material. Muahahahahaha.
I studied more of the essay questions online this time around, but it did not seem to help me very much"

"Assumed that practice midterms were going to help, but they didn't cover what was in the test."

"this time i looked over old midterms from your other semesters. i think it was more helpful for me to look over all my old quizzes though! the questions are almost identical.."

"i looked over all the flashcard question and looked for the answers in the book so it would force me to read the whole section."

"i studied the old quizes more in depth"

"I went over notes and old flash card questions!"

"Well i saved my old quizzes, went online and got the right answers for the ones i had missed and went over them. I also went to see the old short answers posed online and i went over the in class activities that we"

"this midterm i briefly reviewed the the previous midterms that where posted and it gave an idea of what might be asked
i went back in the book and reviewed previous sections"

"I looked at the in class assignments that were related to the short answer questions. it let me be more sure that i knew my stuff for those 60 pts"

"p dawwwgs blog!!"

"The only thing that I did differently in studying for this midterm was getting a large Chi Tea Latte with a pump of expresso in it. I believe this helped me in my studying the night before. Truthfully though, reviewing my lecture notes after every class period helped in my undrestanding of the concepts. The study guide was also extremely helpful. It pointed me in the right direction as to what I should specifically pay close attention tp. From this, I knew to study my old quizzes, flash card questions, in-class activities, and power point discussions. I also did not wait until the last minute to study for the exam."

"I printed all of the flashcard questions for each chapter which I though would be helpful but I think my grade reflected otherwise."

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